It can be said that there is no way to chase a hundred Li distance, which is an extremely powerful escape secret.

However, this secret skill is powerful, but it also has a lot of sequelae.

Once it is used, it will take a long time to recover.

So generally, people who know this secret skill will not show it easily unless they are in a life and death situation.

Xia Jue, who was fighting with the giant monster in the distance, was also very surprised to see this scene.

"What's the secret? How powerful is it?"

Chen Shang's mouth is wide open.

"This guy's methods are endless."

After this guy got out of the ground, Xia Jue saw that he used a lot of powerful means, and the blood whirlpool in front of him seemed extraordinary, but he didn't know what it was.

"No, be careful, this monster's tentacles are coming again."

Ye Fei gave a big drink to remind him.

After ye Fei's reminding, Xia Jue and Chen don't dare to watch carelessly. They scramble to entangle with the huge monster.

This side knew that the other party wanted to escape, Gu Qingying crazy accelerated her this congenital holy body.

Soon her body became as bright as the bright moon hanging in the sky.

"If you want to run, stay with me."

Gu Qingying grabs the Tai long sword on the ground. Influenced by her, the Tai Long Sword is also injected by the light of her holy body and becomes silver.


Coming to the side of the blood color whirlpool, Gu Qingying raises his sword and cuts it down directly. One corner of the blood color whirlpool is cut to pieces.

"Damn, damn Gu Qingying."

Seeing Gu Qingying cut open a corner of his blood color whirlpool, the dwarf man in the whirlpool yelled again.

Gu Qingying's forcing the holy sacrament is a kind of desperate performance, but he doesn't want to die. There's still a great cause to be accomplished. How can he accompany the other party here.

Think of this dwarf man teeth a bite, and then his two legs are broken into a mass of blood fog, again absorbed by the blood vortex.

Soon, he absorbed the essence and blood from the dwarf man's legs, and the corner of the blood color whirlpool that Gu Qingying had cut off was restored again, and then the whole blood color whirlpool was red.

"Gu Qingying, I'll see you later. The next time I see you again, you will become my slave."

The dwarf man in the whirlpool of blood finally looks at Gu Qingying with venomous eyes, and then his figure begins to blur slowly.

After hearing this, Gu Qingying was not moved. Her fingertips were lightly smeared on the blade of the dragon sword. The Dragon Sword hummed again.


Gu Qingying chopped off the body of the dwarf man who had almost disappeared in the last bloody vortex.


A scream accompanied by the blood vortex completely disappeared, the world left Gu Qingying alone.

"Let the old devil run away."

Gu Qingying looks very ugly.

"Bang bang."

The sound of fighting from Xia Jue and others in the distance disturbed her thoughts again, and then she turned to them in the distance.

Xia Jue and others, who were fighting with the huge monster, suddenly felt an extremely powerful internal Qi wave.

Before they could recover, there was a huge crack on the monster in front of them.


In less than two breaths, the monster's body was divided into two parts and fell to the ground.


Chen Shang and ye Fei have something to say.

They have been fighting with this monster for so long, but now this monster has been destroyed by others without any effort. The gap is too big.

"Thank you for your help."

Looking at Gu Qingying who didn't know when he would come to them, Xia Jue also turned to thank him.

"Don't mention it. I have to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would not be able to do anything to the devil today. By the way, where do you come from, Tai Long Jian and Qi Dan?"

Gu Qingying's words changed.

"Master Hui, I got this sword from gutuo palace. As for the Huiqi pill, I found it in the storage bag I got there."

Xia Jue did not dare to hide, so he replied truthfully.

"Gutuo palace, you went to gutuo palace?"

Gu Qingying was surprised to hear this.

"Yes, I don't know what's special about this gutuo palace?"

Seeing that Gu Qingying was so surprised at the gutuo palace, Xia Jue also asked curiously.

"It's nothing. I just didn't expect that after ten thousand years, you can still go to gutuo palace."They have never heard of all the six sects and nine sects, and Gu Qingying is really surprised that this ancient Tuo palace still exists.

"In fact, the gutuo palace has been around for ten thousand years, but we just found it recently."

"Well." Gu Qingying nodded, and then handed the Tai Long Sword to Xia Jue, "give it back to you."

Gu Qingying's action surprised Xia Jue.

From the conversation between her and the dwarf man before, he has understood that this dragon sword is absolutely a precious treasure for these ancient friars.

Originally, he thought that Gu Qingying would not return the Tai Long Sword to him, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't mean to take it for himself.

Thank you, master

Since the other side returned the sword to him, Xia Jue had no reason to refuse.

This sword is too powerful. If he had this sword in his hand just now, he would not feel so hard to deal with the huge monster.

"Don't thank me. This sword belongs to you now."

"Why did you say that?"

Xia Jue didn't understand each other very well.

"You don't know what Tai Long Jian is, do you?"

"Yes, I thought it was just a powerful sword. I really didn't know its name."

"She is the holy sword of Lu Yun, the No.1 sword saint in Tianzhou. It is said that this sword is forged with nine days meteorite iron, and it is also sealed with a peerless beast soul as the soul. The power I just played is only one tenth of that of this sword."

After listening to Gu Qingying, Xia Jue was shocked.

Let's not say that the origin of this sword seems to be very big. It's shocking that Gu Qingying has not exerted one tenth of the power of this sword.

It's only one tenth of its power that can suppress the dwarf man with many secrets. If it gives full play to its power, can't it kill him instantly?

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