Leng buting was burned by the fire of war again, and the look of the temple master suddenly changed.

"Lord Xia, I've brought you here. Look..."

"I didn't say I'd let you go. Don't look at me."


" you bastard, I killed you. "

The Lord of the knight's palace is about to die.

If it wasn't for this bastard to bring these people here, he would be comfortable to stay here as the Lord of his temple and live a comfortable life.

"Bang bang."

The Lord of the knight's temple started on this side. Naturally, the Lord of the temple couldn't stand and be beaten. They soon got entangled.


They didn't fight for long, and a wave of pressure enveloped them made their bodies unable to move.

"Elder, how do you deal with these two people?"

Xia Jue turned to look at him.

"To prevent future trouble, of course, is to kill."

The elder did not hesitate.

"Spare our lives, master Xia. We can be your slaves just as we were in the kingdom of gutuo."

"Lord Xia, I can join your dragon hall and escort it, as long as you spare my life."

They begged for mercy again in order to survive.

"Hum, if you two are killed, who else can threaten our dragon hall, so you two should die."

These two guys are too powerful. Only Xia Jue can control him.

But Xia Jue Xin is not in the Dragon hall, so naturally he won't pay attention to too many things in the Dragon hall.

If these two guys are going to do anything wrong, he really doesn't have much to do with them, so the elder still thinks that the best choice is to kill them.

"Yes, kill them and avenge our dead brothers."

Others have the same idea as the elder.

"You heard that. They all want you to die. In that case, we should be good in the next life."


After that, Xia Jue didn't wait for them to say anything, so he twisted their necks.

"The Lord is mighty."

"We have the Dragon hall over the world."

"That's right. The whole world will be unified for generations."

Seeing that the two main hall owners were dead, a crowd of people in the Dragon hall burst into a joyful voice.


in the hall of the Lord of Dragon Island.

At this time, Xia Jue and others have returned here.

"Well, from today on, there are no enemies in the Dragon hall. I believe the old lord will be very pleased to see this behind the scenes in the sky."

"That's right, Lord. The old lord's wish is today's scene, but he didn't see it."

Speaking of this elder, his old face is a little lonely.

After a long silence, Xia Jue said again, "in this case, I want to announce another thing, that is, from today on, I will no longer be the Lord of the Dragon hall. When you find the right person, you can consider yourself. I will live my life."

"Ah, Lord, are you leaving us?"

"Lord, no one is more suitable for this seat than you."

"Lord, I ask you to think about it again."

They were still immersed in the joy of destroying the two forces before, but Xia Jue's words immediately extinguished their joy.

The elder knew that Xia Jue would do this for a long time. He didn't have any accident, and he didn't mean to ask to stay.

Because he knew that even if he wanted to stay, it was useless, and the decision they made was difficult to change.

"Lord, how about this? You can do what you like, and the Dragon hall will be handed over to us. Of course, there will be no candidate for the position of Lord. You will always be the one."

The idea of Liuli is very simple. Anyway, now the Dragon hall is invincible. It doesn't matter whether Xiajue is in the Dragon hall or not, as long as he is still here.

"Yes, Lord, Liuli is right. You can do what you like. Just give us the Dragon hall."

"Yes, that's it, Lord."

Others have spoken in support.

"No, the Lord is a kind of inheritance. As the saying goes, a country can't be without a king for a day, so is the Dragon hall. Under the leadership of the new Lord, you will be better. That's it. Don't talk about it any more."

Seeing Xia Jue talking about this, people didn't dare to say anything more.

Soon after, some people in the Dragon hall left one after another, leaving only a few important figures in the hall.

"Elder, I'll have to worry about the Dragon hall in the future."

"Don't worry, Lord. Judging from the current situation, the situation of the Dragon hall is only good, and it will never be bad again."

"Liuli, you can have more snacks in the future. Learn more from the elder. The Dragon hall will be handed over to you young people sooner or later."Xia Jue turned his head and looked at the glaze.

Glass is not a fool, Xia Jue's words in which the moral she also heard out some.

But she really can do it, can lead the Dragon hall, she does not know.

"Well, that's it. I'm going."

Xia Jue walked out of the hall.

Others did not neglect it and walked out of the door one after another.

"Lord, will you come back often in the future?"

The glaze is a little red.

She knew that if the matter was solved, it would be very difficult for Xia Jue to come back again.

"It depends."

Xia Jue waved to her, and then rose to leave.

"If only I had the ability."

Ye Chang looks at Xia Jue who leaves the imperial sky enviously.


on the other side of the earth, there is a place of ice and snow called the South Pole.

At this time, a group of people are discussing something in the Antarctic periphery.

If Xia Jue sees these people here, he will be very surprised, because these people are Zhang Daoqian and others.

"Brother Daoqian, are you sure which one is here?"

Tokugawa sword asked.

"I can't be wrong. After so many days and so many clues, the old man named Zuo kuchun must be here."

Zhang Daoqian affirmed.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go in and look for it."

After being confirmed, Tokugawa Kenichi can't wait.

"The colder you go in, the colder you need to consume internal gas. If we can save, we should save a little. Try not to fight against the air."

Zhang Daoqian reminded.

"I understand."

"Got it, brother."

Tokugawa and others responded one after another.

"Then let's go."

Zhang Daoqian stepped inside.

Deep in Antarctica, there is a small iceberg in a frosty area. There is a cave at the bottom of the iceberg. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a person in the cave.

This man looks old. He is an old man who has lost his old age. If he goes to a hospital in the secular world, the doctor will affirm that he will not live for three months.

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