"That is to say, this old man told you all about that door?"

After listening to Chen Shang's words, Xia Jue felt that the old man was not simple.

"That's right. We didn't know that there was any other gate. The old man told us that the vitality of the world didn't wither."

After thinking for a while, Xia Jue said: "well, now let's continue to search ahead and see if there are any fruits we found before."

Judging from Chen Shang's words, the old man's strength has reached the peak of the later stage of the heaven stage. He is still so mysterious that he is definitely not an easy person to deal with.

For now, I have to try my best to improve my strength to the peak, so that I can get more points even if I am against him.


When they heard Xia Jue's words, they didn't dare to disobey. They immediately scattered and searched everywhere.

When they were looking for it, Xia Jue didn't sit and wait. He also released his sense and searched around.

Before long, under the sweeping of his strong sense, he soon found a red fruit as if it had come.

Under the great joy, Xia Jue rushed to the red fruit.

When he came to the scene, he found a lot of red fruits, which were bigger than those before.

Not only that, but also from the information he received from his senses, this fruit is more precious than the one he found when he first came in.

Because he realized that the vitality of heaven and earth contained in the fruit above was almost twice that of the previous one.


Xia Jue moved his steps towards the tree to get it, but at this moment his sense seemed to be aware of a sense of crisis, which made him have to stop.

After stopping, he immediately exudes a sense of the surrounding area.

But a few minutes later, nothing was found.

Could it be that there was a mistake in judgment just now.

But it's impossible. I've just noticed the inexplicable sense of crisis in Britain. It's absolutely not wrong, because I can't cheat you.

Then the only explanation is that the shadow of the "guy" may be too deep.

Good guy.

After taking those yellow fruits, and now he has broken through the realm of the later stage of heaven, his sense has reached a very strong level.

But in this way, this mysterious thing can avoid his own sense, so that he can't accurately detect it. If you look at it, you can't see that this guy's strength is unusual.


While Xia Jue was guessing, a figure appeared in the distance.

This man is a heaven level master who succumbs to him and is helping him find treasure.

"You, come here."

You don't have any hesitation, Xia Jue called to him immediately.

"What... What's the matter?"

The master came to Xia Jue with a nervous mood.

"See that fruit tree?"

Xia Jue pointed to the red fruit tree ahead.

The master looked forward in the direction of Xia Jue's finger. Suddenly, his expression seemed to be solidified as if he had seen some beauty.

"This... This is a treasure tree."

This expert has infinite greed in his eyes.

"See, go and help me pick all the fruits."

Xia Jue said.


The master didn't hesitate, so he went straight to the tree in front of him.

When the master went out for about seven or eight meters, suddenly the feeling of Xia Jue came back like that just now.

It's really tricky!

Now Xia Jue is 100% sure that there must be some danger in the fruit trees in front of him.

Xia Jue sensed the danger, but the master didn't have his strong sense, so he didn't feel any abnormality.

In this way, the master soon came to the distance of about five meters from the fruit tree.


All of a sudden, there was a sound under the ground, which made the master who wanted to go ahead to pick fruit a little at a loss.

"Can't help it at last!"

Looking at the movement under the ground, Xia Jue's face was cold.

Before, he also said where the mysterious thing was hiding, which could make him feel it, but he was hiding in the ground.

It's no wonder that no matter how strong the sense is, it's impossible to explore through the ground, so as long as the shadow is well hidden, it's normal that he can't detect it.


There was a huge crack in the ground, and then a huge tail came out of the ground.

And the target of this tail is the heaven level master who wants to pick fruit.In a panic, the heaven level master could only run the internal Qi in his body in a hurry to resist.


Although the heaven level master had already run the internal Qi to resist, because the power of the giant tail was too big, he was directly hit by a tail and flew out.

Smash the sky level master to fly, the tail under the ground wriggles out one after another.

Soon Xia Jue knew what it was.

It turned out to be a big snake.

This snake is about two people's waist thick, the length of ten meters, can be called a python.

After coming out of the ground, the python obviously felt that Xia Jue was the real threat in front of him. At this time, it didn't rashly attack him. Instead, it stopped and glared at him with fierce eyes, and the letters in its mouth kept pouring out.

It's natural that Chen Shang and others can't hide such a big movement here. They are very busy and rush to come here.

"Is there such a beast here?"

"That's right. It seems that the animal is almost refined. I don't know how many years I've practiced in this place."

When people came to see the python, they were all surprised.

Python saw so many people come to this covetous look, their eyes are more red up, the mouth also sent out a very harsh "yiyiyiyi" voice.

"What are you waiting for? Shall I do it myself?"

It's not pleasant to see these people talking about Xia Jue here.

"Yes, I'll get rid of this evil animal."

After Chen Shang said this, he was the first to attack the python in front of him.

Other people are on the sword Chen Shang, dare not neglect, have flocked.

"Pee, pee, pee."

Chen Shang and ye are not only the experts in the later stage of the heaven stage, but also kuchun and Zhang Daoqian, two experts in the middle and later stage of the heaven stage and those experts in the early stage of the heaven stage, which makes the python feel a great threat. The python suddenly lowers its head and drills into the ground.

"Don't let him run, do it."

Seeing that the beast wants to run, people can't agree so easily.

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