As soon as the man's voice fell, a group of people rushed in immediately.

"Hands up."

The eagle nose man was shocked, but he soon calmed down: "asshole, do you know where this is? I'll call your leader right away."

The man with the hooked nose is about to pick up the phone.

"Don't bother. No one can save you." The captain seemed to be looking at a clown.

He didn't get through and glared at the captain: "do you know who my grandfather is? Dare to come here and be wild. "

"Yes, Jiang changluan." The captain sneered.

Hawk nose is not a fool. Since the other party knows who his grandfather is, he dares to come here. There must be a problem.

"Where is my grandfather now?"

"Your grandfather has been controlled by our people because of his corruption. You will see him soon."

"No way." Hook nosed man can't believe it.

Their relationship with the Jiang family is so intertwined that how can they easily fall down?

"By the way, Mr. Xia says hello to you for me." The captain said another word.

Hearing this, the man with the crooked nose was struck by lightning.

Mr. Xia, Mr. Xia.

Is Xia Jue just a door-to-door waste? Why is he able to take down the Jiang family?

"It's impossible." The hook nosed man roared angrily.

Originally, he was a hunter. He was thinking about how to torture Xia Jue, a waste family. Now someone told him that Xia Jue had become a hunter, but he had become a prey. The contrast was so big that he couldn't accept it.

"Handcuff him to me." The captain ignored the man's mood and let his men catch him.

"I don't agree. I'll call." The hook nosed man is still struggling.

"There's no time to offend you, Mr. Xia."


At the same time, famous real estate enterprises in Zhonghai City, such as Longteng group and Shangshui group, have been found to have tax evasion, bean curd projects and other black materials.

At present, these groups are forced to suspend business indefinitely.

In the office of the chairman of Longteng group.

Chen Guan angrily smashed things.

"Who the hell can tell me what's going on?"

Chen Guan roared angrily, and his subordinates didn't dare to give it out.

"Chairman, I've inquired about the news. It's not just us. At present, only two real estate companies in Zhonghai have not been closed down." The secretary came in and said to Chen Guan.

"Come on, which two?"

"Tianhai group and Su's real estate."

Hearing this, Chen Guan was shocked.

"How is the Jiang family?" Chen Guan continued.

"The people of the Jiang family heard that they were taken away by the people of the law enforcement department. At present, they don't know why."

Chen Guan sat on the chair with dull eyes.

Tianhai group tries its best to please Su's real estate.

The Jiang family wants to move Su's real estate.

As a result, there was nothing wrong with Su's real estate. On the contrary, it was unfortunate for the Jiang family to get rid of their relationship with Su's real estate.

If Chen can't figure it out by now, it's a pig's head.

It must have been Mr. Xia.

They can guess that Mr. Xia's background is extraordinary, but they didn't expect that Mr. Xia was so terrible.

You know, it took less than half a day for the Jiang family to threaten to deal with the Su group, and the Jiang family, whose relationship was so intertwined, collapsed.

No wonder Wu Shan didn't spare any effort to offend the Jiang family and curry favor with Xia Jue. It's ridiculous to think that they planned to divide up Tianhai group before.

"Come on, come on, get me some documents about the skyscrapers the group is going to build in the center of the city." Now things have happened, Chen Guan, they can only try their best to remedy it.

At this time, this scene is also on stage in the Shanghai group and the North group.

"Mr. Xia, the business of the rest of the companies has taken over almost, leaving only those groups." Wu Shan's mood hasn't calmed down until now.

But in a few hours.

With the collapse of the Jiang family and the closure of more than a dozen real estate companies, although Mr. Xia had known for a long time that he had the ability to do it, he was still stunned when the results really came out.

So when he took over the business of these companies, he immediately went to Su's real estate to see if Xia Jue had any instructions.

"Mr. Su Zongxia, Longteng group, Shangshui group, northern group and others want to see you." An employee came in and said.

Hearing these people coming, Wu Shan wanted to laugh.


Now I know I'm looking for Mr. Xia. What have I been doing?

"Let them in." Xia Jue spoke lightly."Mr. Xia, we are wrong."

Liu Yiming, a senior official of Xiao Yu, bowed his head like a child to admit his mistake.

"Wrong? What's wrong? "

Hear Xia Jue say so, several people complexion is more embarrassed.

"We shouldn't break the contract without authorization." Chen Guan said.

"I didn't sign a contract again. I just made a verbal plan for the cooperation. It's not a contract abandonment." Xia Jue's expression makes people unable to see what he is thinking.

Hearing Xia Jue's words, several people were terrified.

"No, what we do business for is honesty. It's because we have mixed our minds to do this kind of thing. I beg Mr. Xia's forgiveness." Liu Yiming said.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, we are reckless. In order to compensate for the loss of Su's real estate, this is a small compensation made by Longteng group to you." Chen Guan pushed over a pile of documents.

Su also glanced at the document and was surprised.

In fact, these groups announced the termination of cooperation with Soxhlet real estate and did not cause any loss to them.

But now the Longteng group has taken out the valuable land in the city center to compensate them, which makes her feel that she is not bullying people.

"Mr. Xia, we, Shangshui group, also make compensation."

"Mr. Xia, our northern group is the same..."

"From today on, your groups are merging into Soxhlet." Xia Jue didn't even look at these people.

Xia Jue's words made several people a little stunned.

"Why, no?"

"Yes, it's an honor for us to be incorporated into Su's real estate. How can we not?"

Several people understand that this is their last chance. If they dare to make Xia Jue unhappy, maybe even CNOOC can't stay.

"Let's go down. From now on, I want to let Zhonghai city know the brand of Su's group."

"Yes, yes." Several people left at once.

A few hours later.

The streets and alleys of Zhonghai city began to be covered with advertisements of Su's real estate.

Su family, Su Jianwei's manor.

"Dad, Junhao's marriage to the Wang family is scheduled for the first of next month." Su Jianwei laughs. He seems to have seen the rise of the family, trampling on the ugly and the bitches.

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