In the face of Chen Shang's question, Xia Jue regarded it as if he had not heard it, and directly fled to the outer area.

"Damn, where are you going?"

Even if Xia fengjue is tired of fighting with him, he can't catch up with him.

In this way, the two escaped and chased, and there was a crazy queen bee behind them, which created a strange landscape.

Xia Jue, who is running away, naturally feels Chen Shang coming from the rear.

Suddenly, his hand moved, and then the sword appeared in his hand again.

Now it's a good time. Anyway, these three people are going to do it by themselves sooner or later. It's better to kill Chen Shang and weaken their power now.

Making up his mind, Xia Jue injects the internal Qi into his sword, and then suddenly cuts Chen Shang behind him.

Chen Shang, who is catching up with Xia Jue, is shocked and angry when he sees his sudden attack.

Then he couldn't help thinking too much about the time. The powerful sword Qi in front of him was cutting towards him. He could only use the inner gas shield to resist.


Hearing the loud noise coming from behind, Xia Jue didn't pay any attention to it and turned around to escape.

Seven or eight minutes later, he saw Zhang Daoqian and others fighting in front of him.

Seeing this, he knew that he had returned to the peripheral area.

"Look, they're coming out."

"Yes, that's Xia."

The front is fighting with those bees all over the place. When they see Xia Jue's coming out, they immediately discuss the way.

However, Xia Jue completely ignored their comments and continued to escape through the crowd.

"What's going on inside, little Xia?"

Ye Fei saw that Xia Jue had come out, but Chen Shang had not, which made him a little strange.

"Asshole, stop. Where are you going?"

The old demon was very angry when he saw that Xia Jue didn't pay attention to their words, but went directly to the periphery.

"There must be something wrong inside. Maybe those LingMi are already in this boy's hands. Let's hurry to catch this boy and ask for the truth first."

The old demon said and chased away Xiajue.

Although Ye Fei is still confused and seems a little confused, he still decides to catch the next hip-hop dance first according to the old demon's words, and then he follows up.

"Not good."

The old demon who is chasing Xia Jue suddenly feels a sword gas coming towards him. In a hurry, he can only step back and dodge.


A loud noise came out, and the dust, fog and broken leaves scattered in the sky.

After a long time, the scene was clear again, but at this time, where is Xia Jue's figure ahead.

Old demon, where's the boy? "

Ye Fei came to the old demon's side.

"I don't know where."

The old demon's face was so gloomy that it could drip ink.

"The boy must have done something in it, otherwise he could not have run away without talking to us."

Ye Fei said.

"That's for sure. I don't think he should be allowed to go in with Chen Shang to get LingMi."


While they were talking, there was a loud noise from the rear.

"That's Chen Shang. What kind of monster is behind him?"

Ye Fei turns his head to see Chen Shang and the queen bee entangled with him behind him. He is shocked.

"Don't worry about so much, Chen Shang seems to be unable to persist. Let's go up and kill this monster hand in hand with him, and then ask him what happened inside."

The old demon turned into a shadow and went to the rear.

Ye Fei saw that the old demon went up to help, he did not dare to neglect, and then he went to the rear.

In half an hour.

With a loud noise.

The queen fell to the ground, scarred all over.

With the joint efforts of three experts in the later stage of the heaven level, it is obvious that the queen bee was killed.

Kill the queen bee, and they will not entangle with the bees any more. Then they immediately flee away.

After leaving about ten kilometers away, people were relieved to see that there were no bees coming after them.

"Chen Shang, what happened inside?"

Seeing Chen Shang, who is full of scars and languid breath, the old demon really doesn't understand how he did it.

If you want to say that the queen bee was really hard to deal with before, it's not enough for him to get to such a situation.

"That boy, I will cut him alive when I see him again."

Chen Shang is about to die of anger. So many of them are struggling here. In the end, they let him pick the fruit without even giving them a mouthful of soup. Who can't change the atmosphere."What's the matter with LingMi?"

Ye Fei is only concerned about where LingMi is.

"LingMi was all received in the storage bag by the boy."

Just now he was in a state of mental tension. He didn't think of this. Now it's not hard to come to a conclusion.

Such a big hive could not disappear out of thin air. The only explanation was that the boy received it in the legendary storage bag.


Hearing this, people's faces were very ugly.

They have the same idea as Chen Shang at this time.

That is to say, after working hard for a long time, Mao didn't catch one of them. They were all cheap, which made people angry.

"Chen Shang, I ask you, how about LingMi?"

At the moment, honey is worried that things can't be reversed.

I'm worried that the boy's strength will be greatly improved after he gets the LingMi.

If the opponent's strength is promoted to a more terrifying level in the later stage of the heaven level, plus his treasures and martial arts, I'm afraid they will not be able to take him even if they meet him again next time.

"Yes, Chen Shang, what is LingMi like?"

After ye Fei's reminding, the old demon also thought of this very serious problem.

That boy is now the peak strength of the middle stage of the heaven level, and there are so many treasures on him, but in this way, they can still suppress the three experts in the later stage of the heaven level.

How can we rely on each other's spirit to break through?

At that time, they will be able to protect themselves, let alone suppress them.

According to the information from Zhang Daoqian's mouth, the boy was invincible or even crushed in the same realm no matter in the early or middle stage of Tianjie.

If he breaks through the end of the sky, they are in danger.

"That LingMi... Is absolutely a rare natural resource. I think it's very likely that he will break through the later stage of the heaven order."

Chen Shang knew what they were worried about, so his face was ugly at this time.

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