"Don't worry about the captain. The immortal must have come to see us."

The vice captain beckoned to him in the distance.

Here, Xia Jue gently waved his left hand when he arrived at the machine.


The windshield of the nose began to crack like a cobweb.

"It's worthy of immortality. I waved my hand so gently, and the windshield broke like this."

The two people in the cockpit were shocked to see Xia Jue's hand.

"Captain, the fairy is waving. It seems that she wants us to prepare." Say

"well, show him we're ready."

Then they both made an OK gesture.

"Pa la."

The windshield broke and they were swept out in an instant.

But when they were ready to be swept away, suddenly a soft force sucked them up.

Then they were quickly sucked into the crowd behind them.

"Captain, vice captain, are you all right?"

A stewardess asked immediately.

"It's OK. Are all the big guys OK? Are there few people?"

The captain asked after a little calm.

"It's OK, and there are no few people. We've counted them all. These two immortals are so powerful that they have saved us all."

"That's good, that's good. When we get back to the ground, we must thank these two immortals. If it wasn't for these two immortals, we would be...

the captain is still a little bit scared.

Today is the most unfortunate day in their lives, but it is also the most lucky day, which makes his heart full of emotion.

A few minutes later, the crowd was getting closer to the ground.

"Ha ha, we'll be on the ground soon."

Seeing that it was going to be completely safe soon, all the people were very excited.

"Dada dada."

The footsteps fell to the ground, making a sound after a sound.

"I'm saved, I'm saved. God bless us. Thank God for letting these two immortals come to us."

"Yes, thank you. Why did the two immortals leave like this?"

At this time, people saw Xia Jue and Su Yihan in the sky. After they put them down, they flew away without saying hello to them.

"This... Immortal, this is too natural and unrestrained. It has saved so many of us and left without saying a word."

"Yes, when it's over, I'll brush my clothes to hide my merit and fame. These two immortals have been taught for a long time."

"No matter what, the immortals have saved our lives. We can't do nothing. I'll kowtow to the immortals and bless them forever."

"Yes, let's kowtow to the immortals."

All the rescued people knelt down in the direction of Xia Jue and Su Yihan.


"why did you leave like this? It's a wild mountain. What should they do if they leave them here?"

Su Yihan asked.

"They've consumed too much of my inner energy. I can't take them any more. Besides, although it's a little remote here, they can't survive."

After that, Xia Jue had a bottle of Huiqi pill in his hand, and then he opened the bottle directly and swallowed it.

With one or two people, he can fly in the sky for a period of time, but with so many passengers on the plane, even if he is a master of Tianjie realm, he can't last too long.

"So that's it... By the way, what kind of food did you just swallow?"

"Like Zhuyan pill, it is also a kind of elixir. You can understand it as a kind of elixir to supplement energy."


Su Yihan nodded his head.

Before the plane is still dozens of kilometers away from reaching Zhonghai City, so Xia Jue and Xia Jue will soon reach Zhonghai city.

In order to avoid too shocking, Xia Jue slowly landed from the air in a deserted suburb.

"Hello, renzu, are you in Zhonghai now?"

Xia Jue called Ren Zu as soon as he came down.

"Mr. Xia, what's the matter?"

Ren Zu on the other end of the phone was very excited when he heard that Xia Jue had finally called him.

To be honest, he hasn't seen Xia Jue for a long time. He's worried to death. Xia Jue has forgotten him completely. Fortunately, today he finally got the call.

"I'm on XXX road in the suburb. Send a car to pick me up."

"OK, Mr. Xia, give me 20. Oh, no, I'll be there in 15 minutes."

Fifteen minutes later, Ren Zu arrived.

"Mr. Xia, long time no see. How are you doing in Kyoto?"Ren Zu stopped the car and ran down to open the door.

"It's OK. Nothing's happened in CNOOC recently, is it?"

He hasn't come back for a long time. Xia Jue is worried about whether there will be some curfew. When he is not here, he starts to make trouble again.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Xia. What can we do with us here?"

Ren Zu frowned first, then patted his chest and said.

"Well, let's go to the block first. We haven't been back for a long time. We're going to buy some presents for my father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Ren Zu immediately drove to the most prosperous block in Zhonghai.

Jinyuan street.

This is a commercial street with the highest level of consumption in the whole Zhonghai.

People who come to this street don't have a fortune of more than one million, so they are embarrassed to hang out here.


Ren Zu stops the car, and then he runs down to open the door for Xia Jue.

"Just wait here for us. Don't follow."

It's rare to have time to go shopping with Su Yihan. Xia Jue doesn't want outsiders to follow him here.

"It's Mr. Xia."

Ren Zu stopped.

They strolled to the door of a watch shop.

"How about a watch for your dad?"

Xia daojue proposed.

"Yes, my dad likes watches, too."

Su Yihan nodded and agreed. Then they went in.

"Welcome, sir. What kind of watch would you like to see?"

Once in, one of the guides came up and asked.

"Look around."

Xia Jue replied.

Hearing this, a trace of contempt flashed through the corner of the guide's eyes.

What kind of customers are they most reluctant to face?

The answer is that customers who say they want to "look around.".

Generally speaking, people who dare to enter here have a certain status and strength, and have heard a little about all kinds of famous watches.

This kind of person usually when their shopping guide asks what kind of watch they want to see, even if the other party is not sure what they want to buy, they will at least say something to improve their identity, such as Justin Johnson or Rolex.

Most of the casual customers like this are poor and can't afford to buy them. They just come here to rub their eyes and take some photos in order to install X.

Just think about it.

They worked hard for a long time, but in the end they were all to satisfy these poor vanity. Who can bear it?

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