If Xia Jue doesn't want to fight with them now, he will leave.

"It's not the way to go on like this. If this boy runs away like this, it's a threat."

Ye Fei also realized that there is no difference between them going on like this and delaying death. It's better to fight than to do so. At least there is still a chance.

"That's right. You can't let him run away like this. Let's go."

The old demon has deeply understood Xia Jue's power.

Since the other side was still in the middle of the sky stage, he had no way to deal with him, and even suffered a lot. Now the other side is in the late stage of the sky stage. If he still indulges in this way, it will be their death next time.

Then it's better to fight with him according to what ye Fei said. At least now they still have a chance to win.

The old demon who made up his mind didn't hesitate any more. He directly broke away from the three men's formation first, and frantically sent out a sense to find Xia Jue's figure.

Xia Jue, who is exerting his decision to resist the wind, sees that the three men have suddenly formed a common formation against the enemy and is thinking about how to fight. But before he can figure it out, he sees that the other side has dispersed the formation first, which makes him feel relaxed.

Before, when the three men joined the formation, he couldn't help taking advantage of each other for a while, but since the other side took the initiative to disperse, he was impolite.

his first goal was Chen Shang.

This guy got hurt while fighting with the queen bee when he went to get the nectar.

Later, in the process of escape, he was attacked with a sword, which must have hurt him a lot, so he was the weakest among the three.

As long as you take the lead in solving this guy, then there are still two experts in the later stage of Tianji, which is much easier to deal with.

In a moment, Xia Jue's figure flashed in front of Chen Shang's body. When he got to the front and back of him, he hit him with a dragon shaking fist.

In a panic, Chen Shang could only immediately use his inner Qi blessing in his arms to resist.


Chen Shang was shocked more than 20 meters by Xia Jue's sudden blow.

"Are you all right, my lord?"

Chen Shangfei's direction of going out is falling on Zhang Daoqian and other people's side. These people quickly reached out to help him who was about to fall back on the ground.

Although Chen Shang had suffered some injuries before, he was an old master who had been in the later stage of the heaven stage for many years. Of course, he would not be killed by Xia Jue.

However, although he was not killed by one blow, his arms were already a blur of flesh and blood, and the look on his face was even more dispirited.

One of his companions was suddenly hit by Xia Jue and flew out. At this time, the old demon and ye Fei also had mixed feelings.

They don't even have the skin on their side, so they damage one person first. How can we fight this battle?

Before they thought too much, Xia Jue's figure disappeared in front of them.

Seeing this, ye Fei and the old demon quickly put away their thoughts and release their senses to find Xia Jue's figure.

Chen Shang, who was hit by Xia Jue, is estimated to have little combat power now. If he or ye feizai has a slip, he doesn't have to fight at all. He just gives up resistance. Maybe people are in a good mood and can give him a happy way to die.

"Bang bang."

With the two men on guard and their tacit cooperation, Xia Jue's attack did not achieve the same obvious effect as that of Chen Shang.

"This is not the way to go on. What should we do?"

Although Xia Jue didn't take advantage of them, Lao Yao and ye Fei are also very uncomfortable now.

Because they have no fighting power with Ben now, they are completely passive and suppressed everywhere.

Just when they didn't know what to do, Xia Jue was also a little depressed.

In the past, he could crush the friars of the same level by relying on his martial arts and body method when he was promoted to a higher level. Now, he can't crush the friars of the same level even with his martial arts and body method.

Is there a watershed in the later stage of the heavenly stage?

Is there really such a big gap between the late days of his breakthrough and the old guys who have been breaking through this realm for hundreds of years?

Shaking his head, he did not think about it any more. As soon as he thought about it, the sword came out of the storage bag and fell into his hand.

Since we can't press these two old guys to death by strength, let's try to see if this magic sword can completely press these two old guys to death.

Ye Fei and the old demon, who have been oppressed and are about to be out of breath, look even worse when they see this magic sword.

The other side just made them like this by their martial arts and body method. If they use this magic sword again, they will not be able to resist. It's really a matter of two.

"Wait a minute, boy. There's nothing to say. There's no need to fight me to death."Now things are out of control, ye Fei has to make peace.

Originally, they thought that they would take advantage of this weak period to solve him once and for all, but how could they know that after the other party broke through this realm, there was no weakness but more bravery, which made them crazy and helpless.

Hearing this, a trace of irony flashed between the corners of Xia Jue's mouth.

These guys are really interesting. It is clear that they came here first to kill him. Now they come to talk to him. They have something to say. They are playing with themselves as three-year-old children.

Xia Jue naturally ignored them, and the internal Qi in his body was still pouring into the magic sword in his hand.

Maybe the internal Qi was injected enough. The silver sword hummed, and then the light came up. It was like the dazzling sunlight in this scene.

Xia Jue, the owner of this magic sword, was also surprised to see this scene.

Since he got this magic sword, he has used it countless times. However, this vision of the silver sword is the first time he has seen it.

What's going on?

Does it mean that my previous strength has always been insufficient, and now with my strength breaking through to the realm of the later stage of heaven, and then injecting the internal Qi into my body, I completely activate the power of this magic sword?

Looking at this magic sword, Xia Jue fell into meditation.

Xia Jue looked at this magic sword and fell into meditation, while ye Fei and the old demon were in a panic.

Especially the old demon.

He had experienced the power of the sword himself before.

In front of his eyes, he felt the power of the sword again.

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