A smell of urine came into everyone's nose.

It turned out that Zhang Cong was so scared that he could not urinate.

"That's a real egghead. Go to hell."

The pirate leader put a knife on Zhang Cong's neck.


A burst of bright red blood shot out.

Zhang Cong's eyes were so big that he seemed to have no idea that he had just died.


There was another scream from the people huddled in the corner.

"What are you doing? Throw this guy into the sea."


Two pirates dragged Zhang Cong's body out.

After making an appetizer, it's time to get to the theme.

The pirate leader walked to Li Yanli and other girls.

Looking at this evil spirit and evil spirit, the murderous devil came over, and the girls were shaking, obviously very scared.

"Are you Li Yanli?"

Walking up to the girl, the pirate leader said.

"What do you want?"

Li Yanli is just a girl in her brother's twenties. How can she not be afraid of such a murderer.

"Very well, you, return you, you, come with me."

In addition to Li Yanli, the pirate leader also reached out and ordered several beautiful girls.


outside the cabin, two pirates who left Zhang Cong's body in the sea just wanted to return to the room at the bottom of the yacht, but suddenly one of them made a voice of surprise.

"Well, is this a bird?"

When his companions heard this, they also looked up into the sky.

"Birds? How can there be such a strange bird? "

The pirate thought that the shape of the so-called bird in the sky was very strange, similar to a person's outline, which made him feel very strange.

But soon, their looks changed from strange to shocked.

"It's not a bird. It's a man. How can anyone fly in the sky? Is it a fairy?"

"Go and tell the boss."

They didn't understand whether the figure in the sky was a person or a ghost, or what their intention was. They thought it was better to report it first.

"Ah, let me go, let me go."

There are many pirates in the room under the yacht pulling the girls.

"Boss, boss, something's wrong."

Two pirates came in in a hurry.

The pirate leader was shocked to hear that his men were so angry.

Is what I said to them true?

Did they really call for help?

"Are the rescuers here?"

The pirate leader asked quickly.

Hearing that the rescue workers arrived at the desperate men and women just now, they were very happy, but the next words of the two pirates made them strange again.

"It's not the boss. Someone's coming from the sky."

Maybe he was frightened by the scene just now, so the pirate didn't consider logic when he spoke.

"What is it?"

The pirate leader looked at the two men for some reason.

"Boss, someone has come from the sky and will be on our boat soon."

Another pirate added.

"Pa pa."

"Awake? You two are out of your mind to talk such nonsense in broad daylight. "

Before the pirate leader answered, the herring next to him slapped them in the face.

"We really don't talk nonsense. If you don't believe in brother herring, you can go out and have a look. There are people flying over in the sky."

Two people very aggrieved cover cheek.

"You haven't woken up yet..."

when herring heard that these two people were not woken up, he was still talking nonsense. He was so angry that he swung his hand to slap them in the face. But at this time, he suddenly saw a man coming in the door.

This person looks young, with a girl on his back, which makes everyone on the scene become curious.

"Oh, how do you waste things? There are still some fish who have missed the net."

Of course, herring didn't think of anything. He thought that Xia Jue and he didn't know where they were hiding before, but they just came out now.

Li Yanli on one side is also very confused in her heart.

Of course, she would not think that the man with a girl on his back came from the sky.

But no matter how they search the memory of the brain, but there is no memory of the man in front of them, which makes them very suspicious.

"Brother herring, that's him. That's him flying from the sky."

Two pirates point at Xia Jue in horror."Get the hell out of here, you two idiots."

Then Xia Jue stepped in front of them and began to measure his feet.

Xia Jue had nothing to attract him. He was just a young man. However, when he saw the woman behind him, his face changed greatly.

He had never seen a girl with such fine features and perfect skin that she couldn't pick out any flaws.

Many of the girls present are now China's most popular stars.

Why do big stars become popular?

One of the big reasons is that they are good-looking.

However, if these beautiful big stars are compared with the sleeping woman behind her back, it is not too much to say that they are a group of vulgar fans.

With this, herring had to envy the young man in front of him.

I'm jealous that he can get such a beautiful woman.

"No, why do you want to be jealous of him? Now these two people are in your own hands, then this peerless beauty doesn't belong to you?"

Herring suddenly thought of this, and then his face showed the color of great joy.

"Boss, you see, the one on this boy's back is the peerless beauty. Compared with these mediocre and vulgar powder, they are nothing."

Herring quickly returned to the pirate leader and said to him.

At the same time, he was bleeding in his heart.

Who doesn't want to be the first one to kiss Fangze? But he's only the second one here. This first chance to kiss Fangze is not his turn.


The pirate leader was also curious to see the black carp look like this.

Before I saw these beautiful stars and young ladies, black carp was not so excited. Now the girl on the young man's back is how extraordinary?

When he came near, the pirate leader's eyes suddenly glowed with salivation.

Now he finally understood why herring was so excited.

In the face of such a peerless beauty, as long as a man can't calm down.

"Enough of that?"

When the pirate leader is still looking at Gu Qingying, Xia Jue looks at him and says.

"Boy, I have to say that you are really lucky."

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