If it's a big deal, kill them so they can die early and be born early.

"You are playing with fire."

Kuchun was also surprised by the way that Tokugawa Jianyi was so bold.

"Kulao, this is the only chance to get benefits. There's no reason why we don't do it."

Tokugawa Kenichi continued to persuade.

After a long silence, kuchun finally agreed.

"If you can convince others, then I have no problem."

Only other people can win this event together, otherwise, if they are alone, they will only serve as an example to Xia Jue.

"Brother Daoqian, how about you?"

Seeing that kuchun agreed, Tokugawa Jianyi turned his head and looked at Zhang Daoqian.

In fact, when Tokugawa Kenichi thought about it, he was most worried about whether Zhang Daoqian would agree.

It's because Zhang Daoqian is the first one to get so many benefits.

And after he broke through the realm of the middle stage of heaven, Shouyuan increased a lot. Unlike those who broke the pot, if he didn't agree, it would affect their morale.

"I agree with this matter, but I can only say that I am neutral. I will not rush to the front to lead with you. I will only stand at the back."

This is not only good for Tokugawa Kenichi, but also good for him if he really gets it.

But he just broke through the realm of the middle stage of heaven. He didn't need to play with them, so he would never be a bird.

"Well, as long as you agree, brother Daoqian, I'll contact other people right now, and then we'll fight again."

As long as Zhang Daoqian didn't go against them, Tokugawa immediately turned to contact other people.



After swallowing these yellow fruits, Xia Jue's sense became stronger.

Now it can be said that every move within tens of miles is shrouded in his sense.

Just as he was experimenting with perception.

He found a strange sight.

That is, there is a person in the field who is going back and forth through the field. What are they plotting with the sky level masters who are looking for things for him.

The sense became stronger, and the identity of this man was soon determined by Xia Jue.

So it's Tokugawa Kenichi.

But Xia Jue didn't know that this guy didn't do his own slave well, looking for treasure for himself and what he wanted to do.

However, no matter what the other party wants, but in front of their own powerful strength, everything will be suppressed.

Xia Jue was no longer in charge of him, so he let him go.

A few minutes later, maybe something happened. Everyone in the field came close to him in this direction.

Soon, the crowd came to Xiajue's side.

"What do you mean?"

Xiajue surrounded the people who surrounded him.

Being swept by Xia Jue, many people around him look flustered and dare not look at each other.

"Tokugawa Kenichi, you've gathered so many people together. Don't you come out and explain now?"

Seeing that people dare not speak, Xia Jue puts his eyes on Tokugawa Jianyi.

Xia Jue's eyes stare at Tokugawa sword one by one, and his heart goes up to his throat.

He didn't expect that he had been so cautious. The Xia still knew that he was responsible for this.

That's all.

Anyway, he has made up his mind to do so. It doesn't matter whether he knows it or not.

"It's the so-called natural resources and local treasures. We think that since we found this place together, we should score some of the treasures here?"

Tokugawa came out and said.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xia Jue heard this as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"What are you laughing at? If you don't agree to kill us all, you can see if we will be enslaved by you again."

Tokugawa said again.

"Good. I'll satisfy you."

Xia Jue didn't expect that as soon as the Tokugawa sword jumped up and down, he thought of such a unique move, but he couldn't compromise.

Once he compromises, it's not in his interest for these guys to threaten him with this.

Therefore, we have to make a warning to others by killing Tokugawa Kenichi.

When he was ready to start, suddenly the light curtain in the distance was distorted, and then three figures came through.

One of the three figures he knew very well was the former heavenly official.

"Wow, what is this place and how can it have such a strong vitality?"

When they got here, they were surprised."It's a relic of the old friars."

"That's right, otherwise there would not be such a place with strong vitality."

After deciding what place it was, the three were all overjoyed.

It's a long way to practice in this place, but the weather here is far better than the cave in Shennongjia.

They will stay here very slowly if they can.

That is to say, they still have five years of Shouyuan before, so the speed of Shouyuan passing after here can make them survive for ten or even twenty years.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that when our Shouyuan was exhausted, we found this place. It's a unique way."

It is Ye Fei who makes this ecstatic sound.

Here is the shortest Shouyuan, so they are the most excited.

"Let's put this aside and look over there."

The old demon still remembers why they came here, so he was just a little excited and recovered. When he recovered, he looked up and saw the crowd in front of him and Xia Jue surrounded by the crowd.

"Old demon, is that guy named Xia?"

In the distant crowd, only the man in the middle was a young man, so Chen Shang immediately distinguished him.

"Yes, that's him."

The so-called enemy meeting is particularly envious, but Xia Jue made him disheartened before, so he naturally hated Xia Jue to the bone.

"What are they doing now?"

Ye Fei saw that there was something wrong with the atmosphere of the people in front of him, so he also had some doubts.

"Just go and have a look."

Now they have three experts in the later stage of the heaven level, so the old demon has no fear.

Tokugawa Kenichi and others over there saw that the arrival of the three old demons was also a little hoodwinked. They didn't understand how they came.

But soon they came back to their senses and became ecstatic.

Before, they were still guessing that the Tianguan was cleaned up by Xia Jue. Now, they think too much.

It's not so easy to clean up the great heavenly officials in the later stage of the grand heavenly order.

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