"Yes, I will ask you for mercy." Xia Jue said and walked out of the gate directly.

"He wants to run. Get him for me." Young master Jiang and his bodyguard chase after Xia Jue.

After about 50 meters, Xia Jue stopped in front of an orthopedic clinic.

Master Jiang didn't understand why Xia Jue came here.

He followed Xia Jue's eyes and saw that there were two big words "orthopedics" hanging on it.

"Well, you ugly bastard know that I'm going to break your leg, don't you? I want to go to the doctor in advance." Mr. Jiang sneered.

"On the contrary." Xia Jue mouth slightly up, followed by the hospital issued bursts of gruesome screams.

Just when Su Yihan's aunt in the ward didn't know what to do, Xia Jue came back.

Several people are surprised to see Xia Jue coming back intact.

Because in their consciousness, Xia Jue insulted the young master Jiang so much before, and he would not let him go so easily.

I can't imagine that Xia Jue came back like a nobody.

"Xia Jue, are you ok?" Su Yihan's uncle looked at Xia Jue carefully.

"Do you think I have something to do?"

"Well What happened to that young master Jiang? "

"Come on, get to the orthopedics department. I heard that there are more than a dozen short legged people there." A group of nurses rushed past the ward.

"I don't know. Maybe I went to see a doctor."

See a doctor?

What doctor do you see?

Before that young master Jiang was still alive, how could he go to see a doctor?

There was some confusion in the crowd.

Others are baffled, but Su Yihan guesses the result.

Because he was very clear about how much Xia Jue could fight, and what the passing nurse said, she was sure that it was the young master Jiang and his party who had broken her leg before.

"Let's leave this alone. Shall we move it?" Su Yihan's second uncle said.

All of them woke up with a start.

It is.

I don't care why Mr. Jiang went to see a doctor.

If he comes back to see them here later, won't he go crazy again?

Thinking of this, people couldn't pay attention, so they could only look at Xia Jue.

"Live well here, move what move!" Xia Jue said quietly.

When they heard this, many people looked down, but they didn't dare to refute it.


A man with a hooked nose came in with a party.

"I asked you to arrange for my father to be hospitalized. How did you do that?" The eagle nose man looked at the crying young master Jiang lying on the bed.

"Big brother, a bastard occupied ward 1 and hurt me." He said, biting his teeth.

"How many of them?" The man with the hooked nose frowned.

"Just one. That bastard is very good at fighting."

"Hum, you rubbish, so many people can't even clean up one person." Eagle nose man with a group of people out of the orthopedic ward toward the number one.

Here, just when Su Yihan's uncles and aunts were worried, a man with a hook nose and a group of people came to the ward.

"Which bastard hurt my brother, take the initiative to stand up, don't let me get angry." Eagle nose man said defiantly.

"Jiang Wu, don't make trouble here."

Some people have informed the president that there is something wrong with ward 1 long ago, but the president is busy. In fact, he can't separate himself. Just as he got back to the hospital, he came across the present situation.

"Hum, Dean Gu, you know my father is not in good health these days, and you dare to give ward 1 to others. Are you tired of being the dean?" Hawk nose man said impolitely.

If it were for this threat, the Dean would have made an apology in a hurry, because the family background of the man is really wonderful.

But now this ward is for Mr. Xia. With the support of Mr. Xia, let alone the man with hooked nose, even if his grandfather came here in person, he would not be half afraid.

"I am not the boss of the Dean has the final say, as long as I am still the dean of this hospital, then the ward is my decision."

"Good, but I won't argue with you about the ward now. Someone has moved my brother here. This person had better stand up now, or I will make you regret coming to this world."

"It's my hand. What can you do?" Xia Jue directly stood in front of the eagle nose man.

"Well, it's a great courage. I remember you. You'll soon know what life is like to die." The man with hooked nose dropped the sentence and left.

"Go and find out the source of the people in that ward. In addition, barking, the dog will wait at the door of the hospital. As soon as the boy comes out, he will be tied up to me immediately." The man with the hooked nose said to the people around him.

Kwai is a man with a great background. It is not difficult to check the identity of several people. What's more, he will bring information back with great speed."As for that strange son-in-law, Su Ming's eldest son-in-law was the only one who helped him out of the family

"Hum, it turns out that there is Tianhai group's background. No wonder it is so arrogant. However, Tianhai group is nothing in front of our Jiang family. Send me a message. Anyone who dares to approach Su's real estate is the enemy of our Jiang family. I want to have a good time with him."

"Xia Jue, you go back first." The matter here can't be solved for a while, so Fang Xiaoqin asks Xia Jue and Su Yihan to go back first.

Su Yihan nodded.

It's no use for them to stay here now. It's better to go back and have a rest.

Just as they walked out of the hospital.

There was movement in several cars in the distance.

"Brother dog is him. Brother Wu said that you should take him back and take good care of him." Said a man in the car.

"Come on." Sitting in the car, brother Gou waved to his younger brother with little interest.

"Just a moment." When the visitor came near, he saw the appearance clearly. Brother Gou was scared out of his wits.

"Are you talking about the ugly guy?" Brother dog said tremblingly.

"That's him. What's the matter?"

"Get out of the car and tell brother Wu that I can't do this job." Without waiting for a reply, brother Gou opened the car door and pushed him down.

Let's go. Let's drive. " Brother dog quickly told his younger brother.

The younger brothers around are very curious about why brother Gou is so afraid of the ugly young man.

One of them asked carefully, "brother dog, that's what brother Wu ordered. Why should we refuse?"

Brother Wu seems to recall the night of Paris bar.

That night, he was one of the leaders of snake brother.

After seeing how abnormal the ugly young man was, he made the same wise choice as others.

That's escape.

Since that night, snake brother's organization no longer exists, so he knows how terrible this ugly young man is.

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