It's just that Xia has too many means. Tianguan can't take him for a moment, so he goes back to find someone to help.

And the people we are looking for can't be ordinary people. If we don't expect them, they are two talented officials.

Two Tianguan and the one who came before are three Tianguan in total.

Three heavenly officials are here. Who can stop them?

No matter how powerful Xia is, he can't resist so many Tianguan.

"It's quite lively."

The old demon came to all the people and said in a light tone.

"I didn't expect that you would dare to come, so you won't run any more?"

Xia Jue has known for a long time that this guy probably won't give up, so his arrival hasn't surprised him.

"Ha ha, boy, I admit that you are powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you will die today."

When the old demon said this, his face turned cold.

Don't mention before Xia Jue let him eat so big shriveled, even if he is carrying storage bag refused to give them, this is a capital crime.

"Well, one day, how can we make a breakthrough?"

At this time, Chen Shang suddenly found that Zhang Daoqian also broke through to the realm of the middle stage of heaven.

Chen Shang's words let the old demon and ye Fei also have to look sideways for it.

It's really not easy to break through to the middle stage of the heaven stage, otherwise there would not have been any experts in the middle stage of the heaven stage for so many years.

"Junior, how did you break through?"

The old demon turned his head and asked Zhang Daoqian. He knew that these people must have got some treasure when they came here. Otherwise, he would not have broken through to the middle stage of heaven.

"Back to my predecessors, we got a kind of fruit before, which made me break through."

It was Tian Guan who asked him what he said. Zhang Daoqian could only tell the truth.

"Fruit? What fruit, where else? "

I can't wait to see what it looks like when I hear that the fruit is so magical.

"That's... For the time being."

After Zhang Daoqian said this, he turned his eyes to Xia Jue, whose moral was already obvious.

"Well, you've taken advantage of it."

Looking at Zhang Daoqian's eyes, the old demon could not understand that these fruits fell on Xia Jue again.

"Lord Tianguan, he not only got these fruits, but also saw the pile of bones outside when he came here just now. He found more than ten storage bags in the pile of bones outside."

Seeing that the three heavenly officials were about to start to deal with Xia Jue, Tokugawa sword was overjoyed and put on a fire.

Sure enough.

After hearing the words of Tokugawa sword, the three old demons looked at Xia Jue's eyes more intensely, and they wanted to strip him on the spot.

The fight between the two sides is imminent, and the surrounding crowd has to slowly push back in order to avoid hurting the innocent.


The sword fell into Xia Jue's hands again.

"Be careful, the sword in his hand is very powerful."

The old demon had suffered from the sword in Xiajue's hand, so he also reminded in a low voice.


Just as the war between the two sides was about to break out, suddenly a distant sound like a mosquito came to everyone's ears.

"What's that sound?"

Such a strange voice made both sides have to stop their actions for a while, and plan to trace the source of the voice first.

I don't know if I don't trace it. It's just a shock when I trace it.

I saw the black fog coming towards them about ten kilometers away.

In fact, it's black fog, but a closer look shows that it's not black fog.

One of them seems to be a camp composed of insects, which makes people feel like black fog from a distance.

"No, they're like we're flying by. They're moving fast to resist the internal air."

Before they had time to explore carefully, they found that the black fog was coming towards them a little faster.

It's a long way to go.

At the same time, the dark fog in front of them had already reached them.

"Get down."

Don't know who yelled so, people began to slowly lie down.

Xia Jue also fell down like everyone else.

When he fell down, the black fog in the sky had reached his head.

The distance is above his head. Xia Jue can see that the black fog above his head is made up of insects like bees.

It's like bees because these insects are about the size of a chicken. It's unrealistic to say that they are bees.

But anyway, these bee like insects don't want to attack them. They just pass by.About ten minutes later, the insects finally passed by, and the sky returned to normal again.

"What kind of worms were those just now? How could they be so big?"

"I don't know. It's like a bee, but how can there be such a huge bee?"

"Just now, I watched quietly. I found that these insects seem to have some crystal clear things in their mouths. I don't know what they are."

The crowd stood up and began to talk.

"Old demon Ye Fei, do you know what it was just now?"

When he didn't understand the strange scene just now, Chen Shang didn't have the heart to fight with Xia Jue.

They both shook their heads when they heard Chen Shang's words.

"No matter, it's urgent to solve this guy first."

The old demon doesn't care what those things are just now. He just wants to solve Xia Jue, and then bring all the storage bags on him.

"Old demon, this place is too strange. I think we'd better not do it well to avoid some unnecessary danger."

If they do it here, their power will be destroyed. Maybe they will bring in some insects like those just now, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

"That's right, old demon. As long as this boy is here, how can he escape from us? It's not too late to fight with him after we have explored this place."

Ye Fei also agrees with Chen Shang.

"Why, three people are so afraid of me. They are just a group of cowards."

Seeing that the three people in front of him were afraid to fight, Xia Jue couldn't help but sneer.

Originally, he wanted to try his strength to reach the peak of the middle stage of the heaven level. In addition, his divine sword and martial arts skills could not suppress these three people. Now they are counsellors themselves.


in the face of Xia Jue's sarcasm, ye Fei almost couldn't resist trying to do it, but he finally put up with it.

It's just the power of words. Let him show off for a while. After exploring here, they can't torture this guy.

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