"Brother Wu, I don't know why that bastard is not willing to do it." Hawk nose's men return to report.

"Is there such a thing?"

There is a great difference between men with hooked nose

"forget it, ignore him. What's the reaction of Tianhai group?"

"Brother Wu, there is no statement from Tianhai for the time being, but other group companies cooperating with Su's real estate have begun to draw a clear line."

"Good. I'm going to kill this asshole."

Su Yihan answered the phone and rushed to the meeting room of Su's real estate headquarters building.

"What happened?" Su Yihan said to Wu Yiyi in a hurry.

"President Su, Longteng group, North group and Shangshui group have cancelled their cooperation with us one after another, and the land originally planned to be included in our company has also been temporarily reversed." Wu Yiyi said anxiously.

"How could that be?" Su Yihan asked.

"I don't know. I'm communicating with the person in charge of their group now."

"What does Tianhai group say?" Su Yihan continued.

"Tianhai group has no news for the time being."

At this time, it was in a meeting room of Longteng villa.

Xiao Yu, Liu Yiming, Wu Shan, Chen Guan and others are here.

"Mr. Wu, it's not that we don't give you face. It's just that the Jiang family has spoken out. Anyone who is too close to Su's real estate is against them. We can't provoke the Jiang family."

"Yes, Mr. Wu, we are engaged in real estate. As long as the Jiang family says something, we won't be able to get a piece of land in the future. We can't afford to offend them."

Several people have a lot of bitterness.

"That's what you came to me to say?" Wu Shan looked at these people coldly.

"Mr. Wu, I don't know what relationship you have with Mr. Xia, but we'd better not offend the Jiang family when we eat together in Zhonghai."

Looking at the corners of these people's mouths, Wu Shan sneered in his heart.

It's just a Jiang family. I dare to fight against Mr. Xia. I really don't know how to write death.

Ignoring these people, Wu Shan stood up, buttoned his suit and left.

From today on, he will draw a clear line with these former partners.

Because he knew these people would never come to a good end.

When they saw Wu Shanli, they ignored him and left.

Xiao Yu and Chen Guan were a little angry.

"Well, if Wu Jiang doesn't listen to his advice, it doesn't matter." Chen Guan said angrily.

"There is no way. From now on, we can only draw a clear line with Tianhai group."

"Wu Shan's own death is better for us." Liu Yiming expressed different views.

"How do you say that?"

"Think about it. If Tianhai group falls down, a big cake will be left empty."


Before, people only thought that if Tianhai suffered, it would affect themselves, but they didn't think that Tianhai would collapse, which would free up a large market. This is a big cake.

"Ha ha, let's go back and get ready."

Several people rubbed their palms and left.

Su Yihan and Xia Jue were listening to the company's report in the conference room when a man pushed the door in.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Wu is here."

"Mr. Wu is here. Let him in." Su Yihan said.

After a while, Wu Shan came in.

"Mr. Xia, Miss Su."

Su Yihan nodded: "Mr. Wu, what happened? Why did they cancel their cooperation?"

Wu Shan took a look at Xia Jue and said carefully: "it's the Jiang family that has spoken..."

Jiang family?

Su Yihan is a little confused.

When did their company offend the Jiang family?

That's right.

Is it Mr. Jiang in the hospital?

Su Yihan finally figured it out.

"Wu Shanna." Xia Jue spoke lightly.

"You said, Mr. Xia." Wu Shan looks at Xia Jue for unknown reasons.

"How many real estate companies are there in Zhonghai city?"

Wu Shan didn't know why Xia Jue asked, but he replied honestly, "there are about a dozen."

"Good. There will be only two from today."

Xia Jue's words made Wu Shan unable to think.

What do you mean there are only two?

In a flash, Wu Shan suddenly woke up.

It seems that Mr. Xia is angry with these people who have betrayed Su's real estate.

Thinking of Wu Shan, I can't help but smack my tongue.

Mr. Xia is ready to kill all his opponents and take the lead.

It's a big hand.

If other people said this, Wu Shan would never believe it, but it was Mr. Xia who said this in front of him. Wu Shan had to believe it."Mr. Xia, what should I do?" Wu Shan asked respectfully.

"Ready to take over." Xia Jue said lightly.

"Yes, I'll go back and get ready." Wu Shan was a little excited.

The cake of Zhonghai real estate is too big.

If Tianhai group and Su's real estate are all absorbed, how far should the company grow?

Wu Shan's personal value may also instantly be listed on the domestic rich list.

After Wu Shan left, Su Yihan couldn't help asking, "are you serious?"

"What's serious?"

"Do you really want to monopolize the real estate industry in Zhonghai?" Su Yihan is staring at Xia Jue.

"What else?"

"We just can't deal with the cooperation with several groups. If we directly monopolize this industry, we may not be able to cope with it..."

"Believe in yourself, you can."

In a villa.

"Brother Wu, Tianhai group didn't pay attention to our words. On the contrary, it deepened its cooperation with Su's real estate and sent out several pieces of gold land in the center of the city." Hawk nose's men came to report.

"Well, Tianhai group doesn't pay attention to our words, right? Let's take them first and let our people find a reason to seal up Tianhai group." Eagle hook nose male Yin measurement said.

"Yes." The men agreed and were ready to go out.

At this time, a group of uniformed law enforcement officers came to the villa gate.

The bodyguard at the door quickly asked, "this is a private villa. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing. Is this the Jiang family?" The leader of a law enforcement officer said.

"That's right."

"It's an arrest warrant. Let's open the door," the captain said with a certificate.

"What's the arrest warrant? Do you know where it is? This is the Jiang family. Don't you want to stop it?"

"Resist arrest, right? Come on, give it to me." The captain waved his hand, and the people behind him took out the guys one after another.

"Brother Wu, brother Wu is not good. A group of people from outside say they want to catch you." His men ran in and said to the man with hooked nose.

"Son of a bitch, where is this? Who dares to arrest me?" There's something strange about the man with the hooked nose.

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