Nature is very familiar with this sound.

After hearing the sound, he stood up from his seat as if he had been stabbed in the buttock, and his eyes looked at the front in horror.

The elder and others also turned their eyes to the direction of the door.

At this time, a shadow of people stepped across the threshold and came in.

This man is not Xia Jue, who else can he be.

"The Lord is back."

"The Lord is back. We are saved."

When they see Xia Jue coming back, they are very excited and seem to have found the backbone.

"I thought it was you. You're so brave. I haven't found you yet. You brought it to me by yourself."

No wonder liulihui sent him that short message. It turns out that this guy came to the Dragon hall in person. With the cultivation of this guy's steps, no one in the Dragon hall can resist.

"You... How did you come out?"

The Lord of the temple wanted to ask how Xia Jue came out of that place. Shouldn't he stay in that place now?

Is he transmitted just like himself?

But then where has he been these days?

How could he come back when he made up his mind to do it.

The Lord of the temple suspected that Xia Jue was making fun of him.

"I don't want to come out, but I can't help it. It's you who have come to my Dragon Island. I really admire your courage."

The elder and others looked at the two people's conversation, and they were puzzled.

Did they have anything to do with each other before?

"Lord, be careful. This guy has a weird way."

At this time, Liuli has recovered some physical strength, in order to avoid Xiajue too despise the enemy, she also reminds.


As soon as Liuli's words were finished, the Lord of the temple suddenly knelt down.


people were shocked by his sudden action.

Even Mickey and others were shocked by their temple master's inexplicable action.

Although he didn't know what happened to his temple master when he went to Africa some time ago, the means revealed by their temple master since he came back were no longer mortal.

It seems that their temple master has entered a mysterious realm of human body, which is the existence of living immortals.

In his view, no one in the world can threaten their temple master. Even the god dragon hall, a genius once in a hundred years, is no longer the one of their temple masters.

But now the Lord of the temple knelt down to the Lord of the Dragon hall, which shocked and puzzled him.

"I'm willing to give you another chance, Mr. Xia long, please."

Xia Jue in front of him was a master of heaven level. When he was in gutuo palace, they were tortured. Naturally, the temple master could not resist him.

I just want to live. It's more important than anything.

Hearing the words of the Lord of the temple, the people split in their minds like a huge thunder.

Especially the Dragon hall and others.

They had seen with their own eyes the means of the temple Lord before.

It's not too much to say that it's shocking.

They have no courage to fight with the master of the temple?

And what did their Lord do to the temple Lord? Why did he let the other party be afraid of this.

"Ha ha, you mean you think I'm in the gutuo palace. No wonder you have the courage to come to my dragon hall. If I'm still there today, I'm afraid my dragon hall will become history."

Xia Jue looked at the Lord of the temple coldly.

The Dragon hall is the painstaking effort of his master. Even though he has no interest in management, he will never let anyone destroy the painstaking effort of his master.

"Master Xia, please spare my life. You know I'm a master of the earth level. Unlike them, I can do anything for your dragon hall."

The Lord of the temple kowtowed to Xia Jue crazily, and soon there were pieces of blood between his forehead.

"Lord, why should we be so servile to him? It's a big deal to fight with him."

Mickey just can't watch it anymore.

To say the least, even if Xia Jue is really so powerful, there are so many people here that they may not have no chance to fight for their lives.

"Shut up, you bastard."

The Lord of the temple uttered a curse.

There is no doubt that he is really afraid of Xia Jue.

Whenever he thought of what Xiajue had done to monks, lamas and other people in gutuo palace, he felt shivering.He's dying of regret.

He regretted that he shouldn't be so greedy. If he didn't move the Dragon hall, he couldn't guarantee that he would escape Xia Jue's clutches, but at least he could live longer.

But it was too late to say anything. He was hurt by his vanity.

"I don't believe he is so powerful. Brothers, kill him with me."

The owner of the temple was scared by Xia Jue because he was in the gutuo palace. But he was not brave after he had been in the international battlefield for so long.

Under the leadership of Mickey, another seven or eight vicious people, Ma Chaoxia Jue, were killed.

But the next second let the Dragon hall elder Liuli and others shocked things happened.

"Er er..."

seven or eight people, including Mickey, rushed to Xiajue's side. When they were three meters away, they were strangled by something.

Soon, their bodies floated up slowly, as if an invisible rope had strangled their necks.


"Bang bang."

Sound after sound, these necks were broken and fell to the ground.


the elder and Liuli looked at Xiajue in horror.

They spent more time with Xia Jue than anyone else, and they knew all the means of Xia Jue.

But now Xia Jue's strange means were something they had never seen before.

Even just now, the temple master's various means of going down to earth seem to be a little filthy in front of Xia Jue's hands.

"Master Xia, it's none of my business. They make their own decisions. It's none of my business."

The Lord of the temple has hated Mickey these bastards.

If they were not so impulsive just now, they would go down the track with him and beg for mercy; maybe Xia Jue's good mood would give them a way to live.

But what they choose is to seek death. He just wants to die, but he doesn't want to die.

After all, it's a pity that he died in front of so many people when he finally had this kind of strength.

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