"Well said, it has nothing to do with me, but as long as I capture you, do you think it has something to do with me?"

Kuchun had a smile on his face.

"What are you waiting for? Come on."

With these words, Xia Jue directly rose from the sky.

"It's not good, old man. He wants to use up his inner Qi again."

One of the heaven level masters thought that Xia Jue would use up their way to recover Qi as he did last time, so he quickly reminded them.

"Well, in front of the old man, do you think he can still play as he did last time?"

Tokugawa Kenichi said without good spirit.

"It's... it's the same."

This expert was embarrassed. Just now, he subconsciously thought that Xia Jue would do the same thing again, but he forgot that the old man around them was an expert in the middle of heaven.

It's really no different from looking for death to run away in front of the middle level experts.


In the twinkling of an eye, the figure of kuchun also disappeared in front of everyone.

"Elder Kuo is catching up with us. Let's hurry up and have a look."

Zhang Daoqian immediately rose from the sky and chased kuchun, who had only a vague figure in the distance.

In the distance, Xia Jue, who was walking in the sky, frowned at the scene behind him.

In the middle of this stage, he is not only powerful, but also quick. If there is no accident, he can catch up with him in twenty breaths.

Think of this Xia Jue no longer hesitated, he directly displayed the imperial wind decision, saw his speed suddenly soared up.

Kuchun, who is catching up in the rear, is also surprised to see Xia Jue's sudden growth in front of him.

He didn't expect that the boy even learned the martial arts of body method.

It's a bit tricky.

Because the opponent only has aggressive martial arts, it's easy to do. It's enough to crush him with his own strength that is higher than his level.

However, if the other side has been exerting this body method and martial arts skill, plus the Huiqi pill, then even if he has strong internal Qi, he can't stand to spend it with him all the time.

Kuchun's face began to darken.

He has taken a great risk in the secular world now. If he can't finish this matter earlier, it will be easy to find out.

We'll be in trouble then.

It was not easy for him to come here and see that there were so many treasures in the storage bag that he was unwilling to leave.

In his heart is very tangled, in front of Xia Jue suddenly stopped.

Although I don't know why the other party stopped, as long as the other party gives him the chance, he will try his best to win him this time and no longer give him the chance to escape.

It's not easy for Xia Jue to fight with the middle-term master of the heaven level. Naturally, he doesn't want to run away.

He ran just to avoid hurting the innocent.

Looking at the distant towards the other side of the dry spring, Xia Jue directly took out the sword.

He wanted to see if the old man in the middle of the stage could take his sword.


This is a huge sword of spring, which makes all the trees in the past roar.

Kuchun, who came to Xiajue in the distance, had long heard from Zhang Daoqian that the Xia had a powerful sword. Now it seems that it is true.

This sword power, even this strength of he also aware of the extreme danger.

As a last resort, he didn't dare to resist. He could only use his body method to avoid the attack of this sword.

However, this sword Qi was originally running towards him, and his speed was extremely fierce. Although he avoided the main sword Qi, he was still affected by some tone.


There was a loud noise.

There is a huge gap in the mountains.

As for the dry spring which was affected by part of the sword Qi directly hit the ground in the distance.

"What's the matter? What's this? How can it be so powerful?"

Zhang Daoqian and many other sky level masters are much slower than kuchun and Xia Jue, who have made the decision to resist the wind. Until now, they have come to the scene.

But as soon as they arrived at the scene, they saw the awe inspiring power coming out.

"I'm afraid that guy used that magic sword."

Zhang Daoqian guessed.

"If you use the magic sword, the elder Kuo won't..."

"the elder Kuo is the strength of the middle stage of heaven. The power of the sword is equal to the elder's strike at most. How can you hurt the elder?"

"So it is."

"Look, it's..."

suddenly, a man found a figure not far in front of him and slowly climbed up from the ground.At this time, the figure was disheartened and disheartened, but people still judged who it was from its figure.

That's dry spring.

"It's... it's impossible."

Seeing that kuchun had become like this, people couldn't believe it.

You know, this is the strength of the middle stage of the grand heaven. How could it be so embarrassed?

"The elder kuchun must have been attacked by the Xia by accident. Don't worry, it didn't hurt him at all."

"That's right. We'll die if we get that magic sword, but elder Kuo is just in a mess. It's nothing at all. When elder Kuo is on guard, he will die without a burial place."

Is the realm of heaven level powerful in the middle stage? Even Xia Jue has many treasures, people don't believe that he can defeat kuchun.

In the distance.

After getting up, kuchun stares at Xiajue.

He didn't remember how many years no one had let him be in such a mess.

Today, however, he is in such a mess in front of a young generation, which makes Xia Jue, who has a strong and proud spirit, want to be frustrated.

"Old man, are you still strong?"

Just when he was angry, Xia Jue on the opposite side made a mocking sound, which made his temper completely ignited.

"You will die today."

Kuchun's body turned into a shadow and attacked Xiajue.

"Well, I don't know who died."

Leaving this sentence, a Huiqi pill was thrown into his mouth, and then he ran away again.

The effect of Huiqi pill takes some time to replenish qi in the body, so he has to delay.

At present, he can only fight against the old man with magic sword and martial arts. Without these means, he is not the opponent of the old man at all, and these means need to consume internal Qi.

"Damn it, this little beast."

Seeing that Xia Jue was running away again, kuchun also scolded him secretly and continued to catch up with him.

"Why did you run away again?"

"It seems that elder Kuo couldn't catch up with Xia before. What's the matter?"

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