
After hearing this, the old demon and ye Fei are very ugly.

Obviously the last thing they want to see is going to happen.


at the same time, in a dense forest about 30 kilometers away from Chen Shang and others.

The Xia Jue who arrives here stops using the Yu Feng Jue.

Releasing his sense, he spied around and found that no one was chasing him, which made him feel relieved.

Sitting cross legged, he took the huge hive out of the storage bag.

As soon as the beehive was taken out, a strong fragrance came out again, and the field suddenly fell into the center of the vitality of heaven and earth.

No longer slighting, Xia Jue's right hand stretched out to the huge beehive, and he dug up a huge lump of LingMi in his hand, and then he put it into his mouth.


LingMi enters his mouth, and a huge and pure vitality of heaven and earth instantly nourishes his whole body. Before long, his strength is greatly improved again.

There was a huge swirl of air over his head, and he could see the air around him about an hour later.

At this time, the skin is more pure, and the light is full of red.

He knew that he was about to break through to the state of the later stage of the heaven stage, and he didn't dare to neglect it. He devoted himself to the state of the breakthrough.

In the distance.

Seeing that Xia Jue's escape from LingMi has become a fact, people who are searching the surrounding carpet to see if there are any treasures are shocked by the vision in the distance.

"No, that boy really wants to break through the realm of the later stage of the heaven stage."

This vision is the most familiar one for the three old demons who are the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage. This is the vision that breaks through the later stage of the heaven stage and the realm.

At the end of the heavenly stage, cultivation has reached the highest level on earth.

However, with the lack of vitality of the earth in recent years, it is extremely difficult to break through this realm, even to the early stage of the heaven order.

It's been hundreds of years now, but there are no new experts in the early days of the heaven level.

Due to the lack of vitality of the earth, those who break through the later stage of the heaven stage not only have to face the counterattack of the natural force between the heaven and the earth, but also face the suppression between the heaven and the earth after the success of the breakthrough, unable to give full play to their strength.

"Taking advantage of this boy's breakthrough, it's just our chance to do it, otherwise we won't have such a good chance next time."

When Chen Shang said this, he looked up at the two people around him.

Ye Fei and Lao demon are not fools. Of course, they know that this is the best time. Otherwise, when the other party really broke through the later stage of the day, it would be impossible for them to has the final say.



They didn't hesitate. They just went to the place where the vision came from.

See two people first step, Chen Shang also don't neglect, he is also directly follow two people behind.

Here are searching for the other people, a look at the three masters have gone, naturally there is nothing to worry about, have to follow.

It can be said that in the last ten minutes, the speed of the master is just a thousand miles.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw a distorted and fuzzy space in front of them. In this space, there was a fuzzy figure sitting here. The figure didn't need to think about who it was.

It was as if the three people did not stop to watch the scene.

Soon after, Zhang Daoqian and other weaker people arrived at the scene.

"Tianguan, it's a good time to kill this bastard when he breaks through."

Tokugawa Kenichi was almost killed by Xia Jue's suggestion before. Fortunately, the old demon and others finally made him recover half of his life, so he naturally wanted to kill him on the horse.

In the face of Tokugawa Kenichi's words, the three old demons didn't pay any attention. Instead, they looked at him like a fool.

In fact, not only the three people looked at him like a fool, but also Zhang Daoqian and others looked at him with strange eyes.

The truth is very simple.

The three old demons have no less hatred for Xia Jue than them. If they have the chance to kill each other, they can't do it.

And the reason why we don't do it in front of us can be seen from the look of the other side.

The other side is obviously afraid of the distorting forces in front of them.

"This boy is breaking through the realm of the later stage of the heaven stage. Now these are the forces of the heaven and the earth. If outsiders come near at will, they will suffer the forces of the heaven and the earth."The leaf of one side is not to see to go down, hurriedly explain a way to him.

Sure enough.

After hearing this, it is also a proof of the conjecture in the hearts of the people.

On the other hand, Tokugawa Kenichi was embarrassed.

It turned out that he was acting smart just now.

Ten minutes passed unconsciously.

Ye Fei, Chen Shang and the three old demons are still looking at the light curtain in front of them. It seems that if there is any mistake, they will do it immediately.

"Do you think he can successfully break through to the end of the sky stage?"

The old demon couldn't help asking.

"If he is in such a state of lack of vitality in the outside world, he will probably fail, but if the vitality here is so abundant, he will probably be able to break through."

Although he didn't want to see Xia Jue break through to the later stage of Tianjie, ye Fei still had to say what he really thought.

"That's right. LingMi is definitely the first-class talent and treasure in the world. With this treasure and the strong vitality of heaven and earth here, the power of the world's counterattack may not be able to suppress him."

Chen Shang holds his cheek and says.

"In this case, once the power of heaven and earth around him dissipates, we will do it. We must take advantage of this period when he has not completely consolidated his cultivation."

The old demon's whole body radiated a kind of power, as if it was a tiger aiming at the prey and ready to attack.

At this time, in the light curtain, Xia Jue, who is breaking through, naturally feels the arrival of a large group of people around him.

He didn't expect to make such a big noise in the later period of breaking through the sky level, which was his miscalculation.

But at the time of breakthrough, he also noticed a strange force around him.

Gu's strength is very strong, which seems to be preventing his breakthrough, but fortunately, it doesn't seem to be exerting its full strength.

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