"Let me have a look."

when the elder Liuli and others suddenly ascended to the sky, they were shocked to see how he and Shijue did not want to see the sky.

Before, the Lord of the temple just jumped seven or eight meters, but this made them feel very incredible. Now their Lord is flying directly to the sky. How can they not be shocked.

After a long time, the elder who came back to God turned his head and looked at the Lord of the temple.

"What's the matter with you? How did our Lord and you have this incredible ability?"

"It's a long story. There are many experts in this world. They are not what you and I can imagine. We are just like ants in other people's eyes. As for me, I'm just a beginner."

Speaking of this temple, the temple owner is bound to feel sorry.

Although his current strength is superior to the big elders, he is no better than ordinary people in front of Xia Jue.

"What, is there a legendary master in this world?"

The elder has lived for such a long time. He has never seen anyone or anything, but he has never thought that there is such a group of people hidden in the world.

"Of course, it's just that we haven't been in touch with each other until I was in Africa with Lord Xia."

The temple master looked into the distance, as if the scenes in the palace of King gutuo had reappeared before his eyes.

"What happened in Africa? How did you become like this? What's going on?"

Now Liuli is more and more curious about this. He wants to know what happened in Africa, which makes both of them have such incredible strength.

In fact, not only Liuli, but almost everyone now wants to know what happened in Africa.

"Since you want to hear it, I'll tell you what happened..."

the Lord of the temple knows that there will be no good consequences next, so at this time he tries to enjoy the breath of being alive. He tells the story of what happened in gutuo palace one by one.

After hearing the story of the Lord of the temple, Liuli and others showed incredible expressions.

"Do you mean that our Lord enslaved you and those peerless earth level masters of those sects and families in that palace of King gutuo?"

Liuli's chest is still up and down, obviously has not been able to fully accept the magnificent story just now.

"Yes, your master Xia is really powerful. Maybe you can see the mystery between heaven and earth in time."

The Lord of the temple had been envious of Xia Jue for a long time.

When he was in the palace of King gutuo, all the advantages were occupied, and he broke through the strength of heaven level at a young age.

From the mouths of monks and lamas, we know that the realm of Tianjie is something that many people can't break through in hundreds of years.

Now that he has made a breakthrough at his age, he will have hundreds of years to explore the end of his realm. It is very likely that he will practice to a very terrible realm in the future.

"It's worthy of being our Lord. It's so powerful."

Liuli had to admire their Lord.

When they entered the gutuo palace, their Lord was just a mortal who didn't even cultivate his inner Qi.

But it's hard to rely on this body to suppress the legendary masters. It's not too much to compare the mortals with the gods.

"How powerful are the people in Tianjie realm?"

It was the elder who asked this question. After hearing so much from the Lord of the temple, he only knew that the heaven level was very powerful, but he had no idea how powerful it was.

"Let me tell you something like this. As long as you master Xia wants to kill me, it won't take more than three seconds."


The temple master's words surprised the elder and Liuli.

Before the temple master landed on the island, they gathered so many people and horses on the Dragon Island that they could not fight against. The terrifying degree of their actual strength can be imagined.

But I didn't expect that this kind of strength could not persist even for three seconds in front of their Lord, which was too terrible.

The most terrible thing is that if even the Lord of the temple can't hold on for three seconds, can't they hold on for half a second?

If they are Xia Jue's enemies, they don't even know how to die.

Think big elder Liuli and others feel terrible.

This kind of strength is too terrible.

But fortunately, the people who have this strength are their masters.

With the support of their Lord, it represents the coming of the glorious age of their dragon hall.

"Ha ha ha ha."

The elder could not restrain his excitement."The Lord is back."

"The Lord has come down."

At this time, Xia Jue's figure in the sky slowly fell down.

From the temple master's mouth, he learned the horror of the heaven level. The Dragon hall and others looked at Xia Jue with more awe.

"Turn the rudder to the right."

Xia Jue light highlighted these four words.

"It's the Lord."

Several big boats immediately did as Xia Jue said.

He turned right and drove about three or four nautical miles. Then Xia Jue spoke again.

"Turn the rudder to the right."


several big boats drove for a long time according to Xia Jue's instructions, only to see the outline of an island ahead.

"Lord, there is an island ahead."

Dragon hall and others excitedly said.

"Poof poof."

As soon as they finished speaking, four or five light boats came near.

"Ready to move..."

"bang bang."

The elder just wanted the Dragon hall and others to prepare for it, but before he finished, the boats capsized. Then he subconsciously turned to Xia Jue and saw that he gently took back his hand.

Once again, the elder's face changed a little.

It's really unpredictable.

At this point.

In a room on the island ahead.

The Lord of the knight's palace is having a fish and water fight with an enchanting woman.

"Deng Deng."

The door was knocked.

"Asshole, didn't you say that there's nothing urgent to do and don't disturb me?"

The Lord of the knight's palace, who was disturbed by others, scolded.

"Lord of the temple, it's not good. Someone has been killed in our island."

"What, how could it be..."

the Lord of the knight's palace quickly got up, dressed and opened the door.

"Who are these people and how can they know the location of our island?"

"Lord of the temple, I don't know about these at present, but they have broken through our three lines of defense and will arrive at the dock soon."

"Well, I'll see who ate the bear heart leopard gall."

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