From this comparison, we can see the gap.

This kind of gap makes the present Tokugawa Kenichi very relaxed.

A refreshing release of the soul.

It's just like that although his cultivation is lower than those present, he has done something that they dare not do.


although a group of people kneeling on the ground now dare not resist Xia Jue, how can they resist the humiliation of Tokugawa Kenichi.

So at this time, they all stare at Tokugawa Kenichi angrily.

Especially Chen Shang and ye Fei.

The two of them are the powerful officials in the later stage of the heaven order. Now they are reduced to being humiliated by Xia Jue. This Tokugawa sword is nothing. How dare they humiliate them like this.

If Xia Jue had not been here, they would have torn the Tokugawa sword to pieces.

"Well, he insults you like this. Can you bear it?"

Seeing that everyone had been enraged by Tokugawa Jianyi, Xia Jue raised his mouth slightly.

Xia Jue's words not only made Chen Shang and them confused, but also made Tokugawa Kenichi confused.

This script is not right. This guy killed himself in a rage. Why did he say this without any anger?

Tokugawa can't turn his head for a moment.

Tokugawa sword can't turn his head around, but Chen Shang and others soon realized the meaning of Xia Jue's words.

Xia Jue asked them to deal with Tokugawa sword one.

Think of this Chen Shang et al's face instantly become Jieqi up, he quickly stood up from the ground.

Seeing Chen Shang stand up, the rest of the people around him also stand up and look at Tokugawa Kenichi with murderous eyes.

At this time, even if Tokugawa sword was stupid again and again, he understood what Xia Jue had said before.

It's clear that we're going to leave him to these people.

That is to say, how much he belittled these people before, how much they hate him now.

I was flustered at the thought of Tokugawa sword.

He is not afraid of death, but of being tortured by these people in a cruel and inhumane way before death.

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and a determined look appeared on his face. Then he suddenly wanted to pat his head with his big hand.

That's right. He's trying to make his own decision.

If you don't want to be tortured, you have to stop yourself.

But his idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

In front of Chen Shang, ye Fei and other experts in the later stage of the heaven stage, where does he have the chance to find his own way out.

When his palm was two inches away from the forehead, he was directly restrained by Chen Shang's coercion and couldn't move any more.

"Chen Tianguan, don't let this bastard die too easily."

"Yes, if I can, I'll bite off the flesh one by one."

"I'll break his bones one by one."

People gnash their teeth and say.

Hearing these vicious words, Tokugawa kept sweating in his head.

He's sorry now.

Before he died, he scolded the bastard and took out his anger. Why should he take them all? Now the end is really miserable.

"Ah, ah."

Soon, as soon as the Tokugawa sword made a series of fierce pig killing sounds.

Here, Xia Jue is not interested in watching these people torment Tokugawa Jianyi. He comes to a stone, sits up and carefully looks at the magic sword in his hand.

He was also very curious about why the sword suddenly changed.

Putting the sword in front of his eyes, he urged Ganzhi to explore inside.

The sense is much stronger. Every detail of this sword is presented in Xia Jue's consciousness.

All of a sudden.

His sense seemed to feel a mysterious object on the body of the sword.

The reason why this is a mysterious object is that this object is neither the internal Qi nor the forging material on the sword, but something completely attached to the sword.

What the hell is this?

The curious Xia Jue tries his best to urge the sense to spy on the mysterious objects.

At this moment, the mysterious object seemed to feel something, and then he jumped directly from the sword body to the tail of the sword, which was very strange.

"It seems to be alive?"

Xia Jue was very surprised.

Just now, when he used his sense to spy on the mysterious object, the mysterious object seemed to be frightened and ran to the tail of the sword, which proved that the object was absolutely conscious.

I didn't expect that he had this magic sword for so long, but it was the first time that he found such strange things in it.This strange thing has completely lifted Xia Jue's curiosity, and then he once again urged sense to spy on him.

The result is the same this time.

When Xia Jue's sense touched it again, it ran from the tail of the sword to the sword.

"What is it?"

Xia Jue asked in his heart.

The next day the experiment went back and forth several times, and the result was the same every time.

But just when he was going to experiment for the last time, suddenly the sword sent out some light, and there was a bit of power in the light, just like the blow that Xia Jue urged the magic sword to send out before.

Xia Jue was even more surprised to see that this sword was so strange.

Could it be said that his teasing made the mysterious object in the sword angry?

It's quite possible.

Chen Shang and ye Fei, who are still tormenting Tokugawa Kenichi in the distance, suddenly feel this power, and then they stop and look into the distance.

I don't know. It's a shock.

In the distance, Xia Jue's sword actually flew into the sky.

The sword flying into the sky seems to be secretly storing energy for another shocking blow.

"No, run."

Suddenly, Chen Shang and others saw that the magic sword flying to the sky seemed to attack them, so he quickly drank and ran away to one side.

After hearing Chen Shang's warning, other people did not move at all, and withdrew to both sides.

In the crowd were evacuated from the field, only the tormented and dying Tokugawa sword was left. For a moment, I saw the sword in the sky slashing towards him fiercely.

The Tokugawa sword with one breath left looked up at the sword Qi in the sky.

Although he didn't know how the sword could make such a strange and autonomous strike, what he knew was that he was about to be free.


There was a loud noise, and the sword seemed to have lost its spirit and fell to the ground.

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