"It's like the collapse of space. That's what's going on."

The opening passage is not a blade passage.

"Space is collapsing? What should we do then? "

Xia Jue turned his head and looked at him.

"I feel that this layer of light curtain is similar to a portal. We used to transmit from that tunnel, but now the space is collapsing. Even if we can go out, we don't know where to transmit."

Ye Fei said.

"Try it."

Chen shangmeng punched the light curtain.


His fist made the light curtain of the light curtain suddenly loose, and the center of the loose light curtain formed a black hole, but I didn't know where the hole led.

"You go in and try."

Chen Shang turned his head and looked at an expert in the early days of Tianjie.


the heaven level master who was named seemed reluctant.

"Don't ask me about it. If you wait, you'll be dead. Maybe there's a chance to get out of here."

Chen Shang said impatiently.

"All right."

Chen Shang is right. If they stay here and wait until the space collapses, they will die.

If so, it's better to have a fight. At least there may be a glimmer of life in this mysterious black hole.

To understand this, the expert raised his legs and walked towards the black hole in the light curtain.

But just as he was about to step into the black hole, the black hole on the light curtain suddenly disappeared, and instead it appeared back to its previous appearance.


the heaven level master looked back at Chen Shang at a loss.


Chen Shang hit another blow on the light curtain, and a black hole appeared again.

"Come on, there's no time."

Chen Shang gave a big drink.


The master quickly walked into the black hole.

I saw that the master did not appear after he walked in. Instead, he lost his voice and track.

Seeing this, everyone was relieved.

There is no scream and any change, which means that the master is likely to be sent to a space outside.


Seeing that Chen Shang's practice is likely to survive, Xia Jue would not hesitate.

He first punched in the light curtain, then a black hole appeared in the light curtain, and then he went in with Gu Qingying on his back.

Other people saw that Xia Jue had taken the lead, and there was no hesitation. One after another, they punched on the light curtain, and then went out.


after entering the black hole, Xia Jue felt dizzy, and then the strong sunlight came into his eyes.

When he came back, he felt that everything around him became clear.

Blue sky, white clouds, everything.


Suddenly he felt a sense of weightlessness.

Looking up and down, he saw a vast ocean below. In a hurry, he could only use his inner Qi to resist the air.

"At last."

Xia Jue finally felt the breath of the earth.

"Just don't know where it is?"

Even high in the air, Xia Jue could not see the end of the sea.

He didn't know where he was, and he couldn't just wait in the air. Then he went to the East.

After about two hours, Xia Jue finally saw a huge luxury yacht in the distance. However, there seemed to be some conditions on the yacht, but he could not manage so much.

In this vast ocean, it's not a good way to keep flying all the time. Then he hurried to the direction of the luxury yacht.

At this time, the search ship was full of noise.

"Find out the valuable things of those men and throw them all into the sea. As for those female stars, they will stay and enjoy themselves. By the way, one named Li Yanli will not move."

Ordered a man with very ugly teeth in the luxury yacht.

"I see, boss."

A group of people scattered with a bad smile.

In the bottom room of the yacht.

At this time, the door of the big room was tightened. Several men on both sides of the door were holding sticks and looking at the situation outside through the crack of the door.

"Ju Junmin, it's all your fault. Why do you want to take this sparsely populated route? Now when you meet these pirates, what do you say to do?""Yes, these pirates are very cruel. They are all cruel. Maybe we men have to go down to feed the fish, but they are women..."

after hearing this, the women in the big room are scared and pale.

The people here are either the children of rich families or popular stars. Where have they seen such scenes.

"What to do, what to do, I knew I should have brought the bodyguard up."

All the girls were so anxious that they were about to cry.

You know, this is a pirate.

A pronoun for evil.

Once these beautiful girls fall into the hands of these pirates, it's no need to guess what will happen.

"Ju Junmin, you should talk quickly. I'm really going to be killed by you."

A rich young man couldn't help it. He just grabbed the collar of a gorgeous young man.

"Well, now what's the point of saying that? Let's first think about how to deal with the current crisis."

The name of the person who said this was Li Yanli.

She is now a popular star in China.

The plan of their trip is to travel all the way from China to the United States. Originally, she didn't want to attend such a nutritious party.

But unfortunately, she is mixed in the entertainment circle, and these children on this ship are all the children of the respectable big men in the entertainment circle. She can't offend them either. She has to be patient and agree.

But how can we know that such an accident happened before we reached our destination.

"Yanli, what should we do now? If we really want to fall into the hands of those pirates, I might as well die."

Several girls helplessly came to Li Yanli.

"Have you tried to call for help?"

Li Yanli looked around the crowd.

"I've already called, but it seems that something interferes with the signal, so I can't get through at all."

"Yes, it doesn't work."

"Maybe these pirates have instruments that interfere with the signal."

They said helplessly.

Hearing this, Li Yanli's face became more heavy. She turned her head and looked around.

All of a sudden, she saw the microphone of a loudspeaker, and then she went to the microphone.

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