"We've been looking for it for hundreds of years, but we still haven't got any results."

Chen Shang replied truthfully.

"Boom boom boom."

When Chen Shang finished his sentence, suddenly the surrounding land began to shake again.

"No, you step aside. He's coming out."

There was a trace of fear in the woman's face, and then she looked solemnly at the ground.

Although I don't know what this woman said is coming out, it's definitely not what they can resist that she wants to be afraid of, so Xia Jue and others immediately ran away.

Soon, Xia Jue ran to the location of the magic sword, pulled it out and accepted it into the storage bag.

After that, Xia Jue ran out for hundreds of meters, and then stopped.

"Zhang Daoqian, who is that woman? How can she wake up from the green coffin?"

Kuchun wanted to ask this question for a long time, but no one answered him. Now when he saw Zhang Daoqian coming to get him, he could not help it.

"In ancient times, it was."

Zhang Daoqian did not say much, but highlighted these four words.

"What, she's an ancient friar."

"How can it be? How did he survive so long?"

"Yes, it's nearly ten thousand years since ancient times. How did she survive?"

Zhang Daoqian's words shocked everyone.

When people asked him like this, where did Zhang Daoqian know how the other party survived, so he couldn't answer this question.

When they spoke, they saw that the altar in the distance had been completely split in two.

And there's a huge crack in the center.

Soon after, a Black Mist rose from the crack.

"Ha ha ha, for many years, I finally came out."

When the black fog came up, there was a roar of laughter.

"What if I come out? I'm still here."

Yukong said coldly to the woman opposite him.

"Hum, Gu Qingying, your father suppressed me for so many years with your congenital holy body, and then refined me with the holy fire. I haven't been able to kill me for so long. What do you think you can do with me now

Black fog did not pay any attention to the woman in front of him.

"I can't help it. I'll know if I try."

"After so many years, I can't wait for you to be my first companion."

"Shameless man, today is the day of your death."

Gu Qingying didn't talk too much nonsense, he started directly.

"Bang bang."

Two people's hands can be said to be a mountain collapse, let the distance is watching Xia Jue and others see is startled.

"What kind of strength are they, and how powerful are they when they fight?"

Zhang Daoqian's two eyes earned the most, and he was obviously surprised by the fight between them.

"It's very important for the ancient friars to start, but I didn't expect that there was another ancient friar left."

Chen Shang always felt that they had done a very bad thing today.

He felt that they should not open the green coffin or wake up the woman. If not, it would not have caused the situation.

"It seems that the altar and the woman were used to suppress the ancient monk in the dark fog, as if we let him out..."

it's just a short distance. With their sense of heaven, they can naturally hear the conversation between the two people in front of them, so ye Fei seems to understand some problems from their words.

At this time, Xia Jue's heart was also very depressed.

It took me a long time to open the box, but I didn't get any good.

Even if we don't get the benefits, we even let out such a seemingly bad guy.

I don't know if the ancient nun Gu Qingying can beat that guy.

If they can't, they're in danger.

That Gu Qingying is kind to them, but it's hard to say that guy is.

Once Gu Qingying is defeated, if that guy wants to take care of them again, they don't even have the power to fight back.

In front of these ancient friars, whether they are other people or Xia Jue, they are no different from mole ants.


As they were tossing and turning in their hearts, Gu Qingying and the mysterious shadow in the distance made another fight, and they all stepped back more than ten steps.

At this time, Gu Qingying's breath is slightly disordered, and her chest keeps undulating. Obviously, it's hard for her to deal with this guy.

"Ha ha ha ha, Gu Qingying, don't struggle. You've suppressed me for tens of thousands of years, which has consumed a lot of your strength. Where can you spare the strength to fight with me?"Seeing Gu Qingying struggling so hard, the black fog gave out a strange laugh.

"What are we going to do now, run away?"

Zhang Daoqian doesn't want to see it here any more. He thinks the best way is to run away while they are fighting.

"Where can we go? If that woman is defeated, that guy wants to deal with us, we can't run away."

Kuchun shook his head.

What he said is really good. Now it's useless for them to escape. Their only chance is to expect that Gu Qingying can defeat that guy.

"Bang bang."

The two men in the field played back and forth for more than ten rounds.

However, Gu Qingying's face was getting paler and paler, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

Seeing this, Xia Jue bit his teeth and ran to the field.

Seeing Xia Jue suddenly running towards the field, Chen Shang and others were shocked.

You know, this is a battle between ancient friars. Isn't Xia Jue, a man in the later stage of heaven, going up there to die?

Everyone didn't understand what Xia Jue meant.

Just when everyone was confused, Xia Jue was about 200 meters in front of Gu Qingying.

Gu Qingying, who is entangled with the other party, also sees Xia Jue coming towards her, but she doesn't understand what the other party means by running rashly.

"Master, this is Huiqi pill. Catch it quickly."

There is no doubt that Xia Jue will not rush up to do the thing of death.

The so-called saving others is saving himself. Although he does not have the strength to compete with the other party, he has the resources.

He saw that Gu Qingying's internal Qi was about to be consumed, so he had to take the risk to send back Qi Dan to the other side, so that the other side could continue to persist and even defeat the other side.

"Huiqi pill?"

Gu Qingying in front of him was shocked when he heard this, but then he became strange again.

She really didn't know how the other party got the Huiqi pill in the world where the vitality was so scarce.

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