After a while, the whole red fruit was swallowed by him.

When the fruit was swallowed by him, the vitality of heaven and earth around Zhang Daoqian became distorted, and then his whole face became red as if burned.

Seeing this scene, everyone looked shocked.

Because they understand that this Taoist priest is going to break through.

But what fruit is it?

Zhang Daoqian just swallowed one of them and was about to break through to the middle of the heaven stage. It's too against the heaven.

At this time, people are greedy eyes to the fruit of the tree.

Now roughly, there are still six fruits on the tree.

Six fruits are not enough for so many people on the scene. If it wasn't for Xia Jue, they would fight for each other.

After all, this is the most precious treasure that can make them break through to the middle stage of the heaven and earth.

Xia Jue knew that the fruit contained a stream of energy, which might be a treasure. But he didn't expect that it was a kind of treasure that could make the early stage of heaven break through to the middle stage of heaven. If he had known what he said, he would not have let Zhang Daoqian taste it first.

No longer neglect, he directly reached out and picked the six fruits on the tree.

"Look around to see if there are any such precious fruits."

Xia Jue decided to have a try to see if he could break through the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage by relying on these fruits, so he first sent these people to one side to check.

Although they all covet the fruits in Xia Jue's arms, it's a pity that Xia Jue is the one who can't help him, so they have no choice but to leave.

When the crowd left, Xia Jue sat down with his legs crossed.

Then he put a fruit directly into his mouth.


However, more than a dozen breathing time, a fruit was chewed and swallowed by him.

"Wow, the pure vitality of heaven and earth is really a good treasure."

In his abdomen, the fruit turned into an extremely pure vitality of heaven and earth, which was about ten times purer than Huiqi pill.

Soon, the pure vitality of the fruit was absorbed by him.

After absorbing the fruits, his strength has been greatly improved.

Strike while the iron is hot, Xia Jue sends all the others to his mouth one after another.

Half an hour later, Xia Jue took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly.

It was several times more difficult for him to break through to the later stage of the heaven stage than he had imagined. After swallowing these precious fruits, he reached the peak of the middle stage of the heaven stage.

"Ha ha ha ha, I finally broke through to the middle stage of heaven."

Just at this time, an excited sound sounded.

Xia Jue turned his head and looked around. It turned out that this excited voice was sent out by Zhang Daoqian.

No wonder Zhang Daoqian is so excited. He has been stuck in this realm for too many years.

But just when he was about to despair and Shouyuan was about to run out, God made a joke with him and let him break through to the middle of the heaven stage.

After breaking through to the middle stage of Tianji, not only is his strength greatly increased, but Shouyuan can also live longer, which means that he can live for many years, so how can he not be happy.

Other people were not surprised to see Zhang Daoqian so happy. On the contrary, his face was full of envy and hatred.

They hate why it was not the fruit tree they found just now. In this way, the fruit will be the first to taste.

Here, Zhang Daoqian suddenly thought of something after he was excited, and then he poured it on his head like a basin of cold water, extinguishing all the excitement in his heart.

Then he turned his head and looked in the direction of Xia Jue. He saw that Xia Jue was looking at him with a playful look, as if he was staring at a prey.

Seeing this, Zhang Daoqian felt even colder.

Although he is now breaking through to the middle of the heaven stage, he and Xia are in the same realm, but the strength of both sides is basically one is heaven and the other is underground.

Xia Jue is a man who can even destroy Tianguan. He can destroy Tianguan if he blows.

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up and walked in front of Xia Jue.

"In the future, I, Zhang Daoqian, will be your leader."

Now Zhang Daoqian's strength has reached the middle stage of the heaven stage, and Shouyuan has also increased a lot. At this time, he has no courage and doesn't want to die, so he has to show loyalty to Xia Jue to survive temporarily.

"Good. I thought you'd be hard after you broke through the middle of the sky scale."

It seems that Zhang Daoqian was not dazzled by the excitement brought about by the breakthrough of the realm, otherwise Xia Jue would not mind killing him now and making an example to others.

"I dare not. If it were not for you, I would not have been so lucky."

Zhang Daoqian bent lower.

"Come on, go and see what else there is in this place like them.""Yes."

Zhang Daoqian ran away like an amnesty.


in the grassland above the cave top.

Three figures came from the sky.

These three figures are the old demon, ye Fei and Chen Shang who came from Shennongjia.

"Old demon, didn't you say that guy was here? Why did he disappear?"

Chen Shang asked suspiciously.

"That's strange. I did feel their breath here before. How could it disappear suddenly?"

The old demon is also very puzzled. The boy surnamed Xia and the gang of kuchun just disappeared out of thin air.

"You see, what's that?"

Ye Fei, with sharp eyes, found that there was a big difference in the land in front of him.

After ye Fei's reminding, the old demon finally remembered something.

That is, when he came here before, the boy surnamed Xia and the gang seemed to be doing something here.

The reason why he was so anxious to get the bag was that he didn't ask the other party about it.

Now think about it, it's really suspicious.

What do they want to do when they come to this place?

"Go and have a look."

The old demon decided to go over and check it carefully.

In a few breaths, the three came to the land destroyed by Xia Jue's sword.

"What... What are these?"

Ye Fei was surprised to see that there were some broken limbs and arms and some ugly monsters in the land.

"It's... it's like a Kui beast."

Chen Shang looked at it for a long time, and then came to such a conclusion.

"What is Kui beast?"

One side of the old demon puzzled asked.

"It's said that the reason why the vitality of heaven and earth was gradually lacking in ancient times is related to the Kui beast. On the surface, these animals are very similar to the Kui beast recorded in ancient books, but I'm not sure whether they are or not."

Chen Shangji pondered.

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