If he didn't give back Qi Dan or help Gu Qingying before, it would be that Gu Qingying was defeated. Maybe the old devil would disdain to quarrel with them and let them go.

But now that old devil must hate Xia Jue to the bone. How can they be alone when they hate Wu and Wu?

"Ha ha ha, I said you were not my opponent for a long time. You didn't listen to me. Now you know you are wrong. But don't worry, I will let you enjoy it."

Seeing that Gu Qingying was defeated, black fog gave out a burst of obscene laughter.


GU Qingying, who fell on the ground, bit her silver teeth and tried to stand up again.

But at this time, in the dark fog in the distance, several black rays came out, entangled Gu Qingying's limbs, and made her unable to move.

"Damn it."

The situation is so bad that it can't be worse. Xia Jue can't help but scold.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Black fog sent out wild laughter and went to Gu Qingying, but when he passed, he suddenly thought of Xia Jue before, and then he raised his eyes and looked sideways.


Xia Jue felt a sense of suffocation coming to him when he was staring at him, and then his blood seemed to coagulate.

According to this, Xia Jue felt that he would be killed by the other party soon.

"Boy, where did you get Huiqi Dan and Tailong sword from?"

The black fog asked Xia Jue.

The words dropped again dozens of breath, Xia Jue here still did not have any response.

"Hum, don't think I can't help you without saying it, soul searching!"

Black fog's right hand turns to claw and grabs at Xia Jue.


Xia Jue in the distance was directly shot like a spring.

At this time, the change suddenly.

The dragon sword that fell to the ground suddenly burst out a burst of brilliance.

Then the sword flew up by itself and hung high in the sky.

And the point of his sword was aimed at the black fog.

Seeing this, the man in the dark fog seemed to be afraid. He had to stop the action of sucking Xia Jue in his hand.


Xia Jue fell to the ground, at the same time, his body and mind is also a loose, obviously the other party has released the authority on him.

"Tai Long Sword spirit, after so many years, do you still have such a great spirit?"

The people in the black fog were surprised that the Tai Long Sword could take the initiative to lock him.

"Weng Weng."

A touch of golden light in the Dragon Sword shines on Gu Qingying who is bound below.

Gu Qingying's black lines around him melt like snow in winter.

Not only that, the golden light also shines on Gu Qingying, as if constantly nourishing her.

It's just a moment's effort. Gu Qingying's look is much better under the light of the spring breeze.

"Damn Tai Long Jian, I could hurt your master badly in those days, and today I can turn you into a pile of scrap iron."

The good situation was soon disturbed by the dragon sword, and the figures in the black fog were furious.

"Tai Long Jian!"

Gu Qingying's jade hand stretched out the dragon sword in the sky. She saw that the dragon sword also fell into her hands spiritually.

Without saying much, Gu Qingying fought with the black fog again with his sword.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Xia Jue felt lucky and confused.

Fortunately, the situation is almost irreparable.

I wonder what level of treasure this dragon sword is, and how it can show its terrible power repeatedly.

Gu Qingying's strength seems to have risen a lot because of the brilliance of the Tai long sword before. The Second World War became her absolute advantage, forcing the black fog to scold.


The black fog was once again hit by Gu Qingying's Tai Long Sword, which made the black fog on him burst like a balloon.

As the black fog cleared away, people could finally see the figure inside.

I saw a figure less than 1.5 meters tall and very ugly. It didn't look like a human figure at all.

If we have to describe this figure, we can only use four words.

"Head and horse face."

It's a freak.

"Well, you demon finally showed your ugly body."

Seeing that the devil's real body was forced to appear first, Gu Qingying was very relieved.

"Ah, ah, I will tear you and this broken sword to pieces."

Different from the previous talk and laugh in a relaxed state of speech, at this time the devil is really angry.He hated what others said about his appearance most in his life, which was the reason why he wanted to use secret methods to hide his body shadow.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Very did not wait for him to start, only heard a distance and some similar laughter.

When he turned to look, it turned out that the laughter was sent out by Xia Jue.

"Haha, it's no wonder that you don't dare to hide yourself."

This guy wanted to kill him just now. They are already feuding each other. Now he can't beat each other, but at least he has to take advantage of his words to get rid of his hatred.

Gu Qingying in the distance can't help looking sideways after hearing such arrogant words.

This son is also quite bold. If it wasn't for the fact that zixianzong no longer exists, she would really like to introduce Xia Jue.

The ugly dwarf man, who appeared in the black fog, was already angry.

Gu Qingying can even ridicule him, but now this mole ant is nothing. He dares to ridicule him so brazenly. He swears that he will not let this guy die too easily.

He must break the bones of his body one by one, and then peel off his skin.

"Die for me!"

No longer think too much, dwarf man mouth highlighted a black liquid, then mouth again read a few strange spell.

"You've made an appointment to be careful. He's going to call Kui beast out. I can't worry about you too much at that time."

Gu Qingying said to Xia Jue behind him.

"Kui beast? Don't worry, we can deal with it. "

Xia Jue thinks that Gu Qingying should be talking about ghosts with many tentacles.

Sure enough.

But after seven or eight breaths,

the black liquid vomited by the dwarf man began to expand.

Soon after that, it became the monsters that came out of the cave.

"Do it!"

Xia Jue, Chen Shang and others immediately started to drink.

"Bang bang."

Fighting broke out everywhere in the field.

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