Chapter 380 actors

Chapter 380 actors

"Oh, OK, just let me know which style you want to return."

Although the heart is very despised, but out of the professional attitude on the surface, she still had to say such a word.

"Xia Jue, what do you think of this style? It's grand, elegant and dignified. My father will like it."

Su Yihan points to a silver watch in one of the counters.

"Well, it's good, shopping guide. Take this out and have a look."

Xia Jue is not familiar with watches. Since Su Yihan said it was good, it should be good.

"I'm sorry, sir. We can't take this Patek Philippe 1518 out of the counter."

This Patek Philippe 1518 is a top-notch watch worth 11 million US dollars. How can a shopping guide take it out easily.

These two guys can't afford to buy. The key is that if she knocks or accidentally bumps them when she takes them out, what can she do? She can't afford to sell them.

"What do you mean, we can't take out the counter? How can I buy it? "

Su Yihan asked.

Hearing this, there was a trace of disdain in the corner of the guide's eyes.

Don't you just want to take a picture and put an X on your hand? What are you still putting here? If you want to buy this watch, it's really enough.

"I'm sorry, you two. Anyway, this watch can't be taken out. Just look here and take some pictures."

Su Yihan and Xia Jue are not words. How can they not understand the naked words of the shopping guide.

It turned out that the shopping guide thought they couldn't afford it. That's what he said.

"Why do you think we can't afford this watch?"

After knowing why the shopping guide didn't take out the watch, Su Yihan looked directly at her.

"No reason. If you don't buy a watch, please go out now. Don't hinder our normal business."

The shopping guide gave a cold hum.

She has seen a lot of people like this. When she came here to pretend that x couldn't work, she began to get angry. It's not the end of the day.

"As for your store manager, let him talk."

Xia Jue frowned.

How come there are so many such stupid x who always discriminate against people? He can't figure it out.

"Hum, you still want to see our store manager and security guard. Drive this guy out. Don't let him affect our business here."

Shopping guide hands akimbo, tone is very arrogant.

"What's the matter?"

"It's like this guy came here to take pictures. The shopping guide won't let him."

"Can't, dare to enter here of how many all have a little strength of, how can even a piece of watch also can't afford?"

"This woman is also pitiful. She's so pretty and she's lost face with such a man now."

"Beauty, which watch do you want? Let me buy it for you."

"Yes, beauty, you like that watch. Tell my brother that if you are willing to buy it for me, my brother will buy it for you."

Since taking zhuyandan, Su Yihan has changed a lot. Not only do people look good, but their skin becomes more white and tender. Even they have more dust-free temperament, which makes many people in the shop love flowers.

"Go away."

All of a sudden, a voice came out that hit people's heart.

This voice makes people subconsciously cover their heads, and some of them even sit on the ground.

"What's the matter? What's the sound?"

"What happened just now? Was it thunder?"

People around me really don't understand where the terrible voice just came from.

It was Xia Jue who made this sound.

Seeing these people's dirty words, Xia Jue taught them some lessons.

"Let your manager come."

Xia Jue looked at the shopping guide coldly.

I don't know why, when Xia Jue saw it, the shopping guide felt cold and goosebumps all over.

"Well, you wait."

Why don't you just let the store manager come over.

I believe that when the store manager comes to see this poor woman who doesn't buy a watch but just wants to take x photos, she will have the same tone.

Soon, the shopping guide came with their store manager.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you're here to buy watches, we're very welcome. If you're here to look for trouble, we'll have to invite you out."

The store manager comes to Xia Jue and Su Yihan.

"Of course, the clerks don't even want to see us buy watches for you."

Su Yihan said.

"The watch you want to see is worth $1100. Are you sure you want to buy it?"The store manager looks at Su Yihan sarcastically.

On the spot, other people were also a little surprised when they heard the price of this watch.

The $11 million watch, even among so many people at the scene, was not affordable. It's no wonder the shop assistant didn't let the two people see it.

Xiang to this people will turn their eyes to the front of Xia Jue and Su Yihan face, want to see what reaction they will be when they hear the price of this watch.

However, what made them suspicious was that there was no expression on their faces.

What's going on?

Two people have the appearance of fearless, is it really affordable to buy this sky high price list?


If this kind of shop assistant can't see the golden price of the watch, then they can't buy it?

It must be installed.

They must be acting calm.

What a good actor.

A conclusion was soon reached in the hearts of the people.

"Is $11 million a lot?"

In the presence of people's minds with thoughts, here Xiajue the lightest highlight such a sentence.

Hearing this, all the people in the audience were stunned, and then burst out a burst of warm sarcasm.

"I didn't seem to catch what he said just now."

"Did he say $11 million was a lot?"

"Ha ha, he thought his father was the richest man. He didn't have more than $11 million. That's too much to pretend."

A burst of hubris made the audience laugh again.

"Ha ha, it's not a lot. It's just a suite in Kyoto."

The store manager said sarcastically.

"Not a lot."

Xia Jue doesn't think so.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The audience covered their stomachs and laughed.

Ignoring these people, Xia Jue picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Get me 11 million dollars. Pay attention. Do you want all of them scattered? No more than ten dollars. I'll give you... Half an hour."

When they heard this, they laughed again.

"Ouch, I also called someone to send money. This actor is really professional."

"That's right. He also asked people to send some change to the shop assistants who wanted to slap them in the face. Does he have the strength?"

"Don't look at it. This guy can't pretend any more. He must find an excuse to escape."

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