All of a sudden.

The old man seemed to be disturbed by something, and his eyes opened in an instant.

"How did these people come here?"

There was a question from the old man.

Don't understand, he slowly stood up and walked out of the cave.

Deep in Antarctica, there is ice and snow everywhere. If ordinary people appear here, they will be frozen into ice sculptures.

However, after the old man came out, the roaring frost had not yet fallen on his body, and it was completely melted as if it had fallen on a stove.

The old man turned his head and looked behind him at the depth of Antarctica, which was blocked by the frost, and shook his head.

Then he turned his head and walked forward.


"elder kuchun, are you here?"

"Kuchun, we have something to ask you."

Zhang Daoqian and others are fighting against the cold wind and frost, shouting hard at the same time.

"Zhang Daoqian, we can't go in any more. When we go in again, we will be exhausted, but we can't get out."

Tokugawa sword is a little pale on one side. It's obvious that it took him a lot of internal energy to come here.

"Yes, brother Daoqian, don't let that old man die here before he finds us."

"Hold on, the old man must be here."

Zhang Daoqian doesn't understand this, but there is only one way to choose. If he doesn't find the elder named kuchun, they can't deal with Xia Jue, let alone his storage bag.

"Well, I'll hold on for another ten minutes. If there's no trace in ten minutes, I'll withdraw."

"Me too."

They decided to hold on for a while.

"Are you kids here for me?"

Just as Zhang Daoqian and others were going to search again, a voice came from the distance.

Hearing this voice, Zhang Daoqian and others were overjoyed.

All their people are here, and the one who can make this sound is the kuchunlai elder they are looking for.

"Master, we have something important to report to you. Please come out and meet me."

Zhang Daoqian yelled in the direction of the sound.

Not long after Zhang Daoqian's voice fell, an old figure appeared in front of him.

This figure is the old man who walked out under the iceberg cave before.

I saw the old man walking in the direction of Zhang Daoqian like a ghost.

The reason why it is said to be like ghosts is that the old man named kuchun didn't walk in the sky or move his steps, but just stood in the same place and floated towards them.

With this hand, Zhang Daoqian and others secretly smacked their tongue.

Compared with them, this is the real old monster.

Kuchun came to the people's side and stopped, "say, what do you young people come to me for? If you can't give a satisfactory answer, I want you to look good."

The other side's words let Zhang Daoqian and others not retort, even dare not breathe.

Although they have lived for hundreds of years as masters of the heaven level, they are really young people in front of the withered spring.

"Elder, we want to inform you of one thing, that is, the gutuo palace is really here."

Zhang Daoqian said carefully.


Hearing this, kuchun's eyelids picked, as if to a trace of interest.

"Is anyone in? What's in it?"

Kuchun continued.

"It's a long story. I can't make it clear in a few words. Why don't you go outside with me? I'll let you hear it one by one."

Zhang Daoqian and others have almost consumed their internal Qi. In addition, this matter can not be explained for a while and a half, so he can only ask kuchun to go outside.

"No, just say it here."

Dry spring big hand for a while, suddenly a gas mask will Zhang Daoqian and others all wrapped in one.


Zhang Daoqian and others instantly felt a warm current full of his side, which made him no longer use the consumption of internal air to resist the cold wind and frost.

At the same time, they were secretly frightened.

Is the master's internal Qi so strong in the middle of this stage?

It's amazing that they can bless and protect so many people present.

"Thank you, old man."

Put away the ripples in his heart, Zhang Daoqian said thanks to kuchun.

"Come on, what's the matter? I don't have much time to talk nonsense with you."

Kuchun seems a little impatient.

"Yes, senior, this is what happened..."

Zhang Daoqian and others vividly told the story of gutuo palace."Do you mean that the young man named Xia has directly become a master of heaven level from an ordinary man in the palace of King gutuo?"

Even though kuchun, who has lived for countless years and experienced countless things, is shocked by this.

"If it's a fake contract, I'll wait for dozens of people to come and find him in person, but there's nothing I can do with him. I have to ask the old man out of the mountain."

"It's just a young man who has been promoted to a higher rank. You dozens of people who have lived for hundreds of years have nothing to do with him? Have you lived on dogs for hundreds of years? "

Kuchun really can't understand. Dozens of Tianjie masters are just piling up each other. How can they take each other.

Being scolded like this by kuchun, Zhang Daoqian and others all have a grievance on their faces.

"Elder, we can't blame us for being so useless. Actually, that guy not only has a very powerful sword, but also has a storage bag. There's a Huiqi pill in the storage bag. That's what we can do with him."

In order to remove their waste labels, Zhang Daoqian quickly revealed these important information.

"What, he got a storage bag in the gutuo palace?"

A little surprise finally appeared on kuchun's face.

"Yes, and I don't know one. At least seven or eight of us have come back."


If the dry spring before was just a surprise, now it has become a state of shock.

After a long time, kuchun recovered from the state of shock.

"It's not like there are storage bags in the world."

"Yes, old man, it's just the so-called natural resources and local treasures. That guy relies on our disciples to collect so many treasures, even if he doesn't leave us any soup. We have to ask you to do justice."

Zhang Daoqian said.

"But as you know, people at my level have a mission, and they can't leave the mission place at will."

Kuchun's face flashed a look of embarrassment.

On the one hand, he is really interested in Zhang Daoqian's storage bag, but on the other hand, he can't leave here at will, otherwise he will be severely punished.

"Elder, can't you go and ask for instructions?"

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