If he hadn't taken back his sense in time, he would have fallen to the ground like he had suffered from the reverse attack of the storage bag.

If so, you can imagine how the people behind you will treat him.

So he almost had to go through such a big difficulty unconsciously. It was frightening to imagine.


Hearing Xia Jue's words, other people are users, curious is to look at these eight pillars.


All of a sudden, one of the experts in the early days of the heaven stage screamed and fell to the ground, which made the people around startled.

"Don't feel these pillars with sense. They are weird."

Chen Shang was the first to discover this problem. He gave a big drink.

After Chen Shang's loud cheering, others no longer dare to release their senses to explore.

To settle down, they finally knew why Xia Jue had retreated a few steps just like he had been attacked. It turned out that it was for this reason.

"How is he?"

Ye Fei asked Zhang Daoqian, who was checking the fallen master on the ground.

"he... Seems to have died suddenly."

Zhang Daoqian said in a deep voice.

"What, how...

hearing Zhang Daoqian's words, people took a cold breath and couldn't believe it.

A good master of heaven level died suddenly because he used his sense to check these pillars. It's too terrible.

What kind of pillar is this?

At this time, they also had the same question as Xia Jue.

"Hum, I told you these pillars are weird, but you're going to die."

These guys just saw that they were shocked by these pillars and retreated a few steps. They dare to inquire so recklessly. Xia Jue thinks they deserve to die.

Xia Jue was so accused that many experts were wronged.

Just now, Xia Jue just said that the pillar is strange, but he didn't say that it is so dangerous.

Now it's really hard for dumb people to eat Coptis.

"The butterfly began to fly away."

I don't know who yelled, and then everyone's eyes looked at the central area around the pillar.

It didn't look good, but it startled everyone.

I saw before those colorful butterflies have now become a gray state.

And now fly up is no longer like a butterfly, but like a yellow withered leaves.

"How did these butterflies suddenly become like this?"

"It's as if they've been absorbed by something."

"That's right. You can tell by a little sense that these butterflies are dead now. It seems that their life will come to an end before they can use it."

Ye Fei seems to be aware of something, so he will say so.

After listening to Ye Fei's words, Xia Jue also released his sense and made a trial. Sure enough, as he said, the butterflies that were alive before have become lifeless now. He estimated that it won't be long before these butterflies will die and turn into a cup of loess.

So the question is, what are these butterflies like?

He thought that it might have something to do with the center of the altar.

So what's in the middle of the area?

But now those butterflies haven't completely flew into the sky, so the central area is temporarily blocked and people can't see.

"I think there must be something sinister in it."

Kuchun guessed calmly.

In fact, it is needless to say that the people present can guess a little bit.

First, the barren land, then the eight mysterious pillars and the altar, and finally the colorful butterflies turned into a dead silence.

All of these imply that the place is unknown.

A feeling of fear began to spread slowly among the people.

There are not many classes that can make so many Tianjie masters and even some of them feel chilly. This is one.

"Mr. Xia, I don't think we should...

this place is more and more chilling, so Zhang Daoqian also wants to propose to Xia Jue that he should leave as soon as possible.

"Hum, what's the panic? We have so many people here, not to mention it's just a place. What's the panic?"

Xia Jue glanced at Zhang Daoqian discontentedly, but he didn't understand. He was also an expert in the middle of the heaven stage. How could he say that he was so timid.

"All right."Seeing that Xia Jue had no intention of leaving, Zhang Daoqian could only give up.

After a while, the number of butterflies in the center of the altar gradually decreased, and Xia Jue and others could finally see what was ahead.

There is a rectangular box in the front.

I don't know what kind of wood this box is made of. It seems that there are puffs of air around it, which makes people feel very strange.

In view of the lesson of the pillar, no one dares to release the sense to explore this time, so no one knows what is in the box, and no one knows whether there is danger or treasure in it.

"Zhang Daoqian, go and see what's in that box."

The reason why Xia Jue kept these people was to wait for them to come into use at a time like this, and now is the time for them to come into use.

"This... This me?"

Zhang Daoqian pointed to himself uncertainly.

"Is there anyone else here called Zhang Daoqian?"

Xia Jue looked at him and asked.

"That's... OK."

Although Zhang Daoqian knew that there must be a lot of danger inside and didn't want to go in, he had no choice. If he didn't go in, he would have to be killed by Xia Jue on the spot. If he went in, he would have a way to live.

Carefully across the pillar in front of those around the chain, Zhang Daoqian slowly walked in.

This man's eyes are focused on Zhang Daoqian's body, want to see if there will be any accident next.

However, it seems that people are too worried, and nothing happened. Zhang Daoqian arrived safely beside the box.

"Mr. Xia, what can I do now?"

Apprehensive came to the box, Zhang Daoqian dare not make his own opinion, can only turn back to ask Xia Jue.

"See if you can open that box."

Xia Jue replied.

"All right."

Zhang Daoqian began to explore the way to open the box.

After groping for a while, he found that no matter what he did, he couldn't open the box.

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