Now kuchun has left. If Xia comes, who can stop them?

You know, the reason why they were able to run last time was that Xia's body method was not so fast.

If he's after them this time, how can they run?

If you know his current speed, it can't even catch up with kuchun.

"That's right. We have to get going."

Tokugawa Kenichi also realized the danger, but just as he was about to run away, suddenly a figure appeared near him.

"Where do you want to go?"

Xia lijue looked at them.

"No, go separately."

Zhang Daoqian left this sentence behind and ran for the first time.

Other people are not slow, have run in all directions.

"Ha ha, do you think you can still run?"

Xia Jue's figure flashed. He caught up with the nearest heaven level master before he took more than two breaths.


Xia Jue directly hit a dragon shaking fist at the heaven level master.


This master didn't react at all, so he was blasted to the distant ground by Xia Jue's Zhenlong fist.

After solving the problem, he urged Yufeng to run after another master.

In just a few dozen breaths, seven or eight heaven level masters were killed on the ground by him, which made the other heaven level masters who were running away in all directions scared down in an instant, and they didn't dare to run away again, so they stayed in the same place.

Seeing the effect of making an example of others, Xia Jue laughed and cheered out: "those who don't want to die will come to me."

There is no way. Running must be dead. The rest of the people can only gather towards Xia Jue.

"What are you running for? I don't know how to eat people?

To be the remnants of the sky level experts gathered to his side, Xia Jue said condescending.


people want to refute it. Xia Jue killed so many of their companions in a short time. Is it cannibal?

"Don't be here or there. Let me ask you one thing. If I can answer it, I may spare your life. Otherwise..."

Xia Jue didn't say it clearly, but they were not fools. How could they not understand it.

"What do you want to know?"

Anyway, it's already in his hands. It's no use struggling any more. Zhang Daoqian wants to understand what he wants to know.

"I ask you, why can't the storage bag be opened?"

Zhang Daoqian and others are baffled by this problem.

If the storage bag can't be opened, then how did his martial arts skills and Huiqi pill come from?

"It's said that if you drop blood essence on it, you can open it."

No matter why he asked this kind of words to make people happy, Zhang Daoqian still thought it would be better to answer according to his words first, otherwise their fate would be miserable.

"Do you think that's the easy way to ask?"

Xia Jue looks at Zhang Daoqian like a fool.

"Isn't that..."

"That's right, but only one was opened, and I couldn't open the rest in the same way."

"Is there such a thing?"

After hearing this, people were surprised and puzzled.

He was surprised that Xia Jue only opened a storage bag and got so many treasures. He wondered why he couldn't open the one behind.

"You don't know?"

Xia Jue frowned at these guys.

These guys have lived so long. They are a group of well-informed old guys.

If they don't even know about it, he can't open the other storage bags.

"We have some classics in our door, and we may find some answers from them."

Zhang Daoqian was afraid that they would be killed by Xia Jue immediately, so he quickly put forward such a plan.

"That's right. Some of our ancient books and records are left by our ancestors. We should find a way in them. Let's go back and talk about them and get them."

Tokugawa Kenichi was also a little worried, so he blurted out these words subconsciously. However, when he said these words, he regretted it.

Because he thought that Xia Jue was mentally retarded.

"Ha ha, do you think you are smart?"

Xia Jue's skin looks at Tokugawa Kenichi with a smile.

By staring at Tokugawa, he felt a shadow of death over his head, which made his heart suddenly become scared.

Even when it comes to his realm and age, life and death can be regarded as indifferent.

But as the saying goes, it's better to live than to die."Pa pa."

At the beginning, Tokugawa slapped his cheek.

After a while, he pulled his own cheek into a pig's head.

See the other side so discerning, Xia Jue also extinguished to punish his mind.

"All of you, come with me."

Xia Jue rose in the sky and went in the direction of Gu he's home.

He wants to study with these old things how to open the remaining storage bags.

Others saw Xia Jue leave first, and no one dared to run away, so they followed him one after another.

Soon, they returned to Guhe's home.

In Gu he's home, Mrs. Meizhi and Gu he were shocked to see so many sky level experts coming from the sky.

But fortunately, when they saw the figure in front of them, they were all relieved.

Because the shadow ahead is Xia Jue.

"They... What's the matter? It seems that they are doing it?"

Gu he saw that the group of heaven level masters behind Xia Jue just followed him, and there was no sign of moving, so it seemed strange.

"I don't understand either."

Mrs. Meizhi couldn't understand why the two sides who were fighting just now suddenly became so harmonious.

Just when they didn't understand what the situation was, Xia Jue and others in front of them had quietly fallen to the ground.

"Mrs. Meizhi, please come here."

Xia Jue shouts to lady Meizhi in the distance.

Hearing Xia Jue's cry, Madame Meizhi came quickly though she didn't understand what he was going to do.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Xia?"

Mrs. Meizhi took a look at Xia Jue, and then carefully took a look at Zhang Daoqian and others.

"Check them in and send someone to pick up the information from the door."

Xia Jue's words made Madame Meizhi's face suddenly shocked.

Mrs. Meizhi is very clever. She can quickly find out the meaning from these words.

That is, all of these heaven level masters were taken hostage by Xia Jue.

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