If Xia Jue has no magic sword, no Huiqi pill, no martial arts, he will fight with his opponent with the strength of the peak at the beginning of the heaven stage, then he will definitely die.

Even now, with all these means, he is not sure that he can beat the other side. He will not know until the other side comes.

Half a day passed in a flash.

Just before sunset, Xia Jue, who was sitting in the room, opened his eyes.

He felt each other's breath, it seems that each other is coming.

Without hesitation, Xia Jue stood up and went out.

In the sky above Guhe's house.

In addition to kuchun Tokugawa sword, there are nearly 20 Heaven level masters coming from the sky.

How can he not do what is profitable.

As long as Xia Jue is killed in this dry spring, they will get a lot of benefits.

"Zhang Daoqian, didn't you say he wasn't here? Why did I feel the breath of a heaven level master?"

Kuchun asked strangely.

Zhang Daoqian also had some accidents after hearing this, but he was soon relieved.

He had been informed by the phone before, so it's reasonable for him to come here now.

"Old master, he should know that we are coming, so he came here specially to wait for us."

"Well, he's so rampant. Today I want to see what he's good at."

Kuchun didn't expect that he was a master in the middle of the heaven stage to deal with people. Even if the other side didn't hide far away, he dared to challenge him.

He had decided in his heart that he would tell the younger generation what cruelty was.

Gu he's family was in a mess when they saw so many people coming from the sky.

"What's the matter? Mr. Xia is in charge. These guys are just looking for death."

He cried.

"Old man, that's him."

Zhang Daoqian, who landed slowly in the sky, saw Xia Jue coming out of the house in the distance.


Dry spring eyes lost a crack, looking at the young figure.

As he looks at each other, they look at him.

The two of them had a fight in their eyes.

"Dada dada."

A group of sky level masters set foot on the floor, and then led by kuchun.

"Are you the Xia Jue who said that he would crush my old bone?"

Kuchun stopped seven or eight meters away from Xiajue.

"Old man, can't you enjoy your old age well? You have to come here to play these games of fighting and killing young people?"

Xia Jue stood with a negative hand, and there was no wave in his tone.

"You bastard, how dare you say such a thing to elder Kuo? You are dead today."

"Hum, Xia, do you know who elder Kuo is? While you kneel down and kowtow to elder Kuo to admit your mistake, then offer the storage bag with both hands. Maybe elder Kuo will spare your life, or you will die."

In order to please kuchun, a group of heaven level masters reprimand one after another.

Just as a group of heaven level masters kept scolding Xia Jue, kuchun stretched out his hand to signal that they would stop first.

"Young people, I really don't know the superiority of heaven and earth. Don't think that if you get a little chance, you will be invincible. The world is very big. There are many things that you can't imagine."

Kuchun looks at Xiajue like electricity.

"Don't worry, old man. If you don't want to bury your old bones here today, get out of here."

Xia Jue retorted.

"Well, I want to die."

Kuchun was completely infuriated by Xiajue. He waved his sleeve robe gently, and a piece of inner Qi roared away towards Xiajue in front of him.

The strike of Tianjie's mid-term strength can't be underestimated.

Even before the inner Qi arrived, Xia Jue had already felt the power.

If the ordinary top level master of the early days of the heaven level gets such a blow, I'm afraid he will not die.

Dare not neglect, he directly also played a shock dragon boxing to meet up.


A sound like an explosion hit everyone's ears.

Then there were houses within 30 meters around, and all the facilities were destroyed.

After a long time, the dust scattered all over the sky, and people's vision was restored.

At this time, Xia Jue in front of him was shocked back by kuchun's attack.

But apart from that, there was no damage.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Daoqian's eyes were as big as a bell, and his face was full of shock.

You know, it's a blow from the middle of the heaven level.

The Xia didn't take out the sword, so he carried it down?

That's a bit off the mark."Elder Kuo, this guy has a very strange method. This method can make his internal Qi play several times. I just don't know how this guy does it."

One side of the Tokugawa sword thought of it.

"He uses martial arts."

Dry spring mouth prominent these words, but his eyes have never left Xia Jue.

"Martial arts? What is it? "

Tokugawa sword a don't understand of ask a way.

"Martial arts, martial arts, I know, he used martial arts..."

Zhang Daoqian seems to think of something.

"Brother Daoqian, what is martial arts?"

"Yes, brother Daoqian, speak quickly."

A crowd can't help but know.

"It's also said that the ancient friars created something similar to the martial arts secret script. This kind of thing is called martial arts.

The martial arts are very powerful and have various magical functions. It must be that Xia used this kind of martial arts before, and this kind of martial arts is probably obtained from the storage bag. "

After that, Zhang Daoqian looked at Xia Jue with fiery eyes.

There are too many treasures in this storage bag. First it's Huiqi pill, and now it's the martial arts skill. How many treasures left by ancient friars are there in it.

"What, that Xia used martial arts before?"

"How powerful is this skill?"

After listening to Zhang Daoqian's explanation, everyone was surprised, and then they all looked at Xia Jue in front of him with fiery eyes.

Last time, Xia Jue killed their companion Ma Tuo with one blow of his martial arts. This time, he used his martial arts to resist kuchun's attack in the middle of the heaven stage.

All these signs show the strength of martial arts.

If any one of them got this skill, he would stand out immediately and be invincible in the same level.

Such a treasure is coveted.

"I didn't expect you to get martial arts from the storage bags. Now I'm more and more curious about the storage bags you get. I want to know what treasures are in them."

Kuchun is not so urgent and unbearable as others, and his heart is still calm.

"What's the connection between any treasure and you old thing?"

Xia Jue returned to the posture of standing with his negative hand,


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