After hearing this, Ren Lin collapsed on the chair.

It took him a long time to recover.

"Get ready for the train...


" Ding Dong. "

In the villa, the doorbell was rang.

"Who, it's early in the morning."

Fang Xiaoqin, who just got up, didn't understand who had come to their home.


Opening the door, Fang Xiaoqin saw a strange middle-aged man.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Is Mr. Xia here, please?"

It's Ren Lin, of course.

In this situation, he had no choice but to ask Xia Jue to help them once.

"Come in first."

See is looking for Xia Jue, Fang Xiaoqin also dare not neglect, quickly let him in.

"Xia Jue, someone is looking for you."

Fang Xiaoqin comes to one of the rooms and knocks.

Last night, Xia Jue was tossed into the middle of the night by the mysterious space of consciousness. Now he was called so early. Naturally, he was a little upset. If it wasn't Fang Xiaoqin who called him, he would have had an attack.

"Who, Ma?"

"I don't know. I'm a middle-aged man."

"Well, I'll go and have a look."

Xia Jue simply washed and went to the living room.

When he came to the living room, he finally knew who was looking for him. It turned out that it was Ren Lin, Ren Zu's father.

Sitting on the sofa, Ren Lin saw Xia Jue coming and immediately ran to him and knelt down.

"Mr. Xia, please help me."

As the saying goes, men have gold under their knees. If it wasn't for this situation, Ren Lin would not be so humble.

"Get up and talk first."

Xia Jue came to the sofa and sat down.

Ren Lin stands up. "Mr. Xia, my son, he... He was bound to the United States."

"When did it happen?"

"It was yesterday that he was on his way back after seeing you off. At that time, I was talking to him on the phone. His car suddenly had an accident, and then he was in the United States this morning. This is the video from the other party."

Ren Lin hands the mobile phone to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue opens his mobile phone and looks at it. The one tied in the video is Ren Zu.

"What's the reason for the whole thing?"

"This is what happened..."

Ren Lin explained the causes and consequences one by one.

After listening to Ren Lin's words, Xia Jue finally understood.

Similar to what Su Changming said, Ren's family was put together in the United States and suffered heavy losses. Now the other party still wants to squeeze him out, so he caught Ren Zu.

"Well, you're a man who has been through shopping malls for a long time. You've been cheated so badly by such tricks. I really don't know how you do business."

To tell you the truth, Xia Jue is quite speechless to Ren Lin, even if he takes up his family business, he even takes up his son.

Xia Jue is right. He is a man who has been in business for a long time. He also has a place in China shipping. If someone had said this to him, he would have been angry. Unfortunately, it's Xia Jue in front of him. He doesn't dare to retort.

"You go back first. I'll fix it."

Ren Zu is his own man. Naturally, he can't just sit back and ignore him.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Xia."

Xia Jue has great energy. Since he says he can solve it, he can solve it. Ren Lin leaves with a happy face.

When Ren Lin leaves, Xia Jue picks up his mobile phone and dials a number.

"Liuli, what's the state of the Dragon hall now?"

"Lord, you have news at last. How are you now?"

Liuli on the other end of the phone seems a little excited when she hears Xia Jue's call.

"It's nothing. Tell me about the situation over there."

"Yes, at present our dragon hall has been stabilized under the control of the elder and several elders.

However, recently, those bastards in the knight's palace and the temple have made frequent moves, which have eaten away more than half of our power in the world... "

when Liuli said this, he was a little angry.


The knight's palace and the temple have made great moves frequently. It seems that this thing is almost the same as those two guys.

Those two guys also survived in the gutuo palace, and they became masters of the earth level, which can explain the arrogance of the two halls.

"Don't worry about them, help me to do something in the United States..."

Xia Jue told him about Ren Zu.

"Good Lord, by the way, Lord, when will you come back? The two halls are too arrogant. You can't be in town without you."

"It's not urgent. Let's finish it first."Having been separated from Su Yihan for so long, Xia Jue wants to spend more time with her.

"It's the Lord."

In the Dragon hall, Liuli put down the phone and immediately went to prepare for it.

A few hours later.

A war broke out in a mansion in the United States.

Soon after, a man came out of the mansion.

This man is Ren Zu.

"Who are you?"

Ren Zu, who was rescued, asked.

"It's just that you don't need to be saved."

"That's... OK."

Ren Zu asked no more.

Just after the group left, a man in the mansion got up from the corpse team, and then the man picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Charlie, renzu has been rescued."

"What, how can anyone dare to fight in our territory? Do you want to die?"

"Mr. Charlie, these people seem to be from the Dragon hall."

"Hum, people in the Dragon hall, do they still think it's his time to call the wind and the rain? I want to see how they can get out of the United States."

Charlie put down the phone and walked out of the door of the manor.

"Stand by, I'm going to see the Lord."


Charlie's housekeeper immediately went down to make arrangements.

In the temple base camp.

Charlie came to a palace through many guards.

At this time, the momentum of the main body of the temple is more dignified than before, which is naturally the blessing of the strength of the Qi level.

"Say what, Charlie?"

The opening way of the Lord of the temple.

"The Lord of the temple, the people of the Dragon Temple started. He robbed my" Kaizi. "


Hearing this, the temple master's face suddenly changed.

It's not that he's afraid of the Dragon hall.

With his current strength, the Dragon hall is like an ant in front of him. He can crush it at any time.

What really worried him was the master of the Dragon hall, the Xia Lord who tortured him to death.

That guy suffered a lot when he was in the gutuo palace. If it wasn't for the final change in the hall, he might have died in the hands of that guy.

"Lord of the temple, it's the people from the Dragon Hall who have laid hands on me."

I don't know why the temple Lord had such a change. Charlie said it again.

At this time, the Lord of the temple began to toss and turn in his heart.

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