"What, this kind of martial art?"

Ji laoguai's expression suddenly changed when he heard that the speed of exerting this kind of martial arts reached their middle level of heaven.

"That's right, so there are many treasures in his storage bag. That's why I'm not reconciled."


Ji began to hesitate.

If you really go out with kuchun to deal with that guy, if those people find that they leave the territory without permission, it's a very serious crime.

At this time, the season old monster and the last dry spring in Antarctica got the news as tangled.

"Mr. Ji, I don't have many Shouyuan to wait for. I don't know how long it will take to wait for that ghost place. Now this is our only way out."

Dry spring saw season old strange hesitation, so speak temptation way.

"But all the people in gutuo palace have been born. What if that place really shows up when we go out?"

Ji is still worried.

"No, we're just going out for a few days. As long as we get rid of Xia and grab all the storage bags on him, then we can come back. There won't be such a coincidence."


"don't be. If you miss this village, there won't be any shops."

"Well, let's do it."

Ji laoguai also gritted his teeth and made up his mind.


two days later.

In a room of Guhe's house.

Xia Jue throws several Zengyuan pills into his mouth.


A pure vitality of heaven and earth diffused in his body, which supplemented the internal Qi in his body.

All of a sudden, he felt a burst of heat in his body, as if the internal Qi began to boil.

Xia Jue was very happy.

He is familiar with this feeling, which is the precursor of breakthrough.

He has been swallowing zengyuandan for the past two days.

However, when he swallowed the tenth, the drug was not so powerful.

For example, in the past, a Zengyuan pill could increase the power of five silk.

Now, with the number of swallows, it gradually becomes four, three and two.

It has to be said that the vitality of heaven and earth needed to break through to the middle stage of heaven and earth is too much, but now it is finally a breakthrough.

More than half an hour later, the heat in his body had gone out.

At this time, his internal Qi was much stronger, even countless times stronger than that in the middle stage of the previous heaven stage.

It's no exaggeration to say that even if he is not suitable for martial arts, magic sword and other treasures, the strength of this realm alone is enough to kill Zhang Daoqian and Tokugawa Jianyi like ants.

Xia Jue's face calmed down after he recovered from the joy of breaking through the middle stage of heaven.

It's a pity.

Now Zengyuan Dan has little effect on him.

If you want to break through the realm from the middle stage to the later stage, even if you give him 100000 Zengyuan pills, you can't break through.

It also feels like the drugs that ordinary people take. If they take too much, they will have resistance.


not far from Guhe's house.

The figures of kuchun and Ji Laoqi appear here.

"It seems that he is not the only one here, there are other heaven level masters."

After coming here, Ji laoguai's sense of the abnormal inside.

"Is this... The younger generation?"

Kuchun wondered if the people inside were Zhang Daoqian.

"Forget it. I've got you and me working together. Today is the day for people to block the killing Buddha and the killing Buddha."

Kuchun strides in.

At the same time, Xia Jue in the room is aware of it.

"Is that old thing coming again?"

Xia Jue stood up, pushed the door and went out.

He was right in his guess.

After he pushed the door out, only two figures came slowly.

One of them was kuchun, who made him a stranger. Xia Jue didn't know him.

"It's you again, old man. Even if you ran away last time, do you want to die again?"

Xia Jue put his hands on his back.

"Well, I don't know who died."

Dry spring showed a sneer.

"Why are you here, elder Kuo?"

At this time, Zhang Daoqian and others also realized that things were happening here and rushed over.

"Why are you people here?"

It turns out that the smell they noticed outside the door was really Zhang Daoqian and others.


Zhang Daoqian and others first took a look at Xia Jue and then at kuchun. Obviously, they don't believe kuchun very much now."I'll tell you what you're going to do."

Kuchun didn't know their thoughts, so he gave them a reassurance.

After hearing kuchun's words, Zhang Daoqian and others immediately understood.

The one who can be called kuchun in this way must be the same level as him.

It's also the master of the medium-term realm strength of the heaven level.

It seems that kuchun has gone to move rescue soldiers these days.

Thinking of this, Daoqian and others all showed a trace of joy on their faces.

To tell you the truth, although Xia Jue doesn't move them now, they are not fools either. Naturally, they know that it is because they are still valuable.

If there is no use value, I'm afraid this Xia will not be so easy to speak.

"Mr. Kuo, we are limited here by him."

"Yes, elder Kuo, this Xia has killed more than ten of us. Now we are left. We can't go."

With Ji laoguai and kuchun here, there is nothing to be afraid of for all the sky level masters.

"Oh? What does he want you to do here? "

Kuchun didn't understand it.

"Elder Kuo, he has a lot of storage bags in his hand, but no one can only open one, so he asked us to open the storage bag for him."

"Elder Kuo, elder Ji, in the storage bag he opened for him, there are not only martial arts skills, but also Zengyuan pill, breakthrough pill and Zengshen pill. These are treasures."

Tokugawa disclosed the news.


After hearing Tokugawa sword say these treasures, Ji Laoqi and kuchun's eyes are red.

Although they knew that Xia Jue's things were obtained from the storage bag before, it was just a guess. Where did they say that it was so exciting from the current Tokugawa sword.

"Do you hand these things in yourself, or do we chop you into eight pieces and bring them back?"

Ji Laoqi looks at Xia Jue with his eyes shining.

"Ha ha ha ha ha." Xia Jue looked up at the sky and laughed, "I can't imagine that you old people who have lived so long are still so naive. Have you lived to dogs for so many years?"

"To die."

Ji laoguai didn't talk much nonsense, so he directly attacked Xia Jue in front of him.

"Come on."

Xia Jue has just broken through the middle of the sky stage, and he just wants to try how much improvement his strength has.

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