Zhang Daoqian and others came to kuchun to get him out of the mountain to deal with Xia Jue, so they were very anxious after hearing this.

Kuchun didn't answer Zhang Daoqian's words. Instead, he began to think about it.

There is no doubt about it.

He is very eager for the storage bag.

But again, he didn't want to be punished.

"In this way, you go and tell the Xia, just as I said, and ask him to hand over seven storage bags. As for the remaining two, leave them to him."

Thinking about it, kuchun only thought of this method, which is also the best way.

Hearing this, Zhang Daoqian and others had a strange look on their faces.

"Why, don't you want to send a message?"

His face withered in spring.

"No, no, it's just an old man. I don't know whether to say something or not."

From the conversation with kuchun, Zhang Daoqian can feel that the old man's temper is very strange.

If he said that Xia was not likely to be a bird, he would be angry, so he didn't dare to speak out.

"Feel free to say what you have to say. Don't chew words here."

"Yes, sir, from our understanding of that guy, I'm afraid that guy won't do what you said so easily."

"That's right, elder. The Xia dares to challenge those of us who are in the local ranks before he can cultivate his inner Qi. He is definitely not afraid of things."

Seeing Zhang Daoqian open his mouth, Tokugawa Kenichi naturally can't be like a nobody. After all, they all come here today to let the dry spring come out of the mountain.

"Well, that guy doesn't know who I am. Don't you know yet? Go and explain to him who I am and see if he is willing to do what I say."

When kuchun said this, he felt cold all over.

When he comes to his realm, he doesn't believe that there are people who dare to say no to him except those who are in the same realm or higher than him.

"Yes, we'll tell the boy what you mean, elder."

Feeling the cold breath of kuchun, Zhang Daoqian was afraid to make him dissatisfied and didn't dare to say anything more.


two days later.

Two unexpected guests came to Guhe's home.

They are Zhang Daoqian and Tokugawa Jianyi.

At this time, the deep field will Meizhi lady behind, eyes dead looking at the front of the two people.

These two people came to fight with Xia Jue at the beginning. He naturally knew that they were Heaven level masters.

But anyway, if they want to do something to his wife, they have to step over his body.

"Hum, you ants, save your strength. We're going to kill you. You can't even breathe."

Looking at this group of people who are facing the enemy, Tokugawa Jianyi sneers.

"You are right. We are mole ants, but you are not mole ants in front of Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi responded strongly.

"Bold, what are you that dare to talk back?"

Mrs. Meizhi's words touched the pain of Tokugawa Kenichi, and he also directly gasified his palm and drew it from Mrs. Meizhi's face.

"Be careful, ma'am."

Shen Tian pushed Mrs. Meizhi away.


With a sound, deeda's body was directly pulled out by the inner air palm of Tokugawa Kenichi.

Because Tokugawa Kenichi just taught me some lessons and didn't want to die, so he just dropped some teeth and suffered some trauma. It's not fatal.

"It's a good dog. I don't think you can protect your master this time."

Then Tokugawa raised his hand again.

"Don't make trouble, Tokugawa. Let's get down to business first."

As soon as Tokugawa wanted to make another move, Zhang Daoqian stopped him.

"Well, you're lucky."

Tokugawa sword folded his hand.

"I ask you, where is that Xia?"

Zhang Daoqian asked Mrs. Meizhi.

"I don't know."

Mrs. Meizhi has a neck block.

"Don't worry. We're not here to trouble him. We just want to talk to him."

"Then go to find him yourself. Anyway, he's not in our Guhe home now."

"Don't toast, don't drink."

Zhang Daoqian's face cooled down.

After a while, seeing that Mrs. Meizhi was still unmoved, Zhang Daoqian turned to observe.

When Gu and gardenia looked at him, they showed a smile.

"This girl looks so much like you. It must be your daughter. Do you want to see your daughter die in front of you?""Ma."

Gu and Zhizi are a little scared when Zhang Daoqian stares at her. She can only look at Mrs. Meizhi with the help of her eyes.

"You bastard, if you dare to touch my daughter, Mr. Xia will tear you to pieces."

Mrs. Meizhi can not care about her own life, but she can not care about her daughter's life, so when she heard that Zhang Daoqian threatened her daughter's life, she was a little flustered.

"I don't know whether to die or not, but if you don't answer me, I'll let your daughter die in front of you at once."

Mrs. Meizhi's silver teeth cackled.

In the end.

He compromised.

"Mr. Xia has returned to China."

"Back to China? Where is it? "

Zhang Daoqian asked.


"Can you get in touch with him?"

"What do you want to do?"

Mrs. Meizhi couldn't bear it any longer.

"I said, just want to say a few words to him."

"OK, I'll contact him for you and bring me the phone."

Mrs. Meizhi said to a servant.

Soon, the phone was taken to Mrs. Meizhi.

Madame Meizhi found out the phone that Xia Jue left him and broadcast it.


at the same time.

China, in the villa of Zhonghai city.

Xia Jue, who is watching a movie with Su Yihan, rings.

This is a strange number.

Look, it's from the island country.

It's only Mrs. Meizhi from the island.

Is something wrong?

"I'll borrow a phone first."

Xia Jue said to Su Yihan and went outside.


"Mr. Xia, they're here." The voice of Mrs. Meizhi came from the other end of the phone.

Just a few words, but Xia Jue instantly understood what it meant.

If Mrs. Meizhi could make such a call, there must be no one else except those sky level experts last time.

"What do they want?"

"They said they wanted to talk to you."

"Then give them the phone."

Xia Jue wanted to hear what they wanted to say.

After a long silence, the phone made a voice again, "it's me, Zhang Daoqian."

"If you have anything to say, I don't have time to talk too much with you."

If these guys didn't find Mrs. Meizhi, sir Xia would be too lazy to talk to them.

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