So their eyes are red now.

If it wasn't for Xia Jue's powerful strength, they might have come forward to rob him at this time.

"That's all. No more?"

See Tokugawa sword stopped from the storage bag of things to take out posture, Xia Jue looked at him.

By Xia Jue so direct looking at, Tokugawa sword one some guilty, but the face didn't show any expression.

Just now, when he was picking up something, something suddenly occurred to him.

Now this storage bag belongs to him, and no one else can get in. So he doesn't have to take all the things in it. As long as he takes out part of it and leaves another part, there may be some opportunities.

"No more."

Having made up his mind to do so, Tokugawa Kenichi can only go one way to the black.

"Are you sure?"

Xia Jue's inner spirit is rolling out. It seems that if Tokugawa Jianyi is lying, he will kill the other party immediately.


Tokugawa said.

Xia Jue looks at Tokugawa Kenichi without expression. No one knows what he is thinking.

After a long time, he said slowly, "this is what we should do today. Mrs. Meizhi, make arrangements for them first."

Xia Jue always felt that Tokugawa Kenichi didn't tell the truth, but he couldn't help it either.

Because he is just suspicious now. Once he does something to the other party, no one will open the remaining storage bag for him, so he must think of a safe way first.

"Yes, you guys. Take them to the room first."

Mrs. Meizhi said to several servants.

"Yes, some old gentlemen, please."

Zhang Daoqian and others nodded and followed several of his subordinates.

"Wait a minute."

Suddenly, Xia Jue called out such a sentence.

After hearing Xia Jue's sinicization, everyone stopped and turned to look at him.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, did you forget to give me something?"


Tokugawa sword was a little embarrassed, but he quickly came over and handed the storage bag back to Xia Jue.

After they left, Mrs. Meizhi asked anxiously, "Mr. Xia, what if they take the opportunity to run away?"

"They can't run."

As long as they are still in Guhe's home, his senses can always feel that if they dare to take the opportunity to escape, how can they run away from him who has mastered Yufeng's decision?


Seeing that Xia Jue was so confident, Mrs. Meizhi was relieved.

"Shentian, these five bottles of Zengyuan Dan and that broken border pill are for you. With these five bottles of Zengyuan Dan, you should be able to reach the peak of the later stage of the earth level. With this bottle of broken border Dan, you are sure to become a master of the heaven level."

Xia Jue said to Shen Tian, who had been looking at those pills intentionally or unintentionally.

"Really, Mr. Xia?"

After hearing this, Shen Tian looked very excited and seemed to be a little incredulous.

Mrs. Meizhi was not as excited as the client, but she was almost the same.

As long as Shentian breaks through the heaven level masters, does not Guhe family compare with the super family like Tokugawa Kenichi?

"I said I would help you break through the strength, I will do it."

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Xia."

Xiatian bowed directly.

As long as he got these pills, he might be able to break through to the level of heaven.

Breaking through to the realm of heaven level, not only the strength has been greatly improved, but also Shouyuan has been greatly increased, so it will really enter the realm of land immortals like them.

"I didn't expect Shentian to have this kind of fortune. It's really unpredictable."


at the same time.

The Middle East, the largest desert in the world, is located in the Sahara desert.

In the deepest part of the desert, it is covered by the hot sun all the year round. If ordinary people stay here for less than two hours, they will die of dehydration.

At this time, a figure came from the sky. If Xia Jue saw this figure here, he would be very familiar with it.

This person is kuchun.

After the war with Xia Jue, kuchun's face became haggard, just like a dying dry tea.

Kuchun Yukong went deep into the desert until he came to a natural sandstone mountain.

"Kuchun, why do you come to me if you don't work in your own territory?"

A figure came out from under the sandstone.

"Ji laoguai, come out. I have something important to talk about with you. You will be interested."

After kuchun finished, there was silence under the sandstone, and no sound came out again.Until two or three minutes later, there was a loud bang.

I saw this sand rock mountain suddenly broken hands, and then a white haired old man jumped out of it.

"Kuchun, it took me several decades to build this sandstone mountain. If you can't give me a good explanation, it won't be over."

The old man with white hair, who was called Ji laoguai by kuchun, said with a cross eyebrow.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji. You will be interested."

Kuchun seems confident.

"Kuchun, why do you look so depressed? I remember you should still have thirty or fifty years of Shouyuan?"

Ji laoguai looks at kuchun and looks surprised. He doesn't understand how he can be like this.

"I don't want to tell you about this in advance. What I'm telling you now may be our chance."

"Chance? What is it? "

"Here's what happened..."

kuchun told us all about gutuo palace and storage bag.

After listening to the whole thing, Ji Laoqi's expression changed slightly.

"I didn't expect that gutuo palace really appeared, and I didn't expect that there were storage bags and pills in it."

"It's hard to know what's going on in the world. I didn't expect that this gutuo palace would come out when we old people were going to die."

Dry spring is also quite emotional.

"Do you mean that Xia is the one who made you like this?"

Ji can't believe it.

In his opinion, even if the Xia family name bumps into the great fortune in the gutuo palace, he will break through to the level of heaven.

But it's just a kid whose foundation is not stable and who is not mature enough to practice.

How could such a boy be the opponent of kuchun?

How can you make him so embarrassed that you don't even bother to find yourself to deal with him.

"The boy got a powerful sword in gutuo palace, and he was assisted by martial arts. The key is that his martial arts is a very special body skill.

The speed is almost the same as me when I use it. With the help of Huiqi pill, how can I get him? "

Kuchun shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

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