Now there are only ten Heaven level masters.

You know, there were about 20 people when they came just now.

As for Xia Jue, he didn't know that he didn't have to go back here.

Otherwise, these ten people would not be so willing to follow him back here.

But what Mrs. Meizhi didn't understand was how Xia Jue fought against the heroes alone and suppressed them like this.

"It's Mr. Xia."

No longer tangled with these, Mrs. Meizhi decided to do it according to Xia Jue's words first.

Soon, some servants of Guhe family came to register information for these Tianjie masters.

"You have to get these things as fast as you can, understand?"

Madame Meizhi said to her servants.

"Yes, ma'am."

A crowd of men ran away.

Tokugawa Kenichi's family is in the island country, so his family's classics were moved in three hours later.

"Look for it, find out the clue as soon as possible."

At this time, Xia Jue was just like a invigilator supervising Tokugawa Jianyi and others.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Tokugawa Kenichi can only honestly check according to Xia Jue's words.

After reading it for about three or four hours, Zhang Daoqian made a sound of surprise.

"What, did you find anything?"

Xia Jue, who has been sitting on the chair, opens his eyes.

"There is a saying in this book," storage bags cannot coexist. "

Zhang Daoqian's mouth highlighted such a sentence.

"Can't storage bags coexist? What does that mean? "

Xia Jue didn't quite understand.

"It should be that the storage bag can't be together with something, or two storage bags can't be together. Maybe that's why the storage bag can't be opened."

Zhang Daoqian guessed.

"No, I think this sentence means that one can't have two..."

as soon as Tokugawa sword wants to express his opinion, he suddenly thinks that this sentence will also attract Xia Jue and Wu Hui. In order to avoid the recurrence of the scene just now, he quickly swallows the rest of the words.

"What do you want to say?"

Xia Jue now has no way to open the remaining storage bags. Brainstorming is the best way, so he wants to know what Tokugawa sword wants to say.

"No, I don't want to say anything."

If you don't talk disorderly, nothing will happen. If you make this surname Xia dissatisfied, it's asking for trouble. Tokugawa Kenichi still decides not to say more.


Xia Jue got up directly from his chair.

"I mean that sentence may mean that a person can only have one storage bag. If there are too many bags, they can't be opened."

At the first sight, Tokugawa sword didn't care so much. He vomited out the words in his heart.


This made Xia Jue's heart toss again.

It's not that he didn't think about this possibility before, but he had already asked Shentian to try it, but he still couldn't open another storage bag.

Can we say that the strength of Shentian is not enough?

This may be true.

"You come, drop the blood essence on it and see if you can open it."

Xia Jue decided to have a try first. Anyway, his own strength is enough to suppress these people. Even if the other party really opens the storage bag, the treasure in it is not for him.

"That's... OK."

As soon as Tokugawa cut his finger with his fingernail, a drop of blood essence fell into the storage bag.

After the blood essence fell into the storage bag, it was quickly absorbed, and then Tokugawa sword appeared some painful look on his face.

At this time, everyone's eyes are on Tokugawa Jianyi. They all want to know whether he has successfully opened the storage bag.

As the client of Tokugawa Kenichi, at this time his consciousness into a mysterious space inside.

In this space, he saw a lot of bottles, jars and jade slips.

"Is this the inner space of the storage bag?"

Tokugawa Kenichi was surprised to feel this scene.

Put down his surprise, he decided to have a try.

He tried to move some objects in the space.

"Hoo Hoo."

He succeeded. As long as he sent out this consciousness, all kinds of objects in this space will change with his consciousness.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Tokugawa Kenichi is very excited, because he is now the owner of this storage bag.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, what's the situation now? Have you opened the storage bag?"

When Tokugawa Kenichi was excited to be the owner of the storage bag, a voice suddenly extinguished his excitement.Because this voice was made by Xia Jue.

It's no use for him to be the owner of the storage bag again. The things in it don't have to be handed over to Xia.

When he thought of the Tokugawa sword, his heart was like a knife. Now he was looking at the baby and crying, and he couldn't have any of them.

"Yes, I did."

After consciousness retreated from the mysterious space, Tokugawa sword replied as if it were real.

"Is there anything in it?"

Xia Jue didn't expect that he really succeeded. In view of the martial arts and Huiqi pill he got when he opened the first storage bag, he urgently knew what would be in the second one.

Other people also want to know what's in it, so they all look at Tokugawa sword with the same urgency as Xia Jue.

"Some bottles and some jade slips."

Tokugawa sword as the real reply.

"Take them all out for me."


What did Tokugawa and Xiajue work hard for before?

It's for the storage bag, of course.

At present, his wish has come true. He has got the storage bag that he has been dreaming of. But this treasure is going to be handed over to others before it is warmed up. In his heart, there are ten thousand people who don't want to, but what can he do? He can only do it.

"Poof poof."

Some of the contents of the storage bag were taken out one after another.

After seeing these things, Xia Jue's eyes brightened. It was the pills, but he didn't know what kind of pills they were.

"Mrs. Meizhi, take a look at what these are."

"It's Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi immediately looked it up.

"Mr. Xia, this is Zengyuan Dan, this is pojing Dan, and this is Zengshen Dan."

Mrs. Meizhi gave the names of these pills.

"It's these..."

these are all the pills he got in gutuo palace, among which Zengyuan pill is what he needs most.

Because this kind of pill can greatly enhance his strength, so that he can enter the realm of heaven level soon.

Zhang Daoqian and others have a good understanding of what happened in the palace of King gutuo. Naturally, they know the function of these pills.

Xia Jue's breakthrough in the sky level depends on these pills.

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