In the pool on the roof of the villa.

"Hoo, I'm so tired."

Su Yihan, who has a good figure in a swimsuit, climbed to the shore breathlessly.

"Aren't you tired, Xiajue?"

Su Yihan took a towel and wiped his wet hair.

"No, I want to swim two more laps."

When he was first brought to the Dragon hall, his master asked him to swim hundreds of circles every day to exercise his physical strength. Now Xia juehao, who hasn't swam for a long time, seems to have regained his original feeling.

"Xia Jue, your mobile phone has sent a message."

Then Su Yihan on the bank called.

"Forget it. I guess it's some junk message. Come and swim with me."

Xia Jue waved.

"It's not like spam."

Su Yihan picked up his mobile phone and watched carefully.

"What is it?"

"Dian Wei, return soon?"

Su Yihan doesn't quite understand what this means.

Xia Jue in the swimming pool changed his color after hearing this, and then he immediately went upstream.

"Give me your cell phone."

Xia Jue stretched out his hand in front of Su Yihan.

Su Yihan saw the change of Xia Jue, and didn't dare to neglect him. He quickly handed over his mobile phone.

The information is from Liuli.

Such a simple four words prove that the situation is very critical.

It's so critical that we don't even have the time to talk.

Thinking of this, he kept guessing what had happened.

According to the truth, Shenlong island is very hidden. Basically, no one knows the exact location except the people in Shenlong hall.

There was no time to think so much. He had to hurry to see what was going on.

If you go late, the Dragon hall will no longer exist. This is the painstaking effort of his master. He absolutely does not want to see this kind of thing happen.

"I'll do something. You wait for me at home first."

Xia Jue said and dressed.

"Be careful..."

Su Yihan knew that something urgent must have happened. Xia Jue was so worried, so he didn't ask too much.


When he was dressed, Xia Jue rose directly from the sky.

It's urgent. He can't take care of so much. It's the quickest way to get to Shenlong island.


Shenlong island.

As a landmark building, Zunzhu hall is full of people at this time.

The Lord of the temple is sitting on the throne that belongs to the Lord of the Dragon Temple.

Below him stood his hands, his lower body, the elder and others.

Not only was he knocked on the door to ridicule, but even the throne of the LORD was given away. At this time, the elder and others were all full of sparks.

"Kneel down. From today on, your dragon hall will be disbanded and merged into our temple."

The Lord of the temple, sitting on the throne, spoke from above.

"You can't think about it."

"We in the Dragon hall will never be the running dogs of your temple."

It has to be said that there is no lack of backbone in the Dragon hall.

"Very good. Those who follow me will prosper and those who disobey me will die. Since these guys don't want to live, let's send them to see Yama."


"Puchi, Puchi."

Several people who refuted just now were stabbed to death by the temple people with daggers.

"How about now? Is there anyone who wants to die? It's a waste of time to say it earlier."

The Lord of the temple spoke again.

"Hum, don't be proud. When our Lord comes, you bastard will die."

Glass glaring at the top of the main temple.

"Don't worry, your Lord has come back early. Now he is probably intoxicated in that wonderful place, and he doesn't want to come out."

Don't say it's Xia Jue. Even if he can stay there all the time, he will never leave.

There are so many treasures in that place, and there is such a strong vitality of heaven and earth. Compared with the present secular world, it is too shabby.

Even a trace of the vitality of heaven and earth must be absorbed for a long time to accumulate a little. If it wasn't for his control, and if he could get rid of Xia Jue in it, he didn't want to come out.

From the original words of lamas and monks, they all know that the higher the realm of practice, the longer the longevity will be.

If you practice to the extreme inside, how long will it be after you come out.

Sometimes he really envies Xia Jue. You know, he was just like them.

But in this way, relying on the arrival of the goddess of luck, he succeeded in cultivating the realm of heaven level land gods. Who can not be jealous?

Hum, you can enjoy it inside. As for the outside, it belongs to me."Our Lord is coming soon. Let's wash our necks and prepare to die."

Although Liuli said so on the surface, she didn't have much confidence in her heart. After all, the method of the temple master was too strange.

"I don't know. Send her to my room."

The Lord of the temple originally wanted to kill the glaze directly, but he saw that the beauty of the glaze was pretty good. It would be a pity if he killed it in this way, so he planned to enjoy it first and then dispose of it.

"Asshole, bang bang."

Liuli heard the other party put forward such shameless words, suddenly burst up, the two temple people and horses overturned on the ground.


Between the words, the Lord of the temple directly sent out a wave of prestige and directly covered the glaze.

Covered by this powerful cage, Liuli felt that he couldn't move up and down, and even couldn't breathe.

A few minutes later, the glass was sweating, and the whole person almost collapsed.

Seeing this, the Lord of the temple took back the prestige that shrouded in the glaze.

"Take her away for me."

"Stop it."

Just as several of his subordinates wanted to carry away Liuli, the silent elder made a sound.

"Old man, I haven't bothered you yet. You jumped out first. Do you think you've lived too long?"

"You are not afraid of being told the same thing by the people in the hall of the holy tripod?"

The elder said sarcastically.

"Old man, you are all my slaves now. I can do whatever I want to do to you. Are you qualified to say no to me?"

"Hum, you are the boss here today, but you can't always be the boss. When our Lord comes back, our Lord will give you back what you have done to our dragon temple."

What the elder said made the temple master very unhappy.

Thinking of what he had done to himself in the palace of King gutuo, the master of the temple immediately waved his hand to the elder.


The elder's face was directly sunken.

"Old man, I don't know when he will come back, but you certainly won't have a chance to see him."

"Is it?"

Just as the Lord of the temple was enjoying himself, suddenly a harsh voice came from outside the temple.

The Lord of the temple worked as an ox and horse for Xia Jue for so long in gutuo palace.

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