It's just a little interference.

But even so, this force is still very powerful. Xia jueshen can even feel that if this force shows all its strength, it can even easily wipe him out.

But there are advantages as well as disadvantages to having this power.

The disadvantage is that Xia Jue should be on guard against it at any time. The advantage is that it has now formed a safety barrier for itself.

If those people outside want to do something for themselves, they have to go through this barrier first.

But if you force against this barrier, you can imagine the end.

So at this time, he hopes that these people can force their hand, so that he can watch the play.

After a while, Xia Jue's breakthrough is coming to an end.

At this time, the meridians of his whole body have been widened several times, which means that the internal Qi he can store has increased countless times.

This represents that he has entered the strength of the later stage of the sky.

After entering the later stage of the heaven stage, his sense became more powerful. In addition to the yellow fruits he had taken before, now his sense had reached a terrible stage, and every move around was under his control.

At present, Chen and others are ready to move.

However, at the same time, he also felt that the power of the light curtain around him was weakening. It seemed that the light curtain would disappear soon.

Seeing this, Xia Jue's mind was tight. Seeing this, Chen Shang and his three men were waiting for the mysterious light curtain to disappear, and then gave him a fierce blow.

However, he has not completely consolidated his strength just now. If he is rashly hit by those three guys now, it will be hard to predict.

Time is too late for him to think too much. He has two Huiqi pills in his right hand, and then quickly pats them in his mouth.

Chen Shang three people outside here saw that Xia Jue's power of heaven and earth had gradually disappeared, and they also looked grim.

It's up to them to win or lose. They can't help being nervous.

If this blow is successful, then the boy in front of him is solved by them. If he doesn't succeed, let him run again. When he consolidates his cultivation, it will be a complete trouble.

So no matter what, we should completely solve this boy this time. This is the idea in everyone's heart.

"Ready, the power of heaven and earth around him is about to disappear."

Chen Shang suggested.

After hearing this, the atmosphere in the field completely solidified, and even the breathing voice of the people could be clearly heard.

"Now, do it."

Chen Shang yelled, and then his right palm mixed with thunder went to Xia Jue in front.

Just at the moment when Chen Shang started, the light around Xiajue in front of him gradually dissipated. A clear figure and the honeycomb beside him appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the empty beehive, the old demon Ye Fei and others felt a pain.

Now it's like seeing the fruits of their hard work wasted by others.

They clenched their teeth, and their hands were even more powerful.

However, Xia Jue, who was sitting in front of them, was about to move.

"Dragon shock."

Looking at the three people who suddenly attacked, Xia Jue played a martial art without hesitation.

With his strength in the later stage of the heaven stage, his martial arts power naturally has been greatly improved again.

Before the boxing style collided, it had already sent out bursts of prestige, which made Zhang Daoqian and others who were watching in the distance so oppressed that they could hardly breathe normally.

"Join forces."

Chen Shang, who is attacking Xia Jue, feels the great power of this martial art. In a hurry, he shouts out the words.

Next to the old demon and ye Fei and Chen Shang have known each other for so many years, naturally they have a tacit understanding, and then they quickly come to him.


After the combination of the three, Xia Jue, who displayed his martial arts skills in Chaoshi, collided head-on and made a deafening sound at the scene.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss."

The two sides fought hard. Xia Jue retreated more than ten steps, while the three old demons retreated seven or eight steps. On the whole, the three old demons got the upper hand in the first strike.

if the young people here are afraid that they will break through the top three in the future, they will think about the consequences.

Three people mutually to one eye, afterward disperse to attack toward the Xia Jue in front again.

At this time, Xia Jue's Huiqi pill in his abdomen has been sending out drug power, which makes his strength just break through to the later stage of the sky level a little more stable, not as passive as when he just broke through.Seeing that the three men were attacking him separately, he didn't feel a bit flustered. When they were about seven or eight meters in front of him, his legs moved slightly, and then the whole person turned into a remnant shadow.

"Fast speed."

After breaking through to the realm of the later stage of the heaven stage, Xia Jue once again showed his determination to resist the wind, which made people unable to see any flaws. Therefore, Zhang Daoqian and others were surprised.

Zhang Daoqian and others still have time for surprise, but the three old demons here don't even have time for surprise.

At this time, they send out a sense of madness and want to lock Xia Jue's figure.

However, Xia Jue, who broke through to the later stage of the heaven level and then used the yufengjue's body method, was faster than the ghost's harm. Even with their three senses, it was not easy to lock in.

Often they just lock in a direction and want to move, and then the figure they lock in disappears the moment they want to move, which makes them unable to start.

"Close formation."

Seeing that if it goes on like this, it's going to be broken by each one. Chen Shang quickly drinks again.

After hearing this, the old demon and ye Fei turned around immediately, and then looked back.

But in an instant, the three had already shown a back-to-back posture against the enemy.

One advantage of the back-to-back posture is that you don't have to worry about being attacked by Xia Jue, who is extremely fast.

No matter which direction Xia Jue wants to attack them, they can fight back without scruple.

But there is also a disadvantage.

That's it. It's too passive.

They can only wait for Xia Jue to attack them. Once Xia Jue doesn't attack them, the formation they set up is useless.

That is to say, now they have given up the opportunity to take the initiative to attack.

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