He was worried that there was no place to vent his strength.

No matter who the other party is, he will make the other party regret coming here.

"Order all the people and follow me to the dock."

Although he can solve the problem by himself, how can he show his strength without the audience?

"It's the Lord of the temple."

At this time, there was a stool on the main hall of knights.

He was looking at the two legs, arrogantly looking at the distance that a few outline gradually clear boat.

"Lord, they are coming. Do you want to...

" no, since it's not easy for people to come here, how can they not go ashore? It's impolite. "

"The Lord is right. The Lord is right."

The man immediately complimented.

"Lord of the temple, the man standing in front seems to be the Lord of the temple."

A man with a telescope seems to have found something.

"What, are you right?"

The Lord of the temple is almost wearing the same trousers with him now. How can he attack their Knight's palace.

"Lord, my subordinates are absolutely right. Not only that, they seem to be carrying the people in the Dragon hall."

After hearing this, the Lord of the knight's palace suddenly stood up.

"Here you are."

The Lord of the knight's palace snatched the telescope from his hand and looked up.

After a while, he saw the face that he would never forget.

And at this time that let him forget the face of the master also look at him like electricity.


The Lord of the knight's temple retreated two steps.

"It's over. It's over."

After he came back from Africa, he was very low-key, just for fear that this bastard would think of him and come to him for trouble.

But after so many days of calm days, when he thought that the bastard should be in that place and didn't want to start doing something, the bastard came to him, which made him want to cry.

"Lord, let's...

" whew. "

Without waiting for the man to finish his words, the Lord of the knight's palace turned into a shadow and ran back.

This action of his made the whole crowd of the knight's palace confused.

They don't understand how the temple master, who spoke wildly at the previous moment, ran away like a lost dog at the next moment.

"The Lord of the temple should have something urgent to do. Let's prepare to meet the enemy."

In the face of the enemy, the Knights' palace did not care why their Lord ran away, and solved the enemy in front of them.

Before long, Xia Jue and his boat landed.

"Lord of the temple, what do you mean, bring the people and horses of the Dragon Temple to us?"

Seeing the boat pull in, one of the high-level knights could not help asking.

"Why do you talk so much nonsense? Today is the day when your knight's palace is buried. Kill me."

The knight's palace seized a lot of their territory and killed a lot of their people when they were in chaos in the Dragon hall. The elder hated them a long time ago.

"Kill me."

As soon as the elder said this, all the people in the Dragon hall immediately turned over and got off the boat.

"What are you doing here?"

Xia Jue took a look at the temple master who was standing in the same place.

"Yes, yes."

The Lord of the temple understood what Xia Jue meant and quickly joined the battlefield to help.

With the help of the Lord of the temple, the master of the ground level, soon all the horses in the knight's palace were wiped out.

"You bastard, our temple master will not let you go."

A high-level Knight's temple is a curse to the Lord of the temple.

"Pa pa." The Lord of the temple slapped him in the face. "You are all mud Bodhisattvas crossing the river. You can't protect yourself. You dare to threaten me with him."

"Lord, I asked. They said that their temple master was still here before, but when they saw us coming, they ran away."

The elder came to Xiajue.

"I don't think this guy is smart, but he can't run."

After saying this, Xia Jue directly rose from the sky.

After reaching an altitude of 30 meters, the outline and every move of the whole island were under his control.

A few minutes later, he saw a man on a beach on the west side of the island trying to escape in a motorboat. Who else could he be if he was not the Lord of the knight's palace.

There was a smile on Xia Jue's mouth, then he went to him.

But a moment later, he was on top of the Lord of the knight's palace, who was driving a motorboat.

"Where are you going?"The Lord of the knight's palace was frightened when he saw Sir Xia coming. He heard the familiar voice again, and he was so scared that he fell into the sea because of improper operation.


Sir Xia shook his head, and then he put his big hand into the water. The body of the Lord of the knight's palace was caught by him.

"You... What do you want."

The Lord of the knight's palace was shaking up and down.

"You'll know later."

Xia Jue seized him and rose up in the sky, and soon returned to the side of the elder and others on the wharf.


The Lord of the knight's palace was thrown to the ground by him.

"You son of a bitch, why do you want to harm me?"

Xia Jue and others can't know the location of his headquarters, only the temple master knows, so he doesn't need to know that the temple master brought them here.

The Lord of the temple knew that he had not done it properly. He also turned his head to one side and did not dare to look at each other.

"Ha ha, SIV, you didn't expect to have such a day, did you?"

The elder looked at the Lord of the knight's palace like a prisoner.

"Master Xia, in your present state, I can't threaten you at all. Can't I really let me live?"

The Lord of the knight's palace ignored the elder's words, but looked at Xia Jue.

He knew that no matter how arrogant the elder were, it was the master Xia who could really decide his fate. As long as the master Xia said to spare his life, he could live well. On the contrary, he had to die.

"I don't care. I don't care whether you die or not, but you have to ask me if the people in the Dragon hall want you to die."

Xia Jue said carelessly.

If it wasn't for this time that the temple master wanted to destroy their dragon hall, he would not be willing to deal with these two clowns.

If the realm is not the same, it will be different to look at things.

"Lord, this guy's people killed so many of us in Africa. I want to chop him up and feed the dog."

Ye Chang was the first to stand up and say.

"Yes, the temple and the knight's temple have killed many of us. We must pay for it with blood."

Blood pays the debt

The Dragon hall and others said with a strong sense of killing.

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