"There's nothing in it."

Zhang Daoqian said this with a stiff head.

"What, how is that possible?"

"Yes, it's impossible. There's nothing."

"There are at least some things left in the storage bag opened by elder Kuo. Why do you have nothing..."

People's eyes are surprised, puzzled and questioned.

These people do not understand and doubt Zhang Daoqian nature is completely ignored, he turned his head to Xia Jue.

"There is really nothing in it."

"Are you sure?"

Xia Jue looks directly at Zhang Daoqian. If there is a hesitation or other strange look in Zhang Daoqian's eyes at this time, he will definitely kill him on the spot without hesitation.

"I'm sure, I can swear, if I deceive you, heaven strikes thunder."

Zhang Daoqian then raised his hand in the air and made an oath.

After staring at him carefully for about a minute, Xia Jue found that there was no strange look in his eyes, and then he stopped thinking.

But at the same time, his heart became strange.

Why are these storage bags getting more and more ridiculous.

Before the dry spring that also forget, although it is a pile of scrap metal, but at least there is this do not know what the benefits of the map.

When we got to Zhang Daoqian, it turned into air.

It's really outrageous.

When Xia Jue was tossing in his heart.

Hundreds of kilometers away from them, the old demon stopped in the direction of Yukong.

"It's strange how this guy suddenly ran so far away?"

The old demon was puzzled. He felt the direction of that guy in the island half a day ago, but now he came to the position not far away from their Huaxia country, which made him confused.

Forget it. I don't want so much. Just go and have a look.

After making up his mind, the old demon turned around and went to Mongolia again.


"Mr. Xia, I found it. It seems to be the place in front of me."

While Xia Jue was still thinking, lady Meizhi came to him and informed him.

"Oh? Then go and have a look. "

Xia Jue decided to put down the idea in his heart and go to see what's the mystery of the place marked on the map.

A crowd came to the front of a plain.

"This is the place?"

Xia Jue looked at the surroundings.

"That's right, Mr. Xia. Several experts have studied it. They say that the terrain here has changed a lot because it's too old. The place recorded on the map is probably the underground place."

Said Mrs. Meizhi.


Xia Jue was suspicious.

"Yes, few of you have come to explain it to Mr. Xia."


Several experts who are still studying and discussing come to Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia, judging from the years of your jade fragments, it has a history of at least tens of thousands of years. In these tens of thousands of years, not to mention this place, even the sea water has risen a lot, so this place has become the present topography."

An expert said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, ten thousand years is too long. The crustal movement around the world has changed a lot, but we do know that place is under the ground."

Another expert said.

Well Xia Jue nodded, "you step back first."

Since they were so sure that the place was low, Xia Jue wanted to see what was under the ground.


Although Xia Jue didn't know what he was going to do, they all retreated to one side.

"Stay away from me if you don't want to die."

Xia Jue told them to step back, but he didn't expect that these people only stepped back, which made him speechless.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, people didn't dare to neglect him. They ran back quickly.

Seeing that everyone was almost retired, Xia Jue took out the magic sword.

He injected the internal Qi into the sword, and then he rose to a height of more than ten meters.

Where did some experts in the distance see such a scene? When they saw that Xia Jue, a big living man, had risen up so high, their faces were all like ghosts.

"It's... It's impossible."

"Meizhi... Madam Meizhi, who on earth is Mr. Xia? How can he fly like this?"

Several experts have been with Xia Jue for a long time, but they didn't expect that he was so strange.

"Don't ask so many questions that you shouldn't ask. If you take the money and forget about it afterwards, otherwise..."Mrs. Meizhi didn't go on, but several experts were not fools, so they couldn't hear the meaning.

"Yes, we will forget it."

Several experts repeatedly agreed.

Just as a few people spoke, Xia Jue, who was floating in the air in the distance, made an action.

With a wave of his right hand, the sword, which he held tightly in his hand, suddenly gave out an earth shaking power.


A loud noise came out, and people only felt that their feet seemed to shake like an earthquake.

The loud noise, the dust and fog all over the sky, make people unable to see.

After a long time, the dust cleared away, and people's vision was restored again.

At this time, Xiajue was floating in the sky, and a huge crack appeared in the distance.

The crack is about five or six meters wide and more than ten meters deep, which is really shocking.

At this time, the faces of those experts had the same look that they had seen Xia Jue floating in the air.

Because they don't understand what kind of power it takes to do it, and they don't understand how Xia Jue did it.

With the sword in his hand?

But that sword is just a common sword in their eyes. How can it have such powerful power.

Let alone these experts, even kuchun and Zhang Daoqian's faces at this time are all with different colors.

There was only one thought in their mind.

It's really a terrible breakthrough in the middle of Xia Jie.

It's no exaggeration to say that just now, if they were close to some of the top experts in the early days of the heaven level, if they were affected by this sword Qi, they would be absolutely wiped out, let alone hit head-on.

I'm afraid if I get a real blow, I can't find a positive one.

Kuchun sighed again.

Before, Xia Jue wielded the power of this sword when he was at the beginning of the heaven level. He could still resist it. If Xia Jue cuts this sword at him now, he can't even escape. It's estimated that he will turn into steam on the spot.

Shi kuchun felt that he could not resist such a powerful attack even before he saw it.

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