After a long time, all the people finally finished searching every corner here.

A total of 13 storage bags were handed over to Xia Jue, which was rich.

You know, when he was in the gutuo palace, he only got nine.

"Look inside."

After searching here, Xia Jue motioned everyone to go inside to see what was there.


at the same time, a figure appeared in the Dragon frame of China.

This man is the old demon who fought with Xia Jue in the prairie before.

The old demon found the cave and quickly went in.

"Old demon, is everything done?"

When the old demon went down to the bottom of the earth, a voice came out.

"Something big happened."

The old demon did not answer each other's words, but threw out such an answer.

"Big deal? What's the big deal? "

"Old demon, what's the matter?"

Seeing that even the old demon had said something important, how dare they neglect it? They asked one after another.

"The legendary gutuo palace is now in the world. The boy who broke through the middle stage of the heaven stage got a chance there to break through."

"What's the matter with gutuo palace and the person who broke through the middle stage of heaven

Several people did not understand, and continued to ask.

"The thing is like this..."

the old demon explained the cause and effect of the thing to the public.

"What do you say? How can it be..."

"it's too outrageous for you to say that his suckling boy got the chance to break through to the middle of the heaven stage in the gutuo palace."

"It's nothing out of the ordinary. It's been handed down in the gutuo palace for thousands of years. If there's no treasure, how can you miss anything so much.

It's the boy who surprised me with his strength in the middle of the heaven stage

Hearing these words, several people instantly recovered.

That's right.

With the strength of the middle stage of the heaven order, the old demon, the living fossil of the later stage of the heaven order, could not help but hurt him. This is really shocking. If it wasn't for the news that the old demon brought back by himself, he would not have believed it.

"In this way, ye Fei, Chen Shang, you two go with the old demon again, and you must do it well."

"Uncle, i... I don't have much life. If I'm going out for activities, I'll...

the person named Ye Fei said in embarrassment.

"Who has a lot of Shouyuan here? Besides, isn't there a storage bag in that boy's hand? As long as you get the storage bag in his hand, maybe there will be pills to increase longevity yuan in it. "

"That's... OK."

Ye Fei turns to think that it's better to go out for a fight than to linger here.

"It's not too late. Let's go."



Several people began to rise from underground.


in that burrow on the prairie.

At this time, Xia Jue and others have come to the end of a road along the road.

"What is this?"

In front of Tokugawa Kenichi found a light and fog wall in front of him, which made him a little surprised.

Hear Tokugawa sword one words, a crowd also encircle to come over, surprised stare at this light fog wall.

The surface of this light fog wall is like a layer of mist, so people can't see what is in front of it or know what is inside.

Xia Jue couldn't see what it was after watching it for a long time, but from the feeling he felt, it didn't seem that there was much danger.

Because he didn't feel the violent fluctuation of sensation on it.

"Try it."

Xia Jue turned his eyes on Tokugawa Kenichi.

"All right."

Tokugawa sword a slowly hand to the layer of deception aerosol there.

Soon his hand touched the mist.

Nothing happened.

Even Tokugawa Kenichi didn't feel anything strange happened.

Tokugawa sword one by one see nothing happened, courage also big up, he slowly moved the body, intend to pass through this layer of fog into the inside.

Soon his body passed through.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, what's the situation ahead?"

Seeing the Tokugawa sword crossing into it, Xia Jue immediately cried.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes passed, and there was no sound.

"You go in and have a try."

Xia Jue turned his head again and looked at Zhang Daoqian.

This Tokugawa sword a life and death unknown talk seeps not seeps the person?The answer is yes.

However, Zhang Daoqian had no choice but to go through the past slowly.

Soon, Zhang Daoqian went through the past again.

"Zhang Daoqian, how are you?"

Xia Jue called again, but after a long time, there was still no sound.

"Don't wait. Let's all go in."

Xia Jue said.

After hearing this, others could only step into the light curtain one after another.

After a while, all the people at the scene went inside, leaving Xia Jue alone.

Xia Jue also didn't neglect, then he also raised his legs to cross in.

As soon as he passed through the light curtain, he felt an extremely strong vitality of heaven and earth.

This strong vitality of heaven and earth is even stronger than that in the gutuo palace.

Before he knew what was going on, the scene caught his eye.

Compared with the chaotic scene outside the light curtain just now, there's a different hole here.

There are many strange plants growing here, many of which even bear fruit.

Xia Jue felt these fruits a little, which seemed to contain an inexplicable energy.

"Well, what did you find?"

Many of the former Tokugawa Jianyi, Zhang Daoqian and others are here, so Xia Jue also wants to ask the advanced ones if they have found anything.

"The vitality of the world here is a hundred times stronger than that of the outside world."

"That's right. If one day's practice here can surpass the outside world for several months, where is it?"

They asked in surprise and doubt.

"The fruit..."

Zhang Daoqian stood under a fruit tree more than two meters high, and looked at the fruit above and fell into meditation.

At this time, Xia Jue also came to Zhang Daoqian and looked at the fruit tree.

"Just take it off and taste it."

Said Xia Jue.

Hearing this, Zhang Daoqian didn't have any hesitation. He immediately reached out and picked down a fruit.

The whole fruit is blood red. It is about the size of an apple. If it wasn't grown on the ground, and all the people on the scene were sky level masters, they would really think it was an ordinary fruit.


Zhang Daoqian took a bite, and suddenly he felt an extremely pure vitality flowing into his abdomen.

Seeing this, Zhang Daoqian was very happy, and he bit the fruit a little faster.

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