When the three walked away, Xia Jue's arms shook to the edge of the coffin.


The coffin fell to the ground and made a sound.

The coffin was completely opened, and the powerful pressure was completely released.

Xia Jue and Chen Shang are all right. They have the strength of the later stage of the heaven stage, but Zhang Daoqian is a little tough.

At the moment, his face was red, his teeth were clenched, and he was about to hold on.

"You step aside first."


Zhang Daoqian, who got the order, quickly ran to one side.

After opening the coffin, Xia Jue could see the woman's face more clearly.

He is really a beautiful woman who is shy of flowers, which makes his heart rippling.

"Take out the demon Dan in her hand."

Xia Jue turned to Chen Shang and said.

"All right."

Chen Shanggang gritted his teeth and put his hand to the woman's wrist.


When Chen Shang's hand touched the woman's wrist, he saw a trace of blood left between the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he could not stand such a powerful pressure.


When Chen Shang gritted his teeth and took down the demon pill from the woman's hand, it suddenly changed.

The whole green coffin seems to have lost its blessing of energy and turned into a transparent color. As for the previous green light, it also disappeared.

"Boom boom."

Soon after the green light disappeared, the earth began to shake like an earthquake.

"No, we seem to trigger something."

Chen Shang, holding the demon pill in his hand, looks very uneasy.

This they just took down this woman's demon Dan, but in a twinkling of an eye, such a change happened. If it had nothing to do with them, it was absolutely impossible.

"Give me the demon pill."

First no matter how, first take that demon Dan in the hand, Xia Jue feels safe.

Hearing this, Chen didn't hesitate to throw the demon Dan to Xia Jue.

Can suddenly change regeneration, saw that demon Dan was thrown over, did not come to his direction, but directly set in place.

I don't know why. He doesn't want to think so much. It seems that something bad will happen here. It's the best policy to run first.

After making up his mind, he grabbed the demon Dan floating in the air.

He grabbed it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take it away. It seemed to be inlaid in the air.

"Hoo Hoo."

The pure vitality in the demon pill began to show slowly, and the direction of the vitality flow was actually in the ear and nose of the ancient nun in the green coffin.

"What's the matter? Isn't she dead? How can she absorb the spirit of the demon Dan? "

It's a scene that Chen can't understand.

"No, maybe she's not dead."

Ye Fei made this bold guess.

"What, how could it be..."

even Xia Jue was shocked to hear ye Fei's words.

"In ancient times, the monks had great powers. No one knew what they had. Maybe it was normal for them to keep alive."

The passage is not followed.

This makes Xia Jue's heart toss.

There is some truth in what ye Fei said. These ancient friars may have some incredible ability to survive until now.

In my mind, the vitality of heaven and earth in the golden demon Dan has been absorbed almost by the woman in the green coffin.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

Maybe the vitality of heaven and earth inside was exhausted, and the demon pill turned into a pile of powder and dispersed.

Suddenly, the woman in the green coffin opened her eyes, which made Xia Jue and others who were still looking at him carefully to see what would happen.

"What year is this evening?"

The woman said the first sentence when she woke up.

Her words accompanied by a powerful pressure towards Xia Jue and others, which let them directly kneel down.

In the distance, kuchun and others outside naturally saw such a strange scene.

Their first reaction to such a strange scene was to run.

And they did, but before they had run far away, a powerful pressure came on them and directly crushed them to the ground.


The woman stepped out from the green coffin and looked at Chen Shang in front of her.

"What year is this evening?"

The woman once again highlighted this sentence, which is now as pressing as Mount Tai, making Chen Shang breathless and even kneeling to the ground.

"This is... This is... The 21st century."Chen Shang, who has been pressed out of breath, still bites out his words.

"The 21st century? What time is it? "

There was a thoughtful look in the woman's face.

"Eh, what a young gas refiner."

The woman suddenly saw her right half kneeling Xia Jue, which made her feel a little surprised.

"When is the 21st century?"

The woman asked Xia Jue this time.

"Yes... Yes... About ten thousand years have passed since your time."

Xia Jue thought that if she told her the current year, she would not know.

But if you tell her how many years have passed since her time, she should understand it.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the woman's face obviously changed.

"Are the six schools and nine schools still here?"

The woman's tone was very anxious, as if she wanted to know the information.

"Which six schools and which nine schools did you refer to?"

Xia Jue thought that as an ancient friar, she didn't ask about a sect like tianyangmen, but he didn't know what the six sects and nine sects were.

"Zixianzong, yuewangpai, Huangfeng pai..."

the woman said several schools in one breath, which Xia Jue had never heard of.

"Chen Shang Ye Fei, have you ever heard of these schools?"

Xia Jue has never heard of these sects. He can only ask these two old guys.

"I have never heard of these schools before."

The two answered in unison.

After hearing this, the woman's face suddenly changed and she seemed very sad.

"What kind of world is it out there now?"

Ten thousand years have passed. A woman doesn't know what the world has become. She needs to learn the information quickly so that she can respond.

"Back to my predecessors, now we have entered a modern society, and the vitality of the outside world is gradually withering..."

Xia Jue told the woman all the information from the outside world.

"Has the vitality of heaven and earth come to this point, that is to say, are you the most powerful people in the world now?"

When the woman said this, she didn't look good.

"Yes, sir, that's it."

"You're looking for the outside door now?"

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