"Mrs. Meizhi, find someone to see if you can get this map out."

You can't see anything here. The best way is to use modern means to see if you can restore the map.

"I see, Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi turned and left immediately.

Just when Xia Jue and others were busy with these things in Guhe's home, the Shennongjia of Huaxia kingdom was deep.

There is a cave in the ground, which is deep and bottomless. When you look down from a high place, you can only see a dim scene.

In the deepest part of the cave, a voice of surprise came out.

"The vitality of the earth is so scarce. How can anyone break through the middle of the sky stage?"

"Even in the middle of the day, it's not a strange thing to make a breakthrough."

Another sound was strange.

"Is it difficult for the younger generation in the early days of Tianjie to break through?"

"It's very possible that even though the vitality of heaven and earth is scarce, the younger generation still have some ideas to stay in this realm. It's very possible that some of the talents of Tianzong will break through to the middle stage of Tianjie."

"No matter what, it's good for us. There are many friends in many places. Shouyuan has been exhausted. We are extremely scarce now. Old demon, you can go out."


The man called the old demon rose from the bottom of the cave immediately after he got the order.

His royal air speed is extremely fast. If Xia Jue sees this man's speed here, he will be extremely shocked.

Because even if he used the yufengjue, he was not one tenth of the speed of the old demon.

Just a dozen breathing time, the old demon came to the land above from the bottom of the cave.

As soon as he got to the top, suddenly the space around him seemed to be distorted, as if something was restraining him.

"Damn it, the vitality of this world is a little scarce. Now my realm is only in the middle stage of the heaven stage, and it's not the peak strength. God damn it."

The old demon scolded and went to the East.


Guhe family in island country.

There were countless instruments beside the pile of broken jade.

Mrs. Meizhi is taking a group of people to restore the pattern on the gravel.

Half a day later, a drawing in an instrument slowly revealed.

"Ma'am, the map has been made."

An expert handed the drawing to Mrs. Meizhi.

"This... Where is this?"

Looking at the map on the drawing, Mrs. Meizhi was puzzled.

"As for the grassland, I think it's out of Mongolia."

Experts said.

"Mongolian prairie? Are you sure? "

Mrs. Meizhi asked again.

"I'm not sure, but at least 70% or 80% of them are similar."

Madame Meizhi nodded and then came to Xiajue's side.

"Mr. Xia, the map has come out. According to my people, the place marked on the map should be in a prairie of Mongolia."


Xia Jue was a little suspicious. What kind of map is it? Why is it marked with Mongolian prairie?

"Since this thing was taken out of the storage bag, it proves that it was left by the ancient friars. Naturally, the ancient friars would not leave this place casually. It might be hard to say what treasures there are in this place."

Zhang Daoqian said thoughtfully.

I have to say that there is something in what he said.

It was impossible for ancient friars to record this place at random.

Either there are secrets in this place, or there are treasures in this place.

"Mrs. Meizhi, get ready. Let's go and have a look at this place."

Xia Jue decided to go to this place to see why these ancient friars would mark this place.

"Yes, Mr. Xia."

Mrs. Meizhi immediately went down to make arrangements.

Before long, a plane slowly flew up at an airport in the island country, targeting the Mongolian prairie.

After seven or eight hours of waiting at the Mongolian airport.

After they got down, they got on the SUVs arranged by Mrs. Meizhi and went straight to the prairie.

Xia Jue also brought Zhang Daoqian, kuchun and others on this trip.

Because he was afraid that the place marked by the ancient friars was a place full of crises just like the last gutuo palace.

If it is such a place, then the value of kuchun and others can be realized, that is to be a mouse for him.

The roads on the prairie are all muddy roads, so they are difficult to walk. It took people about five or six hours to stop."Patta, Patta."

The crowd opened the door and came down.

"Is it here?"

Mrs. Meizhi asked an expert who was looking at the map.

"It should be here, but it seems that great changes have taken place here. We have to look carefully to find out. Madam, please wait a moment."

After that, the expert went to study the map with other experts.

"Zhang Daoqian, it's up to you to open this storage bag and have a try."

While searching for the terrain, Xia Jue decided to open the remaining storage bags one by one to see what was inside.


Zhang Daoqian has long wanted to try what it's like to open this storage bag, so naturally he won't refuse.

At this time, other people in the field also turn their eyes to Zhang Daoqian, to see what he can get from the storage bag.


Zhang Daoqian cut his fingertips, and a drop of blood came out and fell into the storage bag.

Soon, Zhang Daoqian, like the former Tokugawa Kenichi and kuchun, was stunned.

After the demonstration of the previous two people, everyone knew that Zhang Daoqian had entered the mysterious space, so they were not in a hurry to ask.

At this time, Zhang Daoqian really entered the mysterious space.

Originally, he came in with a baby in his arms, but he didn't expect that after he came in, let alone Baby, he didn't even have a hair.

This storage bag is empty. It's too miserable.

Originally, he thought that kuchun was miserable enough, but there were at least a few pieces of scrap metal and the gravel map in his storage bag, and he had nothing but air.

What's going on?

Is this ancient monk a poor man.

Zhang Daoqian was worried and helpless.

But of course, there is nothing in it. What worries me is how to hand over to Xia Jue?

If he really said nothing, would he believe it?

Or will you kill yourself in a rage?

"Brother Daoqian, what's in it?"

"Yes, Zhang Daoqian. Is there any treasure in it?"

People outside must have seen the result after so long, so they asked one after another.

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