About half an hour later.

People finally solved the monster in the cave, and there was no more monster in the cave.


Everyone was relieved. No one thought that they had been in such a situation.

"These damned friars of ancient times, they actually entrapped me and the younger generation."

"Yes, it's so damned. It almost killed me and so on."

Tokugawa swore.

"Well, it's settled. Go down and have a look."

Ignoring everyone's emotions, Xia Jue directly orders to Tokugawa Jianyi.


hearing Xia Jue's words, Tokugawa sword turned into a bitter melon face in a moment.

There are so many unheard of monsters in this cave. The danger in it can be imagined. He is more than just lucky. Maybe he has no bones.

"Don't you want me to help you?"

Seeing that Tokugawa Jianyi was a little reluctant, Xia Jue looked cold.

"All right."

Tokugawa Kenichi has no choice but to follow Xiajue's advice.

Soon, he made a slow landing towards the cave.

"Tokugawa, what's the situation inside?"

As soon as the Tokugawa sword fell down, Zhang Daoqian and others could not help asking.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes later, there was no sound from below, which made people feel strange.

"Dada dada."

However, at this time, a low voice opened, followed by a light in the bottom.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing such a change, people were both surprised and suspicious.

Before everyone thought too much, the voice of Tokugawa Kenichi came from below.

"There is no danger here."

Hearing this, Xia Jue didn't hesitate any more, and he also went down directly.

Here, Zhang Daoqian and others followed him.

At the bottom, Xia Jue finally knew why there was light just now.

It turns out that there are some strange pictures and texts on the wall below, which are similar to the light of gutuo palace.

"Then what is the connection between this place and gutuo palace?"

Xia Jue kept guessing in his heart.

"It's like an underground palace here?"

Zhang Daoqian carefully looked at the surrounding terrain and came to such a conclusion.

"Go ahead."

I feel that this place is similar to the palace of gutuo. Xia Jue can't help exploring it.

After hearing Xia Jue's order, everyone went forward one after another.

Before long, people came to a stone gate.

After a while, they tried to destroy it with brute force.


Although Zhang Daoqian's strength is nothing in front of Xia Jue, there is no problem to smash a stone gate.

But when they saw the situation inside the broken stone gate, they were shocked.

The reason is that the space inside is full of bones.

This scene reminds Xia Jue of the scene in gutuo palace.

"These people are definitely not normal deaths."

Kuchun came to such a conclusion after examining the bones.

In fact, it's not necessary to say that everyone can see it.

Although these people have not known how many years of death, but the expression on many heads can still see a lot of clues.

"This is... A storage bag!"

All of a sudden, a master in the early days of the heaven steps in the crowd found a black bag under a corpse.

This master's cry instantly attracted the attention of all the people present.

The crowd gathered round them.

"What a storage bag!"

Zhang Daoqian and others came to him and saw a black bag, which made their eyes shine greedily.

"You, drop your blood and see what's in this storage bag."

Xia Jue didn't expect to find a storage bag in such a place. Now he wants to see what will be in the storage bag found here.


The master did not dare to disobey Xia Jue's words. He could only drop blood into the storage bag.

After a while, the master's face appeared confused, and then he opened his eyes.

"Well, what's in it?"

Seeing that the other party had already adapted, Xia Jue couldn't help asking.

The master didn't speak, but waved his hand. Suddenly, something similar to bronze appeared on the ground."What is this?"

Zhang Daoqian and others were lost in thought when they looked at these things on the ground.

For some reason, Xia Jue always felt that there was great power in these bronzes, which was what his sense told him.

"You, check what this is."

Xia Jue said to the master.

The master nodded, then ready to pick up a bronze mirror placed on the ground.

However, when his hand touched the bronze mirror, suddenly he fell to the ground like an electric shock.

then fell to the ground and spit bubbles in his foam mouth.

"What kind of mirror is this?"

Zhang Daoqian was frightened by this sudden scene.

He has lived so long that he has never seen anything so strange.

It's just a touch of the mirror. It's not something. What's the magic of the mirror?

Xia Jue on one side also looked tossed and turned when he saw this scene.

He didn't know what these things were, but he felt that these things must not be ordinary things. They might be more powerful than his magic sword.

But seeing the treasure in front of him, he did not dare to try it easily, for fear that he would suffer the same situation as the guy just now, and that would be the end.

The people on one side also trembled when they saw Xia Jue's uncertain face. They were worried that Xia Jue would let them try to pick up the mirror the next second.

"Go and see if there are any other storage bags."

These things are too weird. Xia Jue doesn't dare to tease them any more easily.


The people who heard this were on the verge of amnesty. As long as they were not allowed to experiment with the mirror, they could say anything.

After a while, several people found several storage bags and handed them to their own hands.

Looking at these storage bags, Xia Jue was not very happy.

Each of these storage bags can only be opened by one person. Now several of these people have opened them. That is to say, even if he finds more storage bags, it's useless. There is no heaven level master who can open them for him.

At this time, Xia Jue regretted that he had killed so many heaven level masters before.

If you keep them, they will be useful now.

But now regret is no use, can only look now, can open a few count a few.

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