When he saw the other side, suddenly his pupils grew bigger.

Because I saw a young man about twenty years old sitting there looking at him.

And he released a sense again, here in addition to the dry spring, another owner of the medium-term strength of Tianji is him.

But it's a little bit too shocking.

How can such a young man break through the middle stage of heaven, which is beyond the reach of countless people?

What's wrong with the world?

Or did he not come out for a long time? The world has changed so much?

In the heart of this series of questions, even let him live so many years of living fossil is also unable to think of a reason.

"Kuchun, what's going on?"

The old demon asks to dry spring quality again.

"Tianguan, what do you want to know?"

Let alone the other party, even if he had just come here and seen Xia Jue, he would not be much better than the old demon, so kuchun could understand the old demon's mood.

"How did he... Break through the middle of the sky?"

The old demon asked with doubts in his heart.

"Lord Tianguan, do you remember gutuo palace?"

Kuchun decided to tell him the story.

"Gutuo palace? Is the gutuo palace really born? "

The old demon is not a fool. He knows that kuchun will not mention the gutuo palace for no reason.

"Yes, gutuo palace is indeed born, and he... Is the one who got a big chance from gutuo palace."

"What! The gutuo palace was born

Rao is an old monster. After hearing this, he was shocked.

First of all, the ancient Tuo palace, which has been legendary for so many years, has finally appeared.

Second, the chance obtained from gutuo palace can make this young guy break through to the middle of the heaven stage. It's really incredible. If I didn't hear this dry spring, I would never believe it.

"What chance did he get to break through so fast?"

The old demon couldn't help asking.

"Huiqi pill, Zengyuan pill, pojing pill, the magic sword in his hand and the legendary storage bag."

With Tianguan here, kuchun naturally didn't have to worry about Xiajue any more, so he directly revealed all the information.


After hearing this, the old demon was shocked again.

He can't remember how many years he hasn't had such great ups and downs in his heart as he does today.

It's incredible that kuchun told him one after another.

"Storage bags, are they open?"

The most valuable thing in this is the storage bag left by the ancient friars. So he asked about the storage bag first.

"Lord Tianguan, did he get many treasures from the storage bag, including not only pills but also martial arts skills?"

Tokugawa Kenichi is not a fool either. This man decides the existence of living fossil at this time. As long as he supports them, they don't need to be afraid of Xia Jue any more. Therefore, he is also outspoken and tells us what he knows.

"Martial arts, there are martial arts?"

The old demon's body had already faintly trembled.

"That's right, Tianguan. Now there are only four open storage bags in his hand. There should be four or five left in his hand. No one knows what treasure is in them."

Tokugawa Kenichi is not insidious.

In fact, he hated Xia Jue in his heart for a long time. This bastard not only destroyed his family, but also turned them into hostages. Now his words naturally wanted to attract this heavenly official to fight with Xia Jue.

With his understanding of Xia Jue, he will not easily hand over his storage bag. They don't have to think that there will be a fight.

And that bastard, with the help of his magic sword and elixir in his hand, was just domineering in front of them, but once Tianguan, a living fossil who had lived for so many years, how could he resist it?

"Yes, Lord Tianguan, he still has some storage bags in his hand. There must be many treasures in them."

"That's right, Tianguan. He has a magic sword in his hand. It's very powerful. It's definitely a rare treasure."

With the reminder of Tokugawa Kenichi's words in front of them, people also began to try to use this day's official's hand to solve the Xia and return their God of freedom.


Mrs. Meizhi looks at these villains who are against the water with great atmosphere, but there is no way.

She's just an ordinary person who hasn't even cultivated her inner Qi. If she annoys these people, I'm afraid she won't be able to survive the next second.

After these people's reminder, the old demon also knew something about it, and then red eyes toward the front of Xiajue Yukong.The conversation of that group of people over there, Xia Jue, who has the strength of the middle stage of heaven, naturally heard it clearly.

But first, the effect of Huiqi pill in his body has not been completely absorbed, so his strength has not recovered to the peak.

When the strength did not return to the peak, Xia Jue still hoped that they could talk more for a while, so that he could fight for more time to recover his strength.

But at this time, the so-called Tianguan came in front of him, so he couldn't sit here.

The other side is the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage. We should be careful to deal with it. Otherwise, we will end up dead.

In the later stage of Tianjie, the realm was powerful. In a short time, Youyi came to the opposite side less than ten meters away from Xiajue.

"Boy, I have to admit that your luck is really bad."

After the old demon meets Xia Jue, the first sentence says like this.

I have to say that even he is a little envious of this guy's luck.

When you think about it, why was he in his middle age?

At that time, it seems that he didn't even cultivate his internal Qi.

Alas, people are so angry.

If he had been able to break through to the middle of the heaven stage at such a young age, he might have had a chance to reach a higher level of cultivation.

"What you said is true, but I have a little bit of luck."

Xia Jue replied calmly.

"Well, you must have learned from kuchun what to do after the middle of the heaven stage?"

"Yes, but I'm not interested!"

Although he knew that if he wanted to practice to a higher level, he had to find the so-called weak point in space and jump out of the world, but he was not interested in going to a place where birds don't shit like kuchun for decades.

Have this time to live happily with Su Yihan. Don't you want to spend his whole life?

Why go to a place like that.

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