Zhang Daoqian and Tokugawa Jianyi and others in the distance have been carefully looking at the two people in the confrontation.

But when they heard Xia Jue's reply to the old demon with such understatement, it was a bit silly.

You know, in front of him is the legendary Tianguan.

But it's a living fossil of the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage.

This kind of person is frightening just by age, not to mention its own strength.

How dare this guy talk to him like this?

Is it true that he doesn't want to live, or does he think that with his current strength, he can be equal to the Tianguan in front of him?

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

After hearing Xia Jue's reply, the old demon was surprised and angry.

What surprised him was that he didn't think that the boy dared to refuse his words without thinking about it. What angered him was that as a heavenly official, he didn't shock a suckling smelly boy. It was just hitting him in the face.

"Of course I know. I said I'm not interested in going to that place. Are you old and your ears are not working well?"

Xia Jue looked straight at the old demon in front of him with both hands on his back.


Hearing Xia Jue's words so rampant again, Zhang Daoqian and others in the distance took a cool breath.

Xia Jue's words have been regarded as shitting on the head of this heavenly official.

If so, this heavenly official can endure it, unless he is a ninja turtle.

Thinking of this, they step back a few steps.

Heaven level master's hand is enough to shake the earth, not to mention the old monster's hand in the later stage of heaven level.

Needless to think, it is absolutely destructive to the world class, so they retreat one after another to avoid being affected by the fight between them.

"Ha ha, do you think that you will be invincible if you get a chance to improve your strength?"

On the contrary, the old demon did not get angry as many people imagined, but looked at Xia Jue with a smile.

As for why the old demon didn't get angry in his heart, it's very simple.

Have you ever seen an elephant quarrel with an ant?

There is no doubt that he is an elephant who has the strength of the later stage of the heaven level, while Xia Jue is just an ant. Although this ant has been blessed by many opportunities, how can a strong ant be equal to his strong elephant leg?

So he really doesn't have to worry too much with a clamorous ant, which will only affect his mind.

"The world is invincible. I don't know, but it's not difficult to deal with such an old man as you."

"In that case, try it."

The old demon said with a wave of big sleeve, a big palm of inner Qi suddenly condensed in the air, and shot at Xia Jue in front of him.

"It's a tough power."

"It's worthy of a blow in the later stage of the heaven stage. Such a powerful power, let alone a blow in front of me, even some aftereffects are enough to make me die on the spot."

Although they had already hid in the distance, Zhang Daoqian and others could still feel the power of the old demon in front of them.

The power of that blow made their scalp tingle.

At this time their eyes are fixed on the field of Xia Jue, want to see how he resists.

Xia was surprised to see that the other side had such a slight attack.

"It's really an old monster with the strength in the later days of Tianjie."

After calming down, Xia Jue turned the internal Qi in his body and made a dragon shaking fist.


The two attacks collided with each other, and the surrounding land gave out a huge shock. As for the sky, there was a cloud of dust.

It took five minutes for the crowd to see the situation again.

See Xia Jue disheartened face in the field at this time, quite some embarrassed retreat to the position that stands before him has 78 meters.

And that day, the old official demon did not move and stood in the same place.

"Ha ha, I'll say that this guy is sure to die in the hands of Tianguan."

"That's right. It's just Tianguan's random attack to test him. If Tianguan really moves, where can Xia survive?"

Xia Jue has been domineering in front of them for such a long time. At the moment, everyone is very happy to see that he has been beaten down for the first time.

"I didn't expect you to be better than I thought."

The old demon looks at Xia Jue in front with ease.

In his previous view, although this blow was not enough to kill the boy on the spot, it could at least hurt him a lot. But I didn't expect that the boy was just a little bit disheartened now, and he didn't get much hurt at all.

"I didn't expect you to be even stronger than I expected, so try the power of my sword."Xia Jue knew that it was very difficult to threaten the old monster with his current means, and the only thing that could threaten him was the magic sword, so he did not hesitate to use it immediately.

As soon as the magic sword in the storage bag fell into his hand, he frantically injected internal Qi into it, and soon two thirds of the internal Qi in his body was removed by the sword.

See almost Xia Jue directly to the front of the old demon cut.

Compared with the previous zhenlongquan, the power of his sword is ten times stronger than it. The power of his sword directly presses Zhang Daoqian and others in the distance, and they can't stand up straight.

"Damn, how could his sword be so powerful? Even when he just cut the ground, he didn't have half the power."

"Well, don't you understand? He just kept his hand."

"It must be so. I just don't know if Tianguan can resist such a powerful blow."

"Tianguan has the unfathomable strength in the later stage of Tianjie. How can you not even stop this attack? You should cultivate other people's ambition and destroy your prestige."

The people talked fiercely.

Just as the people were talking, the sword Qi had come to the old demon's side.

At this time, the old demon finally knows who sent out the strong internal Qi fluctuation when he came.

It turns out it's no one else. It's the guy in front of you.

But what made his heart sink was that he felt that the sword Qi was bigger than the fluctuation he had noticed before.

Think of this old demon dare not neglect, such a strong blow if careless, even he will have great danger.

He immediately ran the internal Qi in his body and formed several internal Qi light masks in front of him, ready to resist the attack of the sword Qi.

As time goes by, when people in the room have different thoughts, there is another earth shaking sound.

This time, Zhang Daoqian and others were not so lucky.

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