It's like this box was completely closed when it was made, and it couldn't be opened at all.

"Mr. Xia, this box won't open."

There was no way. Zhang Daoqian turned to Xia Jue for advice.

"Can't open it?" Xia Jue pondered for a while and then said, "use brute force to destroy it."

Xia Jue always feels that there is something in this box. How can he leave here without opening it.

"All right."

After getting the instructions, Zhang Daoqian began to urge the inner gas in his body to explode on the box.

"Boom boom."

Originally, Zhang Daoqian only made a tentative attack, but he could not do any harm to the box at all. In the end, he could only urge the vitality of his body to increase its strength.

But in the end, he did his best to shake the box.

"Why are you still in a daze? Go in and help me."

Seeing that Zhang Daoqian can't make up his mind, Xia Jue turns to Chen Shang and ye Fei.

"I see."

Zhang Daoqian didn't experience any danger after he went in, so their psychological burden was not too big. They just flew into Yukong.

But when they crossed the pillar and the chain retreated, the accident happened again.

"Bang bang."

Two people don't know how to do, directly fell from the air.

"What's the matter?"

It's no accident that they suddenly fell from the air, and they can't do it themselves. The only explanation is that they must have been forced down by some force.

"Damn, a mysterious force seems to drag me down from the air."

By such a fall, even if Chen Shang is a master of the later strength of Tian Jie, it's not easy.

"Yes, there's something strange in it. It seems that there's some kind of power that forbids us to walk in the air here."

Ye Fei also stood up supporting himself.

"You can't go ahead with nothing? Then why did Zhang Daoqian release his inner Qi without any interference? "

Kuchun, standing outside the chain, asked the question in his heart.

Strictly speaking, Yukong is the same as Zhang Daoqian, who is pushing the inner Qi into the box. They are all the same.

But why is Zhang Daoqian safe and sound without any intervention?

It's weird.

"Don't worry about it. Go and help Zhang Daoqian open the box first."

Xia Jue felt that he had better not pay attention to the reason. The most urgent task now is to open the box and see what is inside.

If there is a treasure, they will take it and leave immediately. If there is no treasure, they will have to leave quickly. However, this place gives him a bad feeling. It's better to leave quickly.


They nodded and did not dare to walk in the sky again, so they walked towards Zhang Daoqian on foot.

Soon, they came to Zhang Daoqian's side.


Both of them took a deep breath, and then carried their breath to the box.

"Boom boom."

Originally, people thought that with two experts of the later stage of Tianjie, the box would be opened steadily, but the fact was beyond their expectation.

The three people worked hard together, but they didn't do any real harm to the box.

"What to do?"

Ye Fei, who was panting and tired beside the box, asked.

"What else can we do? As long as he doesn't stop, let's do it all the time, so as not to annoy him."

Chen Shang continued to push the internal Qi to the box.

In the middle of the altar, Xia Jue was not blind. Naturally, he could see clearly.

At the same time, he also knows that Chen Shang and ye Fei are trying their best, but it's still that the box made of unknown material is so hard.

Even the two masters in the later stage of the heaven level were helpless.

In the end, Xia Jue felt that he was the only one to do it. Otherwise, these guys would not be able to break the box even if they were tired to death.


Make up one's mind, Xia Jue directly strides over the iron chain with the column, and walks on the altar.

The three men above the altar were relieved to see that Xia Jue was finally going to fight.

When he came to the three of them, Xia Jue carefully observed the box.

When he looked closer, he found that the attacks of the previous three people, let alone causing damage to the box, could not even leave some traces on the box.

Now the top of the box is as smooth as before, without any damage.

"Back to the side first."


After hearing Xia Jue's words, the three ran to one side as if they were granted amnesty.After the three left, Xia Jue had a sword in his hand.

This is the sword he took out of the storage bag.

The box was so strong that he could only take out the most powerful sword to break it.


Without saying much, Xia Jue began to inject internal Qi into it.


Suddenly, the mysterious object in the sword seems to wake up.

Then the sword in his hand seemed to be out of his control, and he struggled wildly.

"Damn, what's going on?"

In the face of such a strange situation, Xia Jue scolded in his heart, and then tried his best to control the magic sword in his hand.

"Buzz, buzz, pop."

Finally, the sword broke away from Xia Jue's hand and flew out.

Narrator Chen Shang and others see this scene are all silly.

Before, this magic sword made an attack on them for no reason. Now there is such a change and it flies away. What's the matter?


The sword flew out, about 500 meters away from the altar, fell from the air, inserted it on the ground, and then lost its movement.

Looking at the magic sword inserted on the ground in the distance, Xia Jue's face became cloudy and sunny.

From the previous experiments, he knows that there seems to be a mysterious object stored in the inner part of this magic sword, which seems to have some spirit.

This can be seen from the blow that Xia Jue made him angry at Tokugawa Jianyi and others before.

From the performance of the sword now, it seems that it is afraid of the box that it struggles to escape from Xia Jue's hands?

Is there something in this box that really scares this sword?

Anyway, now the box has completely aroused Xia Jue's interest. He wants to see what's in it.


After taking a deep breath, Xia Jue's internal Qi urges a martial art dragon shaking fist.

Now that he can't use the magic sword, this martial art is his most powerful means.

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