"Bang bang."

A road inside the gas ruthlessly hit on the Python's body.

However, these were like tickling to the python, and they didn't leave any scars on the python at all.

"What a tough animal."

People were surprised to see such a situation.

You know, the attack inside is made by Chen Shang and ye Fei, the two later experts of the heaven level. But even this can't do any damage to the python. You can imagine the body of the beast.


Taking advantage of this time, the python has completely penetrated into the ground and disappeared.

"Damn it, this beast has escaped."

Zhang Daoqian yelled.

However, he pretended to be abusive on the surface.

A python that is hard to hurt even the strength of the later stage of the sky level, they are also absolutely not willing to go to it, so the risk is too big, now it takes the initiative to leave is the best result.

In this way, Xia Jue's task can be completed. On the other hand, he doesn't have to suffer unnecessary risks.

Zhang Daoqian thought that the python was afraid of them. There were so many people running away, but Xia Jue didn't think so.

His sense also sensed that the animal seemed to be wandering below, waiting for them to relax and give a fierce blow.

"Go and pick those fruits for me"

since this animal has been waiting here for so long, he must be salivating for the fruit on this fruit tree, so Xia Jue now asks people to pick the fruit, and he doesn't believe that this animal can bear it.


Zhang Daoqian and others immediately went to the fruit tree, but when he was about three meters away from the fruit tree, the change happened again.

"Boom boom boom."

A crack suddenly appeared in the ground, and then a huge tail flew out again and hit Zhang Daoqian.


Zhang Daoqian was a master in the middle stage of the heaven stage. He didn't fly out like the master who helped Xia Jue to get the fruit. He didn't lie on the ground and didn't know his life or death. Instead, he stepped back for dozens of steps and then stabilized himself.

"Damn, this beast has been hiding under the ground trying to sneak attack on us."

By now, Zhang Daoqian had understood the purpose of the beast.

"It's underground. We can't deal with it. Let's force it up first."

Ye Fei drinks violently, and then he smashes his hands on the ground.


In the later stage of the heaven stage, the master's blow was very important. He hit a big hole directly on the ground, and the body of the python also showed up.

Seeing such a good opportunity, Chen Shang will not miss it.


Chen Shang's blow, together with the body of the python still crouching in the ground, was lifted up, and the python suddenly came out of the ground again.

"Don't let it get to the ground this time, or it will be hard to deal with."

Two experts in the later stage of the heaven order had a great effort to catch the python from the ground again. Of course, they didn't want to let the python escape to the ground again to play a sneak attack with them.

People naturally know this truth, so they gritted their teeth and tried their best to blow towards the python.

"Pee, pee, pee."

All of a sudden, perhaps forced, the python finally ejected water arrows.

"No, I'm afraid the liquid is poisonous. Run it quickly to resist the internal gas."

This Python suddenly ejected this kind of thing. You don't have to think it's poisonous. How dare people be careless? They all used internal Qi to block the front.

"Prick, prick."

In my mind, the venom from the python has been splashed in the inner gas shield of some of the top experts in the early days.

After being contaminated with the venom, the inner gas shield they used seemed to be corroded, and it was soon penetrated by the venom.

"Ah, ah, ah."

After being pierced by the shield, the venom fell on several experts who no longer had any protection inside. These experts immediately screamed.

"Damn it, you can't even hide in the hard protective cover to resist corrosion."

At this time, people's faces became grim.

Before, they thought that there were so many of them here, and there were two Tianguan in the later stage of Tianji. It was just easy to deal with this beast.

Now it seems that they think too simply.

This animal is not only rough skinned but also thick fleshed. It's hard for them to hurt it. Now the venom from its mouth can even corrode the internal gas. It's too outrageous.

"Hit the snake and hit seven inches. Let's attack him seven inches together."Chen Shang gave a big drink, and then shot again.

"Bang bang."

The sky level masters are powerful, and the python is too big, so the scene is shaking.

Xia Jue, who was watching, frowned when he saw the situation.

If it goes on like this, maybe his fruit will turn into ashes under the attack of these people.

"Get out of the way, all of you. So many people can't deal with this beast. What's the use of you rubbish?"

As a last resort, Xia Jue had no choice but to prepare to solve the problem himself.

Hearing Xia Jue's angry words, people didn't dare to refute them. They all tried their best to escape to one side.

The crowd retreated, leaving only Xia Jue and the python at the scene.

Seeing that Xia Jue was ready to make a move, did the Python's "Yiyi" sound increase a little bit again, and his appearance was more ferocious.

Because it knows that the greatest threat to it in the presence is the human in front of it, and the human in front of it is finally going to attack it. It can't help but be nervous.

"Pee, pee, pee."

Python took the lead to break the deadlock, only to see it a big mouth, a few venom toward the front of Xiajue gushing.

He also saw the previous masters who had been infected with poison, so he didn't plan to connect the animal's poison with internal gas, but directly used the Yufeng to dodge to one side.


The sword appeared in his hand.

This animal has rough skin and thick flesh. Just now, Chen Shang and ye Fei, two masters of the later stage of the heaven level, fought with him for a long time and couldn't hurt him at all, so Xia Jue was ready to show his most ruthless means.

Maybe he felt the threat of the sword in Xiajue's hand. The python wriggled and retreated for several meters, staring at the sword in his hand with a very scared look.

"Well, you are afraid, but it's useless to be afraid!"

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