"What the elder said about this sword belongs to me means..."

Xia Jue asked this question after thinking about it for a while.

"Tai Long Sword is a spiritual sword. Not everyone can use it. If you have it and it doesn't resist, then you should be the master."

Speaking of this, Gu Qingying has a trace of memory in her eyes.

"Is there such a thing?"

Think about it.

When he met this Tai Long Sword in gutuo palace before, it really released a period of pressure and made people inaccessible.

At last, Xia Jue came to the side of the Tai Long Sword by dint of the strength of Tian Jie. At last, it suddenly regained its authority.

Now think about it. With the energy of the dragon sword, if it didn't take the initiative to do so, how could Xia Jue's small sky level strength get it.

It's just like Gu Qingying said. This dragon sword really recognizes him as the master.

But what he didn't understand was that he was the master of the Tai Long Sword.

"There is no reason why Tai Long Jian can choose you. You have a big chance."

Xia Jue was able to practice in such a short time when the vitality of heaven and earth was so scarce. In addition, Gu Qingying also came to such a conclusion because he recognized the master of Tai Long Sword.

"Mr. Gu, who was the devil just now?"

Chen Shang and ye Fei actually have a lot of questions to ask, but what they want to ask most now is this.

"His name is Ling sin, and he is an unforgivable evil. Even the lack of vitality in the world had something to do with him."

When Gu Qingying said this, a touch of hatred appeared on his face, obviously he hated the devil very much.


Hearing this, ye Fei and Chen Shang were shocked.

There have been different opinions on why the vitality of heaven and earth is becoming increasingly scarce for so many years.

Some people say that in ancient times, there was a fierce beast. This fierce beast swallowed up the source of the road, which led to the gradual decline of the vitality of heaven and earth.

Some people say that it is because the strength of cultivation required by the monks in ancient times was too great, which destroyed the balance between heaven and earth. This is the punishment coming down from heaven and earth.

There are so many different opinions, but they are always opinions, and no one can confirm their authenticity.

And now from Gu Qingying, the ancient friar, we finally know the truth.

It turned out that all this was caused by the devil.

No wonder the devil will be suppressed in this ten thousand years, who can not be angry with such things.

"That elder, why didn't you just kill this demon then?"

Xia Jue and the three of them heard their conversation just now, but according to the truth, if you can suppress the devil here, you should also be able to kill him. Why can you only suppress him? This is something Xia Jue doesn't understand.

Gu Qingying shook her head, looking a little lonely.

"It's not that we can't kill him, it's just that the devil knows a great magic skill. As long as we kill him, then his spirit will unite again to reshape itself.

So we had to suppress it at that time, but now the vitality of the outside world is so thin that if we kill him at this time, it is estimated that he will be very difficult to reshape himself. It's a pity that he almost didn't do it just now. "

"So it is..."

the three finally understood this matter.


Just at this time, Gu Qingying coughed a few times, and then she fell down behind her.

"How are you, master?"

Xia Jue, who was quick in eyes and quick in hands, helped her.

"Master Gu seems to have fainted?"

Chen Shang looks at Gu Qingying, who falls into Xia Jue's arms with his eyes closed.

"Can't it be the injury that fell when I was fighting with the devil just now?"

Ye Fei guessed.

"It's very possible that the devil has great powers. Just now, it seems that master Gu used some secret method to defeat him. It's very likely that this secret method made him like this."

Chen Shang agrees with Ye Fei.

Looking at Gu Qingying in his arms, Xia Jue is also constantly tossing in his heart.

His sense is very obvious. He can feel that Gu Qingying still has signs of life, but he doesn't know why he has become like this.

"Boom boom boom."

When Xia Jue and others were still thinking, suddenly there was a huge noise around them.

After the loud noise, the sky began to fall out of gravel, not only that, the surrounding land, a huge spider web shaped cracks emerged.

"No, this space seems to break down. We have to get out quickly.""That's right, the space here is deep, even if we are buried here, I'm afraid we will never want to go out again."

Chen Shang and ye Fei said to Xia Jue.

"Let's go."

Xia Jue carries Gu Qingying behind him, and then goes to the exit.

As soon as the other people saw that Xia Jue had run away, they did not dare to neglect him. They all went back to the dense forest in the distance.

As soon as they left the barren land, they saw that the stones in the sky kept falling down, and the land below began to collapse.

Xia Jue, who rose from the sky, soon returned to the dense forest. At the same time, he also saw the scene behind him.

At this time, the huge stone tide behind them was like the sea, and it seemed that they would soon devour these tiny human beings.

"Boom boom."

The top of Xia Jue's head is also falling stones. As a last resort, he can only fly away these falling stones.


Back to the tunnel light curtain in the dense forest, the surface of the light curtain began to blur, as if it was about to collapse.

Sense told him that this layer of light curtain was about to collapse, which made him stop and didn't dare to pass it directly.


At this time, those who fled behind came to the light curtain. The weaker ones didn't feel anything strange about the light curtain. They only knew the danger behind them and wanted to escape.

"Ah, ah."

A master who wanted to escape quickly at the beginning of the sky stage suddenly screamed when he passed through the light curtain.

And Xia Jue and others who stop outside are thrilled.

Because they saw that the sky level master who passed through the light curtain seemed to be squeezed by something when he entered the light meter layer, which led to them pressing directly into a meat cake.

"What's the matter? Why did the light curtain suddenly become like this?"

The people looked at the light curtain in front of them in horror.

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