"Zhenlong boxing."

Xia Jue was not polite. He just came up with a martial arts fight.

The strength has been promoted to the middle stage of Tianjie, so the Zhenlong boxing that is played again can't be compared with that played in the early stage of Tianjie.

Ji laoguai, who is four or five meters away from Xia Jue, suddenly feels a creepy feeling.

However, he had to be attacked, even if there was any danger, he could only face up and couldn't escape.


A great power came out.

Some of the surrounding houses, trees, flowers and plants were uprooted in an instant. Even Zhang Daoqian and others, who were watching from afar, were shaken back seven or eight meters by this power.

"It's... it's impossible."

After retreating to three meters, kuchun couldn't believe it.

Judging from the power of Xia Jue just now, he already felt that he didn't know his strength at the beginning of the heaven stage.

He is at least in the middle of the sky.

A few days ago, when he played against Xia Jue, he was just the strength of the initial peak of Tianjie. How long has it passed, and now he has broken through the mid-term peak of Tianjie.

How many pills did he swallow from the storage bag to increase the vitality of heaven and earth?

Just as he was still in a state of extreme shock, the dust around him gradually dispersed, and the scene began to understand.

"Poof poof."

The old man's chest was sunken, and a large piece of blood appeared in the distance.

Seeing this, the people looked horrified.

Ji laoguai, that's the strength of the middle stage of the heaven stage.

It's an old monster who hasn't been born for a hundred years.

But in front of my eyes, because of the fight with that Xia, I became this appearance.

It's unbelievable. Look at some.

Thinking of this, they began to look for Xia Jue.

I saw a man standing seven or eight meters away from Ji laoguai.

The man stood with his hands down, his mouth slightly raised, and there was no sign of injury on his body. The whole person seemed very clear, as if he had just fought with ordinary people instead of a better one in the middle of the sky stage.

This man is Xia Jue.

Seeing that Xia Jue was so relaxed and happy, everyone's mood was very complicated.

Even Ji laoguai, who is in the middle stage of the heaven stage, is not one of his generals. Now they have become the same existence as those mole ants in the secular world for Xia?


Kuchun didn't hesitate. He immediately went to the sky and fled.

You can't escape.

Even Ji laoguai has been beaten like this by the other party, and his strength is no better than Ji laoguai. The result is obvious. If you don't escape, you have to wait to die.

"Ha ha, do you think you can escape?"

Looking at the runaway kuchunxiajue, he didn't mean to catch up. On the contrary, a touch of irony flashed across the corner of his mouth.

From this move, he has tried to find out his strength.

With his strength in the middle stage of the heaven stage, this zhenlongquan is the same as the one he used to hit natuo at the peak of the early stage of the heaven stage, which is a direct rolling state.

Zhenlong boxing is like this, so his Yufeng decision is also unusual when he is running with the medium-term strength of Tianjie.

He is confident that he can catch up with his opponent even if he takes 30 or 50 breaths.

Looking at Ji Laoqi, who has turned into a black spot in the air, Xia Jue's figure moved slowly at this time.


Xia Jue directly disappeared in the same place. Even the eyes of Zhang Daoqian's peak experts in the early days of the heaven stage didn't notice how he disappeared.

Kuchun, who runs far away, is relieved to see that Xiajue doesn't come after him.

It seems that the guy gave up.

I didn't expect that the boy surnamed Xia broke through the middle of the sky stage and became so terrible. Now what should I do?

Just as kuchun was thinking about the next step, suddenly he felt something behind him.

After a quick look back, his heart went up to his throat.

I saw behind him there seemed to be a meteor towards him fast impact.

It's a meteor, but it can't be a meteor.

It's just the illusion of something rubbing in the air when it's too fast.

So what is the cause of this illusion?

You don't have to think about dry spring to know what it is at this time.

It must be the kid who's running after him.

That kid's speed at the peak of the early days of the sky stage was already fast enough to make people angry, and even he could barely keep up with it.Now he has broken through to the middle of the sky level, and it's reasonable that the speed is several times faster.

Think of this dry spring, suddenly pale.

With such speed, he can't escape today.

I didn't expect that he had been practicing for hundreds of years, and today he was in the hands of such a little boy, which made him very unwilling.

"Do you still want to run?"

Kuchun is still in the state of despair, and the Xia Jue here has come to him.

"You... You're the chosen one."

Kuchun didn't know what to describe Xiajue.

Originally, he was just an ordinary person who didn't even cultivate the internal Qi, but in a short time, he cultivated the internal Qi and went directly to the middle stage of the heaven.

If we look at the whole history of human beings, we can't find a second person.

"What heaven chooses is not heaven's choice. It's just seeking wealth in danger."

Xia Jue sneered at kuchun's envious words.

"You do it. Anyway, I've had enough of this old bone, and I don't have many days to live."

Kuchun was appointed. Instead of struggling in front of the opposition, it would be better to save some energy and die like this.

"It's not urgent. I have some questions for you."

Xia Jue remembers what Lu Qingtian said to him when he was at Tianyang gate. He said that he would be sent to do something after the middle of the heaven stage. He is still interested in what these old guys are doing.

"What's the problem?"

Kuchun looks at Xiajue with turbid eyes.

"I once heard a man say that he would be sent to do something after the middle of the sky stage. What was he doing, and who assigned him?"

"Ha ha, you don't know about it yet."

Kuchun showed some smiles.

"That's right."

Xia Jue did not deny it.

"Since you want to listen, I can tell you that I don't expect you to let me go after listening, but I have a request."

"Tell me."

"I want to open the storage bag for you just like the younger generation of Tokugawa. I'm very curious about the ancient friars and want to feel what it's like."

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