
The powerful zhenlongquan smashed on the box. The box didn't seem to be in any condition. On the contrary, the ground carrying the box was sunken.

However, although there is nothing wrong with the box on the surface, if you look closely, there is still a slight change.

Because Xia Jue had seen a small crack in the bearing plate at the bottom of the box.

It was a great joy in his heart to see it.

Now that this box is in such a state, it proves that it is not invincible and has flaws.

Thinking of this, Xia Jue took a deep breath again, and then turned the internal Qi in his body.

Half an hour later.

When he blasted about thirty dragon shaking fists, the box was covered with dense cobweb cracks, which seemed to be about to break.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Daoqian and others on one side also widened their eyes to see what was inside the broken box.


With Xia Jue's another blow, the box was completely broken.

The box broke, and a strong green light suddenly appeared in the eyes of the people, making them unable to see.

About seven or eight minutes later, the green light gradually dissipated.

At this time, people could finally see what was in the box.

Inside the box is a green coffin, from which the dazzling light just came.

Xia Jue approached to see what was in the green coffin, but his face suddenly changed after he approached, as if he saw something incredible.

It's really incredible.

Inside the green coffin lies a body, a female body.

This woman's skin is better than snow, and her eyes are like clear water. When she looks at her eyes, she has a kind of elegant and lofty temperament, which makes her feel embarrassed and dare not blaspheme. However, her arrogance and nimbleness are quite soul stirring, which makes her feel like a peerless beauty.

At this time, she lay quietly in the green coffin, just like a sleeping beauty, which made people feel pity.

"How could this... How could this woman sleep in this green coffin?"

Chen Shang and others also came to the green coffin. When they came to the green coffin and saw the woman, they were also shocked.

"If there is no accident in this place, it's a secret place left by the ancient friars. It's nearly ten thousand years since ancient times. That is to say, this woman may have been lying in the green coffin for ten thousand years. Not surprisingly, she may be a friar in ancient times."

Ye Fei gave his guess.

"What, ancient monk, how can he live so long?"

Zhang Daoqian couldn't believe it.

"How can she still be alive? It is estimated that the ancient friars used some special method to save her body."

Ye Fei said.

It has to be said that ye Fei's statement is still convincing.

Although he was a monk in ancient times, he could not survive ten thousand years later. At most, he took some kind of elixir which was the same as Zhuyan pill, and his body has been preserved to this day.

"It's a pity to die so young and beautiful."

Zhang Daoqian sighed with regret.

"Don't you think it's strange why this woman was placed in the same place as this altar, and why the ancient friars put him in this green coffin?"

Xia Jue thought of this problem.

"Yes, the ancient friars would never place this woman here for no reason. There must be other reasons, but we don't know what the specific reason is after so many years."

Chen Shang said.

"You see, this woman seems to be holding a bead in her hand?"

At this time, Zhang Daoqian seems to have found something.

After hearing Zhang Daoqian's words, the people raised their eyes and looked at her hands.

Sure enough.

The woman in the green coffin curled up with a bead on her left hand.

This is a golden bead.

Seeing this bead, Xia Jue couldn't help spitting out two words.

"Demon Dan!"

That's right. It's in Dan's hand.

But what Xia Jue didn't know was the level of the golden demon Dan, but it would not be easy to be held by the ancient nun.

The left hand holds the demon Dan, then the right hand...

Xia Jue did not hesitate, he immediately came to the other end of the green coffin and watched carefully.

It's like the powder in the middle of Dan's right hand, but there's no energy consumption in her right hand.

After checking the nun's hands, he made a careful examination around the green coffin and found that only the demon Dan in the nun's left hand was the most valuable treasure in the green coffin."Open the coffin first."

It's time to take out the demon pill that the ancient nun held in her left hand.


Several people agreed, and then prepared to push the coffin away.

"What's on this?"

Zhang Daoqian just wanted to push the coffin on his left side away, but when he tried to push it away, he found something on the coffin.

Hearing Zhang Daoqian's words, Xia Jue and others came to his corner.


He was right. There was something on the corner of the coffin.

Xia Jue was no stranger to these things. They were the runes he had seen in the last palace where he was transported back to Dala desert.

Now Xiajue is 100% sure that there is a special connection between this place and gutuo palace.

I just don't know what the relationship between these two places is.

"No matter. Open it first."

Xia Jue said and came to one of the coffin corners.

The coffin is made of no material. It's very heavy. It took them three masters in the later stage of Tianjie and one master in the middle stage of Tianjie a lot of effort to move it slowly.


the coffin moved slowly to the right.

At the same time, the four also felt an inexplicable pressure.

This kind of coercion is no stranger to all four, which is a kind of awe produced by the high realm to the low realm monks.

"I didn't expect that the ancient friar had been dead for such a long time and still had such prestige. I can imagine what kind of strength he had in the river before he died?"

"That's right. Even my uncle is less than one percent of her. The strength of these ancient friars is too terrible."

Chen Shang and ye Fei were a little surprised.

Before long, the whole coffin was pushed open by the four people under the joint force.

"Get out of the way."


The three immediately ran to one side.

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