The black liquid vomited by the dwarf man condensed dozens of Kui beasts as Gu Qingying said.

Dozens of Kui beasts may know that they are not Gu Qingying's opponents, so they don't pester her. Instead, they are all attacked by Xia Jue and others.

Seeing that the battlefield over there has begun, Gu Qingying dare not neglect it any more.

She doesn't know how long Xia Jue and others can persist under these Kui beasts, so only by solving the problem as soon as possible can the crisis be completely solved.

After deciding this attention, she immediately killed the dwarf demon with her sword.

"Dragon shock."

Cultivation has been promoted to the strength of the later stage of the heaven level. These monsters are not very difficult for Xia Jue to deal with. He can basically kill one head with one punch.

But as time went on, he found a bad thing in his heart.

That is, although these monsters are easy to be killed by him, they will soon recover and live again after being killed by him, as if they were immortal.

"Damn, these monsters are different from those we killed at the cave entrance before."

Zhang Daoqian couldn't help cursing.

The ones they killed in the cave before are dead, and they can't be killed as they are now.

In fact, it's not only Zhang Daoqian who is in a bad mood, but other people in the field are in the same mood as him.

Even if these monsters are easy to deal with, they will be killed by these monsters sooner or later.

"Don't touch the rest of them, just take the heart!"

Just when people don't know what to do, Gu Qingying in the distance comes with such a sentence.

Hearing this, Xia Jue immediately turned his head toward the heart of a Kui beast.


The heart part of the Kui beast was blasted out of a big hole by Xia Jue's fist, and some viscous substances kept falling on the ground.

After the heart part was smashed, as Gu Qingying said, the monster fell directly on the ground, and did not recover again.

According to Gu Qingying's method, the people at the scene soon took care of those Kui beast dishes.

Seeing that the crisis had been solved, everyone was relieved.


The dwarf man and Gu Qingying fought each other and retreated seven or eight meters.

Then the dwarf man pinches a strange handprint again, and the black liquid protrudes from his mouth.

As soon as Gu Qingying saw that the other side was ready to show her secret skills, she immediately killed the other side with her sword.

In a hurry, the dwarf man can only quickly hit a few fingerprints, and then resist the enemy again under the black liquid below.

The black liquid, which had been fingerprinted by the dwarf man, swelled again and soon became a giant monster as high as 10 meters.

"This... Damn it."

Chen Shang and others see the appearance of the monster size is actually so tall, is also a frown.

"Woo woo."

Without waiting for people to think too much, the monster roared with a huge voice towards them.

"Ah, ah."

A scream came out. It turned out that a heaven level master who was too close to him was caught by the monster's tentacle.

In the scream, the master was soon sucked into a mummy.


Seeing this, people took a cool breath.

A master at the top of the sky stage could not resist even at the beginning, so he was sucked into a human trunk. It was really cool.

"Woo woo."

The monster roared and the tentacles came out again.


Suddenly, the monster's huge body retreated seven or eight meters behind, as if it had been shaken back by something.

Of course, this huge monster could not retreat so far on its own. It was shaken out by Xia Jue's Dragon shaking fist.

At the same time, Xia Jue's brow was wrinkled.

Without the magic sword, this martial art of dragon shaking boxing is his most lethal means.

However, the most lethal skill is just a notch in the heart of the opponent.

If it goes on like this, Xia Jue really doesn't know how many fists to blow to his heart.

What's more, this huge monster will never be at their disposal like a fool.

"Waste the tentacles of its footwall."

Xia Jue opens his mouth and shouts to the crowd behind him.

Since it can't attack and kill this monster effectively, the only way is to discard the monster's chassis and make it unable to act independently. This is the upper side.


All of them are grasshoppers on the same rope now. Only with concerted efforts can they survive. Of course, they will not violate Xia Jue's words."Bang."

Xia Jue's Dragon shaking fist blasted on the tentacles of the monster's chassis, and more than a dozen tentacles were smashed by him.

The monster's huge body was crushed to the other side.

Chen Shang and ye Fei are happy to see the effect, and then they are just as crazy as Xia Jue to use their inner Qi to bombard the bottom of the monster.

With the joint efforts of three experts in the later stage of the heaven level, the tentacle of the left chassis of the monster was smashed, and then its huge body completely lost its balance and fell down.

But at this time, other people who tasted the sweetness also saw that this method had an effect, and they planned to come to the right side one after another to blow off the other layer of tentacles of the monster, so as to avoid future trouble.

"Get out of the way, don't get close."

Looking at the approaching of these people, Xia Jue suddenly remembered the scene in gutuo palace, and then he drank to the crowd in a hurry.

The group on the right heard that Xia Jue was so worried and flustered. They were also stunned. They didn't understand what he meant.

"Ah, ah!"

Two screams woke them up in a daze.

Looking up, I saw that there were two experts at the top of the sky stage who were captured by the two tentacles of the monster.

But between five or six breaths, the two masters who were swept away by tentacles were directly sucked into human trunk.


As soon as they woke up, they ran to the sky crazily.

"These idiots, they really deserve to die."

Unexpectedly, what he didn't want to see happened. Xia Jue was very angry.

Ye Fei and Chen Shang on one side see this scene a little strange.

No matter who died all the way, Xia Jue has never been so furious. Now he's just two early masters of the heaven level. He died when he died. Why should he be so angry?

But did not want to understand Chen Shang and ye Fei suddenly seem to understand the next moment.

I saw before the huge body fell to the left side of the monster slowly stood up.

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