However, compared with the previous power, now he felt more powerful in this sword.

He felt that the great power contained in the sword would swallow him up after a little sense.

This feeling has already begun to haunt him.


He was scared to death. The old demon didn't have the courage to fight against Xia Jue's sword any more. He immediately turned around and ran away.

"Well, I want to go. It's late now."

Seeing that the old demon on the opposite side wanted to run, Xia Jue didn't study the change of the magic sword in his hand any more. He just waved such a sword to the old demon who ran away in the distance.


The power of the magic sword before is contained in the sword. Ye Fei and Lao Yao just feel a chilling power. Now this power really comes out. The people at the scene really feel the power of the sword now.

I saw a sword like a rainbow, carrying the power of shaking the earth and breaking the earth, attacking the old demon who fled in the distance.

The old demon who fled in front naturally felt the deadly sword Qi behind him, but at the moment he had no way but to escape, and had no courage to resist directly.


The old demon's escape was in vain after all, and the sword Qi hit him with extremely fast speed.

A few minutes later, the dust scattered all over the sky, and the people at the scene still did not recover from the chilling power just now.

"Just now that sword Qi..."

Tokugawa Kenichi's mouth opened into an O-shape, and he couldn't even speak quickly.

No doubt,

he felt that if the sword Qi just cut in the direction of them, then he felt that none of them could be spared.

"This... This... This..."

just when people were still shocked by the sword Qi just now, a voice of panic and speechlessness suddenly came out.

When everyone looked at it, it turned out that the voice was made by Chen Shang, who was seriously injured.

Then follow Chen Shang's eyes.

I saw a figure lying on the ground in front of me.

This figure is a blur of flesh and blood, and its chest is sunken in a large piece. If you have more Qi and less, you will not be able to live.

Seeing that even the old demon whose cultivation reached the later stage of the heaven level had turned into such a miserable situation, none of them could say anything more.

They knew that the power of the sword just now must be very strong, but they didn't expect that the old demon would come to such a dead end after such a sword.

It's really shocking and sad.

A sword will solve the old demon, Xia Jue's left hand appeared two back to the gas Dan, then he to the mouth a pat.

After swallowing the Huiqi pill, Xia Jue turns his head and looks at Ye Fei, who is still standing on one side.

By the other side such a see, at this time of leaf not legs almost not soft down.

Although he knew that the Qi in Xia Jue's body had probably consumed more than half of his body after he had just made that shocking blow, and he didn't even urge him to send out the second sword.

But after seeing the old demon in the rear end in such a terrible situation, he no longer had the confidence to start.

"Spare my life. I'll be your servant."

No way, in order to survive, ye Fei had to pull down his face to beg for mercy.

A powerful Tianguan in the later stage of Tianjie had such humble behavior to beg for mercy. No one believed that this kind of thing would happen before, but today it really happened in front of everyone.

"Yes, I'd like to be your servant, too. Please spare our lives."

Chen Shang sees that ye Fei has turned on his machine to beg for mercy. Naturally, he has no hesitation. Besides, if he doesn't beg for mercy, he may end up like an old demon.

After so many years of hard work, I have reached the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage. Although Shouyuan has been exhausted, fortunately, I have found such a place.

There may be other chances for such a strange place. Maybe they will die before the exploration is finished.

"Spare us, we are willing to be your servants, no more complaints."

Two powerful Tianguan in the later stage of Tianjie begged for mercy from Xiajue. How could Zhang Daoqian and others sit still? They also begged for mercy.


One of the heaven level masters may be too afraid that Xia Jue will settle the accounts for their strike in the future, so in order to show his greatest regret, he knelt down directly.

After the man knelt down, a crowd knelt down one after another. At last, Chen Shang and ye Fei had no choice but to kneel down.

Chen Shang and ye Fei are very frustrated.

They want to be the great heavenly officials of the later stage.

Since they have achieved this kind of strength, up to now, I can't remember how many people kneel down to salute them.But I didn't expect that they would be forced to kneel down and beg for mercy today, which is really changeable.

Everyone in the field knelt down, but there was one exception.

This man is Tokugawa Kenichi.

Before Tokugawa Kenichi not only took the lead in the strike, but also after Chen Shang and Chen Shang arrived, he kept fighting against Xia Jue, and still became the number one of fan Xiajue.

A person like him doesn't need to know that Xia Jue will never let him go easily.

Since Xia Jue would not let him go, what's the difference between whether he kneels or not?

"Pa pa pa."

Xia Jue clapped his hands and walked towards Tokugawa Kenichi.

"Yes, you are a hard nut."

Xia Jue didn't expect that this guy didn't choose to beg for mercy. Instead, he confronted him with a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

"Hum, if you want to kill me, I'll live enough anyway. I won't be enslaved by you any more."

He has been determined to die. Before he died, Tokugawa Jianyi thought it was good to be addicted.

"Good backbone. Now I'm not afraid of death. I respect you for being a man."

"Hum, it's just death. I've been psychologically prepared for Tokugawa sword for a long time. But you guys, one by one, used to boast that you are noble and have the style of a high man. Especially, what kind of heavenly officials are you, and you still have the appearance of dominating the world? Do you want to be a little bit of a face?"

The curse before he died made Tokugawa Kenichi very happy.

His accomplishments here are the lowest.

On top of him, there are kuchun and the two so-called Tianguan who are powerful in the later stage of Tianjie.

But now these people.

One by one in front of this surname Xia, he knelt down and begged for mercy, without any backbone of the heaven level master.

On the contrary, his lowest cultivation is to be outspoken, and he didn't submit to each other's obscene power to resist.

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