Now the elder and Liuli and others know why the Lord of the temple was as scared as he was when he saw Xiajue.

Who can be so close to ghosts and gods without fear.

"I ask you, where is your good friend now?"

Xia Jue didn't pay attention to his begging tone, but turned to ask such a question.

"You mean the Lord of the knight's palace?"

The Lord of the temple said shivering.

"That's right."

Now that the shadow League is destroyed and the temple no longer exists today, then the knight's palace is left.

As long as the knight's palace is solved, then the dragon's palace has established a dominant position in the world.

He has also fulfilled his master's wish to carry forward the Dragon hall and retired with honor.

"I'll take you as soon as you let me go."

Is the so-called Dead Taoist friends not dead poor way? In order to live, where can the temple Lord manage so much.

"Do you have a choice?"

Xia Jue was amused by his words.

"Well, I'll take you."

The Lord of the temple has no way. He knows that if he dares to say no, Xia Jue will treat him in a cruel way. He doesn't want to suffer this kind of pain.

"Summon all the temple members and level the knight's Palace today."

Xia Jue turned his head and said to the elder.


The elder looks very excited.

Since he joined the Dragon hall, he devoted his whole life to it.

It can be said that no one wants to see the glory of the Dragon hall more than him.

But now the Dragon hall is at a very low point after the last internal struggle, and even its sphere of influence outside has been greatly reduced.

Although he was worried, he could not help it.

Today, however, he was killed by the temple himself. It can be said that he was humiliated and almost killed.

But what surprised him most was their Lord's strong return and solved the problem of the temple by thunderbolt. The temple will disappear in the long river of history from today on.

If the temple is solved, then only the knight's palace is left. If the knight's palace is solved, then who can compete with their Knight's palace in this world?

In the future, no one in the whole world dares to say no to their dragon hall. How can this not inspire people.

In fact, it's not only the elder's inner excitement, but also other members of the Dragon hall.

Originally desperate, they have nothing to do now. Instead, they are going to dominate the world in a twinkling of an eye. The most exciting thing in life is nothing more than this.

"The Lord is mighty."

All of a sudden, I don't know which one of the temple members of the Dragon hall was so excited that they couldn't help shouting this sentence.

With the guidance of this temple crowd, others suddenly realized.

In such a situation, what can better express their uplifting mood than this sentence?

"The Lord is mighty."

"The Lord is mighty."

The whole hall began to sound deafening.


Wharf on Shenlong island.

With the sound of propellers, several large boats started their voyage.

"Lord Xia, go one hundred miles to the West. There is always smog. There is an island in it. That island is the headquarters of the knight's palace."

Said the Lord of the temple, who stood beside Xia Jue.

"Is the headquarters of their Knight's Palace also on an island?"

The elder was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's really more hidden and convenient for forces like us to build their headquarters on the island."

"Hum, I didn't expect that the headquarters of the knight's palace is so close to the headquarters of the dragon's palace. We haven't found out for so many years. Ye Chang, how do you do things?"

The elder looks cold.

"I'm sorry, elder. The terrain of that place is too complicated. It's not only smoky and has many reefs, but also stormy all the year round. So...

" Xiu has to be cunning. I'll investigate your dereliction of duty after the knight's palace is destroyed this time. "

The elder directly interrupted his words and didn't give him another chance to explain.


Ye Chang bowed his head wrongly.

A few hours later.

Xia Jue and other boats came to the place where the temple Master said to take out the smoke.

"Lord Xia, their headquarters is inside, but I don't know exactly where it is, because I've never been in."

"I've never been in before, and you know their specific location. It seems that you've made a lot of efforts. Then I ask you, how do you know the specific location of our dragon hall?"

Xia Jue looked at him jokingly.

Hearing this, ye Chang immediately became nervous behind the elder.If the Lord of the temple finds the location of the Dragon Island for his reason, he will be even more guilty.

"Yesterday, Lord Xia, your people came to the territory of the United States to save a person, but later we found out, so we found the Dragon Island..."

the Lord of the temple looked embarrassed and said.


Xia Jue didn't expect that it was the person he sent to save Ren Zu who revealed the location of Shenlong island.

One side of the leaf Chang a carry heart finally put down, it seems that this is none of his business.


There was a harsh sound of friction between the conversations.

"No, the boat hit the rocks. There are too many rocks here. If there is no route, it's hard to get in."

Ye Chang's eyes were watching the surroundings, warning.

"The visibility is not enough, and many instruments are out of order after entering here. I think it's the knight's palace that has some interference in this area."

A man in charge of the boat came to the crowd and said.

"You bastard, don't you mean to bring us here?"

Liuli looks at the Lord of the temple with an angry face.

By such a yellow haired girl pointing at her nose and scolding, if she had been the former Temple master, she would have killed Liuli long ago, but now people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and he can only explain in a low voice:

"I swear, I never did this. Their headquarters is absolutely here, and I dare to guarantee my life."

"Well, life, your life is in our hands now, it's not yours any more."

If Xia Jue didn't arrive ahead of time, she must have been insulted by this bastard, so Liuli naturally didn't have a good tone to this bastard at this time.


the Lord of the temple could hardly hold back his anger.

"I'll give you another look at me. Believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyes.

With Xiajue here, Liuli is not afraid of the Lord of the temple.

"All right, be quiet."

A little upset by the quarrel, Xia Jue had to intervene.

"Lord, what shall we do now?"

There was no way to move forward, and the Lord of the temple only knew the approximate location, and did not know how to enter the route.

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