When that happened, he didn't know whether the guy came out of the same place as them or stayed in that place.

After all these days, he didn't hear a word about Xia Jue. However, with the low-key attitude of the Dragon hall recently, he felt that this guy had not returned to the secular world.

But now the sudden move of the Dragon hall made him a little uncertain.


Charlie see Temple Lord Leng for a long time did not respond, so it is also whispered.

"Who are you this time?"

The Lord of the temple put away his thoughts. He felt that he should first inquire about the situation.

"A rich businessman in China has signed a contract of 50 billion yuan with us, and now there is still 40 billion yuan left."

"Just rich businessmen, no other background?"

"That's right. It's just a rich businessman in CNOOC."

"But why can a rich businessman let the Dragon hall do it?"

The Lord of the temple was puzzled.

In fact, Charlie was puzzled about this problem, but he knew that the Dragon hall was declining, and he was not afraid.

"Temple master, I think we might as well take this opportunity to eradicate the Dragon hall at one stroke, so that we can not only get the benefits of the Dragon hall, but also show the holy power of our temple in front of the world."

Charlie suggested.

The temple Lord has long wanted to do this.

But he was afraid of that man.

The person who made him completely scared would not dare to do anything unless he was completely sure that he could not threaten himself.

After all, the strength of the other side can crush him with one finger.

"Lord of the temple?"

Charlie was surprised at the look of the temple Lord.

In the past, the Lord of the temple was very decisive, but I don't know how he became indecisive today.

"Don't act rashly. It's just a" hero ". Let him go."

The Lord of the temple still thinks it's too risky. If the guy is really standing behind the Dragon hall, it will be troublesome.

After escaping from the clutches, he didn't want to return his life to others.

"Why, temple master, now is the best time to deal with the Dragon hall. We should catch them before their strength is restored. If they restore their strength in the future, it will be hard to deal with them."

"Well, are you teaching me to do things?"

The temple Lord stares at Charlie with cold eyes.

When he was staring at Charleston, he felt cold all over, and a sense of suffocation came to him, as if he was going to die the next second.

"Plop." The Lord of Charles pilgrimage knelt down.

"Lord, I dare not. I'm just thinking about our temple."

"Well, just do your job for the sake of the temple. I have my own opinions on other things."

"Subordinates understand, subordinates understand."

After Charlie left, the Lord of the temple fell into thinking again.

There is no doubt about it.

Xia Jue's existence has indeed become one of his worries.

He wanted to know whether Xia Jue had returned to the Dragon hall. If that guy thought of himself one day, he would have some countermeasures.

"Mickey, go to the Dragon hall and see if you can find some clues about their Lord. If necessary, I will allow you to use force directly, but you must try your best to find out if their Lord's clues have moved. Do you understand?"

If he finds out that Xia Jue has really returned to the secular world this time, he decides to run away and hide in a place where no one goes, otherwise it will be easy to do.

"Yes, Lord."


in a sea area within the territory of the United States.

At this time, the people of the Dragon hall just got on the boat and were ready to leave, but suddenly a group of people rushed out and surrounded them.

"The Dragon hall is so powerful that you can come and go as you like. Have you asked our opinion?"

Mickey, who was sent by the temple owner, stood up with a sneer.


when the Dragon hall and others saw that the man was their enemy, their face suddenly became bitter.

They had been extremely careful in this trip, but they were still found by this group of people.

Since the internal turmoil, the strength of the Dragon hall has declined greatly.

Now their power has been attacked all over the world, especially in Africa, and their Lord has disappeared, so their overall morale has fallen to the bottom.

"Let's just let it go, and you'll suffer less."

Mickey looks at these people jokingly."We people in the Dragon hall will never give up and kill me."

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated. Several people are going to fight.

However, several people were outnumbered and eventually captured alive.

"When I ask you something, if you don't want to suffer, give me an honest answer."


A dragon temple man sprayed a mouthful of saliva on Mickey's face.

"Bastard, I'd like to see how hard their mouths are. Knock his mouth open for me."

Mickey said angrily.


after half an hour.

After the interrogation, Mickey ordered the men to be thrown into the sea, then left with the temple people and returned to the headquarters.

"Lord of the temple, they asked. They said that they had not heard from their Lord for a long time."

Mickey said to the Lord of the temple on the first seat.


Is that guy really not back in the secular world?

Otherwise, how could the Dragon hall not have heard from him for so long.

"Are you sure they're telling the truth?"

To make sure it's true, the temple Lord asked again.

"It's absolutely true, Lord. We used the medicine to extort a confession. It can't be false."

Mickey is very sure.

It seems that what the people in the Dragon Hall said is true. If there is no accident, the guy has not come out of that place.

"By the way, Lord, these guys are not small. It's said that they are under the Liuli of the Dragon hall. It seems that they have some clues about their headquarters."

Mickey went on.

"Where is it?"

From the beginning of the chaos in the Dragon hall, the temple began to inquire about the location of the headquarters of the Dragon hall, but it didn't listen.

I didn't expect that I really wanted to plant flowers, but I didn't want to plant willows. Now I have a clue.

"In a sea area, I have asked the people below to make a detailed map. If it is true, we can find it by following the route of the map."

Hearing this, the temple master began to meditate again.

He was hesitating whether to do it before the guy came back.

As long as the Dragon hall is destroyed, he will be the most dazzling person in the secular world.

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